Recordar (to remember) conjugation

122 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: recall, to remind, remind, recollect

Conjugation of recordar

Present tense
I remember
you remember
he/she remembers
we remember
you all remember
they remember
Present perfect tense
tenho recordado
I have remembered
tens recordado
you have remembered
tem recordado
he/she has remembered
temos recordado
we have remembered
tendes recordado
you all have remembered
têm recordado
they have remembered
Past preterite tense
I remembered
you remembered
he/she remembered
we remembered
you all remembered
they remembered
Future tense
I will remember
you will remember
he/she will remember
we will remember
you all will remember
they will remember
Conditional mood
I would remember
you would remember
he/she would remember
we would remember
you all would remember
they would remember
Past imperfect tense
I used to remember
you used to remember
he/she used to remember
we used to remember
you all used to remember
they used to remember
Past perfect tense
tinha recordado
I had remembered
tinhas recordado
you had remembered
tinha recordado
he/she had remembered
tínhamos recordado
we had remembered
tínheis recordado
you all had remembered
tinham recordado
they had remembered
Future perfect tense
terei recordado
I will have remembered
terás recordado
you will have remembered
terá recordado
he/she will have remembered
teremos recordado
we will have remembered
tereis recordado
you all will have remembered
terão recordado
they will have remembered
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha recordado
I have remembered
tenhas recordado
you have remembered
tenha recordado
he/she has remembered
tenhamos recordado
we have remembered
tenhais recordado
you all have remembered
tenham recordado
they have remembered
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have remembered
(if/so that) you will have remembered
(if/so that) he/she will have remembered
(if/so that) we will have remembered
(if/so that) you all will have remembered
(if/so that) they will have remembered
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver recordado
I will have remembered
tiveres recordado
you will have remembered
tiver recordado
he/she will have remembered
tivermos recordado
we will have remembered
tiverdes recordado
you all will have remembered
tiverem recordado
they will have remembered
Imperative mood
let's remember!
Imperative negative mood
não recordes
do not remember!
não recorde
let him/her/it not remember!
não recordemos
let us not remember!
não recordeis
do not remember!
não recordem
do not remember!

Examples of recordar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
"Eu não tenho de recordar pois nunca esqueço," hã?"I don't have to remember because I never forget," huh? [Trans. Note:
"Tu esqueceste tudo, mas agora tu vais conseguir recordar." "E, tu sabes, esta é a mãe no lugar onde vivíamos com..."You forgot everything but you're going to remember it now and, you know, this was Mom at the place we're living in with...
"Uma noite para recordar"."A night to remember."
"mas é também um dia para recordar o meu filho."but it is also a day to remember my son.
"É recordar um medley..."Is to remember a medley...
"E recordo o que me dissestes sobre o meu futuro com as Irmãs."and I remember what you told me about my future with the sisters.
"Emitida por uma escola em Arizona. Não me recordo do nome."" it was private,instrument,commercial at a school in Arizona I don't remember the name of the school. "
"Eu recordo-me, eu recordo-me...I remember, I remember ...
"Muito... gentil", recordo-me de ouvir a minha mulher dizer isto."Very polite," I remember saying to my wife.
- Adoramos os britânicos, recordas-te?We love the British, remember?
- Bem, foi ideia tua, recordas?- Well, it was your idea, remember.
- Encomendaste um Croque Madame, recordas?- You ordered the Croque Madame, remember?
- Estou curado, recordas-te?- I'm cured, remember?
- Eu sei e um QI de 187. Mas o que recordas do teu pai?Ah,yeah,I know,and an I.Q.Of 187, but what do you remember about your father?
"Ele se recorda desses anos perdidos.He remembers those vanished years.
- Confuso. Pelos vistos, a última coisa que recorda e estar na Rússia.The last thing he remembers is being in Russia.
- Diariamente registra... cinqüenta novos factos na memória, e recorda-se de todos eles!- Every day... he commits to memory 50 new facts and remembers every one.
- Ela recorda-se do Humphrey.- She remembers Humphreys.
- Fomos a todas as casas do quarteirão... mostrámos fotografias de ambas as mulheres... ninguém recorda-se de ter visto alguma delas.We canvassed every house on the block. Showed pictures of both women. No one remembers seeing either of them.
- Não como nos recordamos dele.- Not like we remember it.
