Amenazar (to threaten) conjugation

103 examples

Conjugation of amenazar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I threaten
you threaten
he/she/it threatens
we threaten
you all threaten
they threaten
Present perfect tense
he amenazado
I have threatened
has amenazado
you have threatened
ha amenazado
he/she/it has threatened
hemos amenazado
we have threatened
habéis amenazado
you all have threatened
han amenazado
they have threatened
Past preterite tense
I threatened
you threatened
he/she/it threatened
we threatened
you all threatened
they threatened
Future tense
I will threaten
you will threaten
he/she/it will threaten
we will threaten
you all will threaten
they will threaten
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would threaten
you would threaten
he/she/it would threaten
we would threaten
you all would threaten
they would threaten
Past imperfect tense
I used to threaten
you used to threaten
he/she/it used to threaten
we used to threaten
you all used to threaten
they used to threaten
Past perfect tense
había amenazado
I had threatened
habías amenazado
you had threatened
había amenazado
he/she/it had threatened
habíamos amenazado
we had threatened
habíais amenazado
you all had threatened
habían amenazado
they had threatened
Future perfect tense
habré amenazado
I will have threatened
habrás amenazado
you will have threatened
habrá amenazado
he/she/it will have threatened
habremos amenazado
we will have threatened
habréis amenazado
you all will have threatened
habrán amenazado
they will have threatened
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I threaten
(if/so that) you threaten
(if/so that) he/she/it threaten
(if/so that) we threaten
(if/so that) you all threaten
(if/so that) they threaten
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya amenazado
I have threatened
hayas amenazado
you have threatened
haya amenazado
he/she/it has threatened
hayamos amenazado
we have threatened
hayáis amenazado
you all have threatened
hayan amenazado
they have threatened
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have threatened
(if/so that) you have threatened
(if/so that) he/she/it have threatened
(if/so that) we have threatened
(if/so that) you all have threatened
(if/so that) they have threatened
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have threatened
(if/so that) you have threatened
(if/so that) he/she/it have threatened
(if/so that) we have threatened
(if/so that) you all have threatened
(if/so that) they have threatened
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera amenazado
I had threatened
hubieras amenazado
you had threatened
hubiera amenazado
he/she/it had threatened
hubiéramos amenazado
we had threatened
hubierais amenazado
you all had threatened
hubieran amenazado
they had threatened
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese amenazado
I had threatened
hubieses amenazado
you had threatened
hubiese amenazado
he/she/it had threatened
hubiésemos amenazado
we had threatened
hubieseis amenazado
you all had threatened
hubiesen amenazado
they had threatened
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have threatened
(if/so that) you will have threatened
(if/so that) he/she/it will have threatened
(if/so that) we will have threatened
(if/so that) you all will have threatened
(if/so that) they will have threatened
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere amenazado
I will have threatened
hubieres amenazado
you will have threatened
hubiere amenazado
he/she/it will have threatened
hubiéremos amenazado
we will have threatened
hubiereis amenazado
you all will have threatened
hubieren amenazado
they will have threatened
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's threaten!
Imperative negative mood
no amenaces
do not threaten!
no amenace
let him/her/it threaten!
no amenacemos
let us not threaten!
no amenacéis
do not threaten!
no amenacen
do not threaten!

Examples of amenazar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Es un delito federal amenazar un avión"."It's a federal offense to threaten an aircraft."
"Ya no se les permitirá amenazar las vidas, la paz y la seguridad de los ciudadanos honestos."they will no longer be allowed to threaten the lives, the peace and security of honest citizens.
"a amenazar a sus familias ..." - ¡Cabeza hacia delante, mira al frente!'"to threaten their families... '" - Heads forward, eyes straight ahead!
"que lanzó a todos a la cubierta y parecía amenazar"which threw everyone to the deck and seemed to threaten
- El Señor no necesita amenazar.- The Lord doesn't have to threaten.
"me amenazo.""He threatened me."
- Addison la amenazo?Did Addison threaten you personally?
