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Benieuwen (to do) conjugation

7 examples

Conjugation of benieuwen

Present tense
he/she/it does
Present perfect tense
heeft benieuwd
he/she/it has done
Past tense
he/she/it did
Future tense
zal benieuwen
he/she/it will do
Conditional mood
zou benieuwen
he/she/it would do
Subjunctive mood
he/she/it do
Past perfect tense
had benieuwd
he/she/it had done
Future perf.
zal benieuwd hebben
he/she/it will have done
Conditional perfect tense
zou benieuwd hebben
he/she/it would have done
Imperative mood

Examples of benieuwen

Example in DutchTranslation in English
Dat doet het zeker, zal mij benieuwen wat hij gaat zeggen op de begrafenis.Certainly does. Wonder what he'll say at my funeral.
Het zal me enorm benieuwen wat dat met uw carriere zou doen, als uw boodschappenjongen op heterdaad betrapt wordt.I mean, I'm wondering what that does to a lawman's career, When his errand boy gets caught Breaking into somebody's private property?
Geen idee wat je zegt, we zijn benieuwd.- I don't know what that means, but we're excited to see what you've done, Billy.
Ik ben benieuwd hoe je eruitziet als ik klaar ben.Gee, I wonder what color you'll be when I'm done.
Ik ben benieuwd of je veranderd bent. - Ik ook.- I have to say I´m curious as to what ten years has done to you.
Ik ben benieuwd wanneer we zullen horen over wat je hebt gedaan.I wonder when we will hear about what you've done.
Ik ben benieuwd wat je ervan gemaakt hebt.I'd love to see what you've done with the place. Mm-hmm.

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