- É como.. entrarmos num sonho com que sonhamos... desde que nos recordamos, e descobrirmos que o sonho... é mais real do que a nossa vida.It's like stepping into a dream you've been dreaming for as long as you can remember and finding out that the dream is more real than your life.
- É curioso o que recordamos.- It's funny what you remember. - Oh, yeah.
A sua unidade especial de cobertura usou película a preto e branco de 35 mm, e a maior parte dela tornou-se o registo através do qual recordamos a guerra.His special coverage unit shot 35 mm black-and-white film and much of it became the record by which we remember the war.
Agora recordamos.Now we remember.
"Se" algum de nós for recordado imagino que serei eu.- Either of us are remembered. I would say that ifs- it would probably be me.
- Eu não quero ser recordado.-I don't want to be remembered at all
- Para ser recordado ?Why? So I'll be remembered?
- É assim que queres que ele seja recordado?Is that how you want your brother to be remembered?
- É assim que queres ser recordado?-Is that how you want to be remembered?
Então recordais as passagens relativas à sodomia e ao perjúrio.Then you'll remember the passages concerning buggery and perjury.
Não vos recordais?Don't you remember?
Provavelmente não vos recordais da primeira vez que nos encontrámos.You probably don't remember the first time we met.
Se vos recordais, estáveis entre os que propuseram Catarina como esposa ao rei.If you remember, you were among those who offered Katherine Howard up to the King.
Somos cavaleiros, recordais-vos?We're Knights, remember...
"A Iniciativa BRAIN", um programa que promete conceber uma nova luz sobre a forma como os seres humanos pensam, recordam e criam.Titled, the "BRAIN" Initiative, the program promises to shed new light on how human beings learn, think, remember and create.
*Deixando cicatrizes que recordam o quanto queima*Leaving a scar that remembers How bad it burns
-Vocês recordam a estrofe onde figura o Gral. Ponce?You remember the stanza that includes Gen. Ponce?
A França foi derrotada, como preconizei, se se recordam e os seus invencíveis exércitos esmagados.France has been defeated as I told you she would be, if you remember and her invincible armies completely crushed.
A MINHA SEMANA COM MARILYN Todos se recordam do seu primeiro emprego.Everyone remembers their first job.
- Sim, eu recordei.- Yes ma'am, I remembered.
Ao ver-te, recordei-me do quão importante eras para mim.Seeing you, I've remembered how much you mean to me.
Até que me recordei do motivo que me levou, de início, a abrir a porta a mulheres:Until I remembered why I opened the door to women in the first place:
Cá está o lugar que eu sempre recordei...Here it is, the place I've remembered.
Depois, recordei-me da máquina de lavar revirada.Then I remembered the overturned washing machine.
O que recordaste, no barracão, não aconteceu.What you remembered out in the shed, it didn't happen.
Se tivesses contado a verdade sobre o que recordaste, nós podíamos ter ajudado.If you told us the truth about what you remembered, - we could've helped you.
Tu recordaste-te.You remembered.
- Mas e o nome? - Uma associação com o passado, uma publicidade ou uma personagem num romance, que o subconsciente recordou.- Some past association, an advertisement or a character in a novel, subconsciously remembered.
Acho que recordou parte de um anúncio de televisão.I--I think Gabriel remembered part of a television commercial.
Deve ter mentido sobre o que recordou.She must have lied about what she remembered.
E ele recordou que tinha uma mulher... - antes da boneca.And he remembered that once there had been a woman... before there was a dummy.
Encontrou o Gauge, recordou-se dos bons velhos tempos, pensou fazer-lhe um favor e, espere um minuto, o Pete não disse algo sobre um caso importantíssimo?- So what happened? You ran into Gauge, remembered the good old days, thought you'd do him a solid, and, wait a minute, didn't Pete say something about some big, fat case?
Covardes, meros curadores que de súbito recordaram que tinham dentes e que se tornaram na raça mais guerreira da galáxia.Cowardly, vain curators who suddenly remembered they had teeth and became the most warlike race in the galaxy.
Depois, recordaram todos os tesouros que ele deixara.Then they remembered all the treasures he left behind.
E eles recordaram-se das Suas palavras, tal como vós também deveriam.And they remembered his words, and so should you.