- Denny, cada año te amenazo.- Denny, every year I threaten.
- Fenomenal, pero estoy teniendo un día complicado, así que digamos que nos saltamos los usuales dos pasos, tu me amenazas, yo te amenazo, bla, bla, bla.Swell, but I'm having a bit of a day, so let's say we skip the usual two-step. You threaten me, I threaten you. Yada yada, yawn.
- Harvey, no te amenazo. - No, claro que no ¿sabes por qué?No, I know you're not threatening me, 'cause you know why?
"Como en amenazas, o súplicas,"As one threatens, or beseeches,
"El beligerante cortador de cabelleras arengó a sus oyentes con un desafiante discurso donde hubo amenazas."The belligerent old scalp-taker" "harangued his listeners with a brazen speech" "in which imminent hostilities were threatened."
"Está acusado de amenazas y malversación de empresas constructoras de hoteles".He is charged with threatening and embezzling from hotel construction companies.
- A Rusty. En los dos últimos meses, ha recibido cartas con amenazas... contra él y sus seres queridos, y yo...In the past two months, he's been getting all these threatening letters from some crazy person who wants to kill him and everybody he loves because of the trial,
- Esto se pone raro, pues tu me amenazas, luego.. yo te estaré amenazando...y...Things will get weird if it seems you're threatening me and I'm threatening you.
"Annie amenaza a Alvy con la langosta"."Annie threatens Alvy with the lobster. "
"Cualquier persona que amenaza su seguridad o libertad... "! El autobús!"Anyone who threatens its safety or freedom... " The bus!
"El derretimiento glacial también amenaza..."The melting ice also threatens...
"El submarino soviético Octubre Rojo bajo el mando de Marko Ramius ha desertado y amenaza con un ataque unilateral de misiles.""Soviet submarineRed October under the command of Marko Ramius "reported as potential renegade and threatens independent missile launch.
"La guerra tribal amenaza por estallar en cualquier minuto."Tribal warfare threatens to break out at any minute.
" Sacamos nuestros pesados revólveres y amenazamos con disparar, pero todo fue en vano. ""put out our heavy revolvers and threatened to shoot, but all in vain."
""Los amenazamos"" con llamar a la policía, porque María me ayudó.WE threatened to call the police cos Maria kinda helped.
- Le amenazamos con decírselo a Flavia.We threaten to tell Flavia.
- nos amenazamos.- threaten each other.
Bueno, esa es la parte fácil Verás, le capturamos, le encerramos en una habitación y le amenazamos con dejar que Teal'c le mateSee, we capture him, lock him in a room and threaten to let Teal'c kill him.
Me amenazáis con esto todos los años.You've been threatening that for years.
Si amenazáis a hombres como mi padre, entonces pensamos muy diferente.If your party threatens men like my father, then we disagree more than I'd realized.
¿Mentís a vuestros invitados y luego los amenazáis con violencia?You lie to your guests and then you threaten them with violence?
¿Por eso aún nos amenazáis si os hacemos algo?Is that why you still threaten us if harm comes to you?
"Las fuertes lluvias amenazan la cosecha de té". Qué lástima.'Heavy rains threaten tea harvest.' Well, that's a blow.
"Las mentiras en el mundo, amenazan mi vida ahora. ""The lies in the world now threaten my life"
"Señor, los norcoreanos amenazan con un ataque nuclear a Japón,"Sir, the North Koreans just threatened to rain nuclear fire on Japan again,
"¡También, para combatir a los bárbaros..." "...que amenazan Yuan..." "...envíen soldados..."Also, to fight off barbarians... who threaten Yuan... dispatch, soldiers... and, maidens... in respects to thy father nation!
# Que amenazan tanto♪ That both threaten
- Creo que amenacé a Adele.- I believe I threatened Adele.
- La amenacé con eso.- I threatened to.
- Le amenacé.I threatened him.
- No te amenacé. - Si, lo hiciste.You threatened me and I gave you what you asked for.
- Nunca la amenacé con un cuchillo.Wasn't it more like that? I never threatened her with a knife.
