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Nascere (to be born) conjugation

58 examples
This verb can also mean the following: bud, sprout

Conjugation of nascere

Present tense
I am born
you are born
he/she/it is born
we are born
you all are born
they are born
Present perfect tense
sono nato
I have been born
sei nato
you have been born
è nato
he/she/it has been born
siamo nati
we have been born
siete nati
you all have been born
sono nati
they have been born
Past preterite tense
I was born
you were born
he/she/it was born
we were born
you all were born
they were born
Future tense
I will be born
you will be born
he/she/it will be born
we will be born
you all will be born
they will be born
Conditional mood
I would be born
you would be born
he/she/it would be born
we would be born
you all would be born
they would be born
Past impf. tense
I used to be born
you used to be born
he/she/it used to be born
we used to be born
you all used to be born
they used to be born
Past perfect tense
ero nato
I had been born
eri nato
you had been born
era nato
he/she/it had been born
eravamo nati
we had been born
eravate nati
you all had been born
erano nati
they had been born
Future perfect tense
sarò nato
I will have been born
sarai nato
you will have been born
sarà nato
he/she/it will have been born
saremo nati
we will have been born
sarete nati
you all will have been born
saranno nati
they will have been born
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I am born
(if/so that) you are born
(if/so that) he/she/it be born
(if/so that) we are born
(if/so that) you all are born
(if/so that) they are born
Present perf. subjunctive tense
sia nato
I have been born
sia nato
you have been born
sia nato
he/she/it has been born
siamo nati
we have been born
siate nati
you all have been born
siano nati
they have been born
Imperative mood
are born!
be born!
let's be born!
are born!
are born!
Conditional perfect tense
sarei nato
I would have been born
saresti nato
you would have been born
sarebbe nato
he/she/it would have been born
saremmo nati
we would have been born
sareste nati
you all would have been born
sarebbero nati
they would have been born

