Umbla (to walk around) conjugation

37 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: walk, travel, to travel, journey, scour, wander, to circulate, to pace, pace, circulate

Conjugation of umbla

Present tense
I walk around
you walk around
he/she/it walks around
we walk around
you all walk around
they walk around
Present perfect tense
am umblat
I have walked around
ai umblat
you have walked around
a umblat
he/she/it has walked around
am umblat
we have walked around
ați umblat
you all have walked around
au umblat
they have walked around
Past preterite tense
I walked around
you walked around
he/she/it walked around
we walked around
you all walked around
they walked around
Future tense
voi umbla
I will walk around
vei umbla
you will walk around
va umbla
he/she/it will walk around
vom umbla
we will walk around
veți umbla
you all will walk around
vor umbla
they will walk around
Conditional mood
aș umbla
I would walk around
ai umbla
you would walk around
ar umbla
he/she/it would walk around
am umbla
we would walk around
ați umbla
you all would walk around
ar umbla
they would walk around
Subjunctive present tense
să umblu
(so that/if) I walk around
să umbli
(so that/if) you walk around
să umble
(so that/if) he/she/it walk around
să umblăm
(so that/if) we walk around
să umblați
(so that/if) you all walk around
să umble
(so that/if) they walk around
Subjunctive past tense
să fi umblat
(so that/if) I have walked around
să fi umblat
(so that/if) you have walked around
să fi umblat
(so that/if) he/she/it have walked around
să fi umblat
(so that/if) we have walked around
să fi umblat
(so that/if) you all have walked around
să fi umblat
(so that/if) they have walked around
Past impf. tense
I was walking around
you were walking around
he/she/it was walking around
we were walking around
you all were walking around
they were walking around
Imperative mood
walk around!
walk around!
Imperative negative mood
nu umbla
do not walk around!
nu umblați
do not walk around!
Past pluperfect tense
I had walked around
you had walked around
he/she/it had walked around
we had walked around
you all had walked around
they had walked around
Future alternative 1 tense
am să umblu
I am going to walk around
ai să umbli
you are going to walk around
are să umble
he/she/it is going to walk around
avem să umblăm
we are going to walk around
aveți să umblați
you all are going to walk around
au să umble
they are going to walk around
Future alternative 2 tense
o să umblu
I am going to walk around
o să umbli
you are going to walk around
o să umble
he/she/it is going to walk around
o să umblăm
we are going to walk around
o să umblați
you all are going to walk around
o să umble
they are going to walk around
Future perfect tense
voi fi umblat
I will have walked around
vei fi umblat
you will have walked around
va fi umblat
he/she/it will have walked around
vom fi umblat
we will have walked around
veți fi umblat
you all will have walked around
vor fi umblat
they will have walked around
Future in the past tense
aveam să umblu
I was going to walk around
aveai să umbli
you were going to walk around
avea să umble
he/she/it was going to walk around
aveam să umblăm
we were going to walk around
aveați să umblați
you all were going to walk around
aveau să umble
they were going to walk around
Conditional past tense
aș fi umblat
I would have walked around
ai fi umblat
you would have walked around
ar fi umblat
he/she/it would have walked around
am fi umblat
we would have walked around
ați fi umblat
you all would have walked around
ar fi umblat
they would have walked around
Presumptive tense
oi umbla
I might walk around
oi umbla
you might walk around
o umbla
he/she/it might walk around
om umbla
we might walk around
oți umbla
you all might walk around
or umbla
they might walk around
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi umblând
I might be walking around
oi fi umblând
you might be walking around
o fi umblând
he/she/it might be walking around
om fi umblând
we might be walking around
oți fi umblând
you all might be walking around
or fi umblând
they might be walking around
Presumptive past tense
oi fi umblat
I might have walked around
oi fi umblat
you might have walked around
o fi umblat
he/she/it might have walked around
om fi umblat
we might have walked around
oți fi umblat
you all might have walked around
or fi umblat
they might have walked around