Acredito que a recordarei durante muito tempo.I will remember that for a long, long time.
E então ele disse-me algo que recordarei toda a vida.And then Adam said something to me that I will remember as long as I live.
Obrigado, recordarei isso para a próxima.Debtor, I will remember this for the next one.
Quanto a mim, podem perguntar como é que eu o recordarei.As for me, you may ask how I will remember him.
Não te recordarás de nada de aparecemos esta noite. Ou de nada que aconteceu posteriormente.You will remember nothing of us showing up tonight or anything that happened afterward.
"Caído no campo de batalha, quem me recordará..."Fallen on the battlefield who will remember me
A história recordará.History will remember that, Clyde.
Deixarei uma tal marca que será sentida durante anos, e a História recordará o meu nome.[SIRENS WAILING] I will leave a mark so big that it will be felt for years to come... and history will remember my name.
Depois, recordará as palavras de Wojcik, professor de Filologia polaca.Then you will remember the words of Wojcik, professor of Polish philology.
Em Urok ninguem se recordará do teu nome.In aruk, no one will remember your name.
A morte do Daniel... não será como recordaremos a sua vida.Daniel's death is not how we will remember his life.
Todas nós recordaremos esta noite pelo resto da nossa vida.We will remember this night for the rest of our lives.
Espero que me recordareis como o homem que vos teria estimado, se tivesse tido oportunidade.I hope you will remember me as the man who would have cherished you, if he had had the chance.
Quero dizer que, caso algo nos aconteça, espero que me recordareis não como o homem que mentiu, que vos traiu...I'm saying that should anything happen to either of us, I hope that you will remember me not as the man who lied, who betrayed you.
Brian, acho que descobri algo pelo qual as pessoas me recordarão.Brian, this time, I think I got just the thing people will remember me for.
E aqueles que nos sigam recordarão que é um soldado romano, com uma espada romana e um coração romano. - Ave César.And then those who come after us will remember that there was such a thing as a Roman soldier with a Roman sword and a Roman heart!
Muitos de vocês recordarão a minha neta e do Rei Rupert, a Princesa Mia.Many of you will remember King Rupert's and my granddaughter, Princess Mia.
Ouviste, mundo? Vou fazer algo que as pessoas recordarão.I am gonna do something that people will remember me for.
Se vieres a esta reunião, estarás a dar àquela gente um presente que recordarão até ao fim das suas vidas patéticas.And if you come to this thing, you will be giving those people a gift that they will remember for the rest of their pathetic lives.
E levaram-me a crer que o trabalho que fazíamos, as coisas que construíamos, eram o único contributo para os computadores que a História recordaria.And I was brought up to believe that the work we did, the things we built were the singular contribution to computers that history would remember.
Se eu fosse Murdoch... recordaria como minha esposa se arrependeu... encostando-se com outro homem.If l were Murdoch... l would remember how my wife had hurt me... by sleeping with another man.
se não fosse o Buena vista nin- guém recordaria o Ibrahim Ferrer, o Rubén, o Company segundo... ver o Company com 90 anos, tocando tão bem o seu tres, o Rubén tocando tão bem o seu piano...No one would remember Ibrahim, Ruben, Compay Segundo To see Compay, at the age of 90, playing the tres so well And Ruben playing the piano
- Embora não espero que me recorde.- l wouldn't expect you to remember.
- Espero que se recorde, sir.- I hope you remember, sir.
- Que eu me recorde não.- Not that I remember.
- Talvez ainda se recorde.Maybe you remember?
- Talvez se recorde dela.Maybe you remember her.
"Só espero que sempre que olhares para o nosso filho, te recordes de mim."I just hope that whenever you look at our child, you remember me.
- Não te recordes do Mahabaleshwar?- Don't you remember Mahabaleshwar?
Assegurar-me-ei de que te recordes.I'll make sure you're remembered.
Bom, porque quero que recordes sempre que pessoas como Paul e Viola Gerard não só dizem mentiras, eles são umas mentiras.Good, because I want you to always remember people like Paul and Viola Gerard don't just tell lies, they are lies.
Com ou sem recordes eles lembrar-se-ão de ti.With or without the records they'll remember you.
Antes de lamentar os seus 15 minutos, recordemos que antes de J.P ele era o Joaquin Phoenix, que nem sequer era o seu verdadeiro nome.But before we mourn his 15 minutes, let's remember that prior to J.P., he was Joaquin Phoenix, which wasn't even his real name either.