Examples of nascere

Example in ItalianTranslation in English
"Chi fu il primo presidente degli Stati Uniti - a nascere in un ospedale?"- Who's the first United States President to be born in a hospital?
"Come può nascere un uomo quando è vecchio?""'How can a man be born when he is old?
"Come può rientrare nel seno di sua madre e nascere?""Can he enter his mother's womb and be born?
"Fatemi spazio, sto per nascere!""Make room for me, I'm about to be born".
"Mi era stato detto che era davvero una notte speciale per nascere."I've been told it was an especially good night to be born.
"Ho detto: 'Vieni, nasci in questo mondo."I said, "Come, be born into this world."
Beh, papà, per fortuna non puoi insegnare a essere pazzo, ci nasci e basta.Well, dad, luckily you can't teach that kind of crazy. You just gotta be born with it.
"C'è ancora speranza, ogni bambino che nasce... potrebbe essere quello che comprenderà tutto. ""There's still hope, any child that is born... could be the one that understands everything."
"L'amicizia nasce nel momento in cui una persona dice ad un'altra:"friendship is born at that moment "when one person says to another,
"Ogni esistente nasce senza ragione... si protrae per debolezza e muore per combinazione.""Every existing thing is born without reason, prolongs itself out of weakness, and dies by chance."
"Ogni volta che nasce un bambino, è da qui che viene la sua anima."Every time an infant is born, this is where its soul comes from.
"Vi rimane per il tempo prescritto e quindi nasce a questo mondo""Remains there for a prescribed time and then is born into this world"
Perchè non nasciamo direttamente adulti?Why can't we just be born adults?
"Caro Jaron, "Tu sei mio figlio e ti amo piu' di qualsiasi cosa, "ma sei nato in un mondo crudele"Dear Jaron, you are my son and I love you more than anything... but you've been born in a hard place.
"Ecco, ti è nato un figlio, un uomo di pace"."Behold, a son has been born unto thee, a man of peace."
"La luce brillerà per noi, perché oggi è nato il Salvatore."A light shall shine upon this day, for the Lord has been born unto us.
"Silvio carissimo, è nato il nostro bambino."Dear Silvio, our child has been born.
"se fossi nato quando le cose erano un po'... piu' tranquille la' fuori, sarei mai diventato un tossicodipendente?"I'm given to wonder if I'd just been born when it was a little... quieter out there, would I have even become an addict in the first place?
Non nascete! Non nascete!Don't be born, man, don't be born!
Ascoltami, non tutti nascono belli come te, ma per tua informazione, quella che sei davvero, e quella che fingi di essere, sono due persone diverse.Look. Not everybody can be born pretty like you. But just so you know, who you are inside and who you pretend to be to the rest of the world--
Come nascono i conigli?Say, how do rabbits get to be born?
"Per iniziare la mia vita proprio dal principio, ricordero' che nacqui un venerdi', a mezzanotte..."these pages must show. "To begin my life with the beginning of my life, I record that I was born on a Friday, at 12:00 at night..."
"Perisca il giorno in cui nacqui !""The day I was born, perish and disappear! "
"Perisca il giorno in cui nacqui!"Let the day perish wherein I was born!
- "Io nacqui per fare cio'".I was born to do this."
- Io nacqui povero in un Villa in Vada, nel centro dell'Italia.Well, I was born poor in a village in the centre of Italy.
Polonski ebbe un figlio lo stesso giorno in cui nascesti tu, nella stessa clinica.Polonski's child was born in the clinic on the same day.
"Colei che nacque in previsione di una circostanza come questa."She who was born for a time such as this.
"Doveva soffocare la bambina appena nacque, ma qualcosa la fece guardare a fondo."She had meant to smother the baby "as soon as it was born. "But something made her look at it.
"Gesu' nacque a Betlemme di Giudea, al tempo del re Erode.""Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the King."
"Il bimbo nacque al primo cadere delle foglie in autunno.'The baby was born as the first leaves of autumn fell.
"Lincoln nacque povero in una capanna di tronchi, ma contro ogni pronostico è diventato Presidente degli Stati Uniti!""Lincoln was born poor in a log cabin but he beat the odds and became president of the United States!"
Gli dei l'hanno deciso molto tempo fa, prima che voi nasceste, prima che vostro nonno nascesse.The gods decided that long ago, long before you were born, long before your grandfather was born.
E per ogni generazione... nacquero una creatura della Luce... e una delle Tenebre.And to each generation was born a creature of light and a creature of darkness;
Presto nacquero le città frontiera, prowiste a sud di tutto ciò che mancava al vicino nord.Soon, the border town was born, providing everything to the south that their neighbour to the north would not.
"E un pargolo nascerà!""And a child will be born!"
- L'importante è che qui nascerà... la prima famiglia della nave.- The important thing is that this will be born... the first family of the ship.
-Che bisognerà portarla in clinica, perché nascerà un mostro.What did he say? ! That it will be necessary to bring her to the clinic because a monster will be born.
A causa della sua costante esposizione alle radiazioni, non ha idea se il suo bambino nascerà vivo oppure no.Because of her constant exposure to radiation, she has no idea whether or not her baby will be born alive.
A fine anno nascerà nostro figlio, capisce ? Nascerà nostro figlio.Our child will be born by the end of the year, understand?
Fatti... entro il 2045, oltre il 90% di bambini americani nasceranno in prigione.Fact... by the year 2045, over 90% of American babies will be born in prison.
I vostri bambini nasceranno in un mondo con due Soli.Your children will be born in a world of two suns.
Molti di noi nasceranno, vivranno e moriranno senza nemmeno saperlo.Most of us will be born, live, die without ever knowing.
Oggi nasceranno 490.000 bambini.490,000 babies will be born today.
Ti picchierô così forte, che i tuoi figli nasceranno pieni di lividi.I'm gonna hit you so hard you're children will be born bruised.
- E... vorrei che questo bambino nasca in un mondo dove... dove... tra noi e' tutto a posto.And, you know, I want this baby to be born into a world where we're okay.
- La cosa migliore è che il bambino non nasca.- "This baby should not be born."
- Ma Tom vuole che nasca a Dublino.Tom wants it to be born in Dublin.
- Non permetterà che il bambino nasca.- He will not allow the child to be born.
Angela, io ho sempre paura che nasca con qualche difetto.Angela.., I always fear that he'll be born with some defect.
"Non ti stupire di ciò che dico. Bisogna che nasciate di nuovo."'Marvel not that I said ye must be born again.
Ad aspettare che spuntino le tue prime cellule cancerogene o i bambini nascano ciechi e bluastri perche' voglio dire, hai fatto un viaggio di troppo o con occhi di serpente, sottoposti ad un gioco genetico di merda.Waiting for your first cancer cells to show or kids to be born blind and blue Because I mean, you have had one trip to many or caught snake-eyes in a genetic crap game.
200 vite separate, morendo nascendo di nuovo etc etc?And being born again and yada yada?
Avete appena visto una stella sta nascendo.You have just seen a star being born.
E quello che noi chiamiamo l'ultimo, che questo che qