Det kommer att hetta till. | Things are gonna heat up. |
Efter dom här sista dagarna kommer det att hetta till. | After these last few days, things are gonna heat up. |
Varför ta det isigt... när vi kan få det att hetta till? | I just thought why... Ice things down when we could heat things up? |
"Känner du "maskens" hetta, herr Bagger." | Feel the worm's heat, Mr. Baggins? |
"Varken snö eller regn hetta eller nattens dunkel avhaller dessa postiljoner fran att snabbt avverka sina givna rutter. " | "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds." |
"Vågor av hetta veckar luften." | "Waves of heat rising up, wrinkling the air. |
- Att hon ljög när hon sa åt ambassadören att det var i stundens hetta. | That she was lying when she told the ambassador it was heat of the moment. |
- Att vrida på lite hetta. | Time to turn up the heat. |
- Jag kan känna hur din hand hettar. | Your hand is so hot, I can feel the heat from here. |
Bara en liten påminnelse, medans kampen för bucklan hettar upp så glöm inte vår Tall Oaks-anda om rättvist spel och vänskaplig tävlan. | Hey, gang... just a little reminder that as the battle for the cup heats up, let's try to remember... to keep up that Tall Oaks spirit of fair play and friendly competition. |
Behöver jag nån som skyddar min rygg, när det hettar till? | Do I need someone who, when the heat gets hot, has my back? |
De fyller den med kemiskt avfall, hettar upp det till 3,000° och ut kommer ofarlig konstureringsmassa. | They fill it with chemical waste, heat it to 3,000°, and out comes harmless aggregate. |
De hettar upp Jordens kärna. | They're heating up the Earth's core. |
-Och det hettade till lite. | Things got a little heated. You told her? |
Du sa själv att han flippade ut i Tyskland när det hettade till. | You said yourself that he freaked out in Germany when it heated up. |
För ett par veckor sen hettade det till. | Whatever. A few weeks ago, things heated up. |
Samtalet hettade till. | The conversation got heated. |