Enquanto a comemos, recordemos o nosso irmão Nathaniel... que morreu para no-la trazer.As we enjoy it, let us remember our brother Nathaniel who died to bring it to us.
Não havia motivos para lhe bater, recordemos que estava algemado.There was no reason to beat him, remember that he was handcuffed.
Oh, ei pessoal, vamos tirar uma foto para que nos recordemos desta viagem para sempre.Oh, hey, you guys, let's take a picture so we'll always remember this trip.
Quero que nos recordemos do dia do nosso casamento, tal como os meus pais.I want us to remember our wedding day just like my parents did.
Disse-vos estas coisa antes de ocorrerem, para que quando ocorram, vos recordeis que eu falei delasI've said these things to you before they occur, so that when they do occur, you may remember that I spoke of them
Espero que também me recordeis assim.I hope you'll remember me that way, too.
"Oficiais, recordem que ter propriedade é roubar!""Officers, remember property is theft!"
Agora recordem-se, nós, ser humanos, partilhamos 99.5% do nosso ADN com os chimpanzés.Now,remember,we human beings share 99.5% of our DNA with chimps.
Agora recordem... não devem desanimar.And now remember, you must not get discouraged.
Bom, então vamos terminar por hoje, vocês sigam pra... pra praticando as asanas, e recordem que se praticam as asanas, quando tenham minha idade também terão um físico previlegiado.Well, in that case thatll be all for today, you continue prac... prac practicing the asanas, and remember that if you practice the asanas, when you get to be my age you too will have an enviable physique.
Bom, só recordem, rapazes, estamos na América.Well, just remember, boys, this is America.
Apenas recordando oJust remembering you
Era como um filme, como se estivesse contemplando, ou melhor, recordando o futuroIt was... It was like I was watching like I was remembering the future.
Estou recordando.I'm remembering.
Eu estava apenas me recordando.I was just remembering.
Hoje quero percorrer a casa... recordando.Today I'd like to wander through the house... remembering.
Este é o meu corpo que comeis Para me recordardesThis is my body you eat lf you would, remember me
Este é o meu corpo, que comeis. Para me recordardes, quando comeres e beberes.# This is my body you eat # lf you would, remember me
Para me recordardes, quando comeres e beberes.(sing) If you would remember me (sing) (sing) When you eat and drink (sing)
A Agência oferece-Ihes estes binòcuIos comemorativos para os ajudar a ver o lancamento e para recordarem este dia.The Agency would like you to have these commemorative binoculars to help you watch the launch and to remember this day.
A cada um, o Karl deixou algo para se recordarem dele.To each, Karl left something to remember him by.
Acontece muitas vezes. Fomos casados durante tanto tempo que é difícil para as pessoas recordarem-se de mim sem ele.We were married for so long that it's hard for people to remember me without him.
Dá-lhes algo para se recordarem. Ei, vagabundo!- Give 'em somethin' to remember.
Espero que aproveitem o dia para recordarem essa coitada... e não para maluquices.I hope you two boys use this day to remember that poor girl... and not for foolishness.
- Chegou a hora de recordares tudo.- It is time to remember everything.
- Eras muito pequeno para te recordares.You were too young to remember. I hate him.
Então, para seres tu próprio, tens de, constantemente, te recordares de ti.So to be yourself you have to constantly remember yourself.
Leva-o contigo, para poderes sempre olhar para trás e recordares-te de mim.Take it with you so you'll always have a way to look back and remember me.
Mas isto será uma data para te recordares.But this is going to be a date to remember.
Acho que é melhor esperarmos e não a recordarmos até termos a certeza de que não está aqui.I say we hold off and not remember her Till we know for sure she's not still here. What?
Agora juntamo-nos para recordarmos os nossos mortos.Now we gather to remember our dead.
Aliás, vamos tirar uma foto da nossa amizade para recordarmos este momento para sempre.In fact, you know, let's take a photo of our friendship so we can remember this moment forever.
Bem, quanto mais penso nisso, mais considero que estamos melhor se não nos recordarmos de nada.Well, the more I think about it, the more I believe we're better off not remembering any of it.
Esta é a nossa forma de recordarmos.This is our way of remembering.

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