- Dicen que lo amenazaste.People in that section say you threatened him.
- Entonces encontraste una persona más vulnerable que ti, y lo amenazaste.- So you found the one person more vulnerable than you, and you threatened him.
- La amenazaste.- You threatened her.
- La dijo que tú le amenazaste.- He said you threatened him.
- Lo amenazaste.You threatened him.
"El amenazó con matar al bebé, papá"'His threatened to kill the baby, Dad.
"Ella me inrrumpió con ira y me amenazó.""She stormed with anger and threatened me."
"La persona más influyente de mi vida. " "Esta persona fu la Madre Teresa cuyo ejemplo me ayudó a superar la arrogancia que me amenazó luego de mi puesto 1600 en los exámenes de aptitud a nivel nacional. "The most influential person in my life is Mother Teresa, whose example helped me overcome the arrogance... which threatened after my 1,600 SAT score and National Merit Scholarship.
"Me amenazó."He threatened me.
"Segundo Ronda" - Tsubokura-san ha dicho:... "me amenazó y pateo mi silla, derribándome.""Second Round of the Trial" Tsubokura-san has said that you "threatened me and kicked my chair, knocking me down."
¡Y cómo amenazasteis a un granjero con una pistola enorme!And how you threatened a farmer with a big pistol!
- A ti te amenazaron. ¿Es cierto?- And you've been threatened. Isn't that correct?
- Creo que lo amenazaron.- I think they threatened him.
- Ellos me amenazaron.- They scared me, threatened me.
- Están armados... y amenazaron las vidas de inocentes.Those men are heavily armed, and they've threatened the lives of innocent people.
- Le amenazaron.You threatened him.
Entonces amenazaré a tu familia.Then I will threaten your family.
Es decir que lo amenazaré con dar una conferencia de prensa para expresar mi profunda preocupación respecto a la aparente indiferencia de este hospital hacia la posibilidad de que un asesino ande por sus pasillos.And by "talk," I mean I will threaten to hold a press conference to express my grave concerns regarding this hospital's apparent indifference to the possibility that a murderer may be stalking its halls.
Desde allí usted amenazará el flanco enemigo.From there you will threaten the enemy flank.
En algún momento mañana, este hombre entrará en mi oficina, y me amenazará-Sometime tomorrow, this man will come into my office, and he will threaten me.
La ira entre ellos amenazará su adorada unidad.Anger amongst them will threaten their precious unity!
Nadie te amenazará.No one will threaten you.
Nuestra misión de acabar con la inseguridad amenazará su modo de vida.Our mission to end insecurity will threaten their livelihood.
Nos amenazarán y se quejarán con discursos violentos.They will threaten and bluster-and make angry speeches.
Algún lugar en este planeta, tiene que haber un científico arrogante idiota que esté al borde de la tecnología microverso, lo cuál amenazaría volver a las manivelas flooble de Zeep obsoletas, forzando a Zeep a decir que los microversos son malos,Somewhere on this planet, there's got to be an arrogant scientist prick on the verge of microverse technology, which would threaten to make zeep's flooble cranks obsolete, forcing zeep to say microverses are bad, at which point he'll realize what a hypocrite he's being,
Bueno, está bien, porque "a"... faltar a este encuentro amenazaría... la emplumada democracia en África... y debilitaría nuestra posición en la región.Well, okay, because a) To skip this meeting would threaten a fledgling democracy in africa and would weaken our position in the region.
El desconocido amenazaría nuestro genial esfuerzoThe stranger would threaten our great endeavour.
La capitana Green, por la queja presentada contra ella que amenazaría su retiro y su futuro en la Armada.Commander Green, because of the complaint filed against her which would threaten her pension and her future with the Navy.
Lo único que amenazaría toda su existencia allí.Rollo: The one thing that would threaten His whole existence there.
- Forell, ¿me amenazarías?- Forell, you would threaten me?
¿Me amenazarías a mí, tu única aliada?You would threaten me, your one true ally?
Me amenazarían y cuando me volvieran a ver me harían hacer cosas.They would threaten me, and when they saw me again they would make me do things.