Examples of umbla

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
- Da, însă a trebuit s-o facem, altfel n-am mai fi putut umbla cu capul sus.- You promised! - Yeah, but we had to, or we couldn't walk around with our heads up no more.
- Tu vei umbla pe acolo?- You're going to walk around?
-Dar nu umbla cu ei.- But I don't walk around with them.
Acum abia pot umbla.Now I can't hardly even walk around.
Adica, ca femeile umbla cu hoo-hoos-ul lor pe afara.I mean, the women walk around with their hoo-hoos hanging out.
-Da ce umblu, de parcă as spune "Atinge-mă"?-Do I walk around saying, "Touch me"?
A mea era să am una ca să pot ţine draperiile trase toată ziua şi să umblu despuiată în aparatul meu ortopedicMine was to get a place so I could shut the curtains all day and walk around in my Milwaukee brace.
Acum va trebui să umblu toată ziua cu un ghiozdan roz.Now I've got to walk around all Day with a pink backpack.
Ar trebui să umblu doar în această rochie pentru totdeauna, sau o să mă duci la cumpărături?So, am I just supposed to walk around in this one dress forever... or are you gonna take me shopping?
Aş putea şi să-mi dau hainele jos şi să umblu dezbrăcat.I could take off all my clothes and walk around naked.
"Nu înţelegi cu adevărat pe cineva" "până nu priveşti lucrurile din punctul lui de vedere," "până nu intri în pielea lui şi până nu umbli în păpucii lui.""You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view, until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
- Nu o să te pun să umbli ca o ţintă.- I'm not having you walk around like some kind of target.
- Nu poţi să umbli pe lângă piscină îmbrăcat aşa.- You don't walk around the pool like that.
- Si o să umbli pe aici gol?So you're just gonna walk around here naked. I'm good.
-De ce nu umbli dezbracata de tot?-Why don't you walk around naked?
- Ankica? Da, umblă goală prin casă.Yes, she walks around the house naked.
-Unul care umblă toat ziua şi...Some guy. Some inbred sucker walks around all day, just...
Adică noi intrăm la puşcărie, iar Rico umblă liber.We go to jail while Rico walks around free?
Care umblă în jurul valorii de cu acest tip de schimbare, nu-i asa [Chuckles]Who walks around with that kind of change, huh? [ Chuckles ]
Ce fel de tip umblă cu mâncare pentru capre la el?What kind of guy walks around with his own goat food?
Ar fi mai usor să umblăm în pielea goală, să lăsăm părul să ne crească.Be easier to walk around in our bare skins, let our hair grow.
Bine, dacă umblăm în jurul ?Okay if we walk around?
Dacă vrem să trecem neobservaţi, nu umblăm cu freze făcute aiurea şi tunsori care ne fac să arătăm ca nişte infractori.If we wanna stay inconspicuous, We don't walk around with bad dye jobs And haircuts that make us look like criminals.
Deci, cum facem, avem voie să umblăm în chiloţi de două ori pe lună, Joia, sau poate e voie să vezi sutiene dar nu chiloţi?So, what, we can walk around in our underwear on alternate Tuesdays, or you could see bras but not panties?
E periculos si asa că umblăm prin lume de parcă am avea habar ce facem.This is dangerous, Having us walk around like we know what we're doing.
A umblat cu apendicele umflat timp de trei zile, pentru că i-a promis soţiei că o va scoate la dans.He walked around with a burst appendix for three days... because he promised his wife he'd take her to a square dance.
A umblat două săptămâni prin oraş, legată la ochi.She walked around the city for two weeks, blindfolded.
A umblat jumătate de oră până când s-a îndurat să-l lase jos pe puşti.He walked around for half an hour before he could bring himself to put the kid down.
A umblat prin apartament goală tot timpul şi Sloan nu simţea prost.She walked around the condo naked the whole time, made Sloan totally uncomfortable.
Ai umblat prin casa mea în kimono.You walked around my house in a kimono.
Am crezut-o pentru că umblam atât de îndurerat că aş fi făcut orice ca să dispară durerea.I believed her because I was walking around with so much grief that I'd have tried anything to make it go away.
Când s-a terminat, umblam aiurea... simţindu-mă ca o adunătură de cioburi sparte.When it ended, I was walking around... feeling like I was a package of broken glass.
"Sheryl Ann, există un om umblând pe aici, prin împrejurimi, cu numele tău în minte."Sheryl Ann, there's a man walking around out there with your name on his mind.
A petrecut ultimii ani din viaţa sa... umblând pe stradă, la aeroporturi, oriunde se ducea... credea că toată lumea se uită la el.He spent the last year of his life... walking around on the street, in the airports, everywhere he goes... thinking everyone is looking at him.
Am avut acest vis noaptea trecută, şi tu erai gol, umblând pe aici, făcându-ţi lucrurile tale normale de parcă nimic nu era greşit.I had this dream last night, and you were naked, walking around, doing your normal Carter thing like nothing was wrong.
Am găsit-o pe stradă, umblând în transă.I found her in the street, walking around in a trance.
Asta înseamnă că, dacă lansarea merge aşa cum dorim, de Crăciun vom avea 30.000 de oameni psihotici umblând prin zonă?So that means if the launch goes the way we want, by Christmas we'll have 30,000 psychotic people walking around?

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