Si cayera en tierra firme produciría un velo de polvo que originaría condiciones como las de un invierno nuclear que amenazarían a la civilización en su conjunto.And a hit on land would produce a dust veil that would produce nuclear-winterlike conditions that would threaten civilization as a whole.
- ! No me amenace!-Don't threaten me!
- "Sólo hace falta que un estado amenace con la sedición para que todo cambie."All it takes is for one state to threaten sedition over abortion and this thing will turn around.
- Así que no me amenace.- So don't threaten me.
- Dije que lo amenace...- I said, you threaten...
- Me sorprende que me amenace.- I am surprised him to threaten me.
"No me amenaces de nuevo, o pagarás por ello.""Don't threaten me again or you will pay for it.
"No me amenaces, hijo, que te puede ir peor"Don't you threaten me, son You got a lot of gall
- A mi no me amenaces, herrero!- Don't threaten me, blacksmith!
- Así que no le amenaces.- So don't threaten him.
- Lo que sea que él dijo... - No me amenaces de nuevo.- Don't you threaten me again.
Así que vamos a ver cómo reacciona cuando la amenacemos con alejarte.So let's see what she does when we threaten to take you away.
La estoy avisando, si no puedo inyectar a mis pacientes mañana, haré una llamada... No nos amenacemos, doctor.I'm warning you, if I don't get to infuse my patients tomorrow, I will give him a call -- let's not threaten each other, Doctor.
Somos civilizados. ¿Es necesario que nos amenacemos?Now look, please! Ben, I think we're two civilized people. Do you think it's necessary to threaten each other?
¿Nos está pidiendo que amenacemos a alguien... antes de que, posiblemente, nos amenace?So, you are asking us to threaten someone in advance of them possibly threatening us?
Por favor, no me amenacéis, he venido aquí para ayudaros.Please don't threaten me, Count, I've come here to help you.
- No amenacen a mi nieto.Don't threaten my grandson!
- No me gusta que me amenacen - ¡sí!-I don't like being threatened.
- No me gusta que me amenacen.- I don't like being threatened.
- No necesito que me amenacen.I don't need to be threatened.
Nuestros problemas no pueden amenazad la historia.We issue can not threaten the story.
Oíd, niñas, dejad de amenazad con mataros la una a la otra.Hey, kids, stop threatening to kill each other.
"Ha amenazado con matar a nuestra hijita, papá".'He's threatened to kill the baby, Dad.
"Ha sido dificil encontrar un taxi... porque los terroristas habían amenazado con explotar... los puentes de salida de Manhattan.""It was real difficult to get a taxi to the airport... "because some terrorists had threatened to blow up... "the bridges leading out of Manhattan."
"Nunca entendí que ..." "... el mundo estaba tan amenazado por nuestro Primer Ministro"'I'd never realized that the world is so threatened by our Prime Minister.'
"Pero me siento especialmente amenazado por las mujeres fuertes que ven lo destrozado que estoy"."But I'm especially threatened by strong women who see how broken I am."
"Por lo que está amenazado...""For you are threatened..."
"Borrador de reclamación de Smith y Devane, amenazando con reabrir Randall contra CM", un caso que gané hace cuatro años."Draft of complaint from Smith and Devane, threatening to reopen Randall v. CM," a case I won 4 years ago.
"Esa maldita Tennison, estará revolviendo tus heridas... ..irritando a tus oficiales y rociando a la gente con vino. Llamando a la gente masones y amenazando con renuncias"."That bloody Jane Tennison, she´ll be storming into your nick, the balls of your best officers trailing from her jaws, spraying people with claret, calling people masons, threatening resignation."
"Esa noche una tormenta asoló el lago, amenazando las vidas de los pescadores."That evening a storm ravaged the lake, threatening the lives of fishermen.
"No estoy amenazando a nadie.""I'm not threatening anyone!"
"No te estamos amenazando." "Con 500.000 será suficiente.""We're not threatening you" "500,000 will take care of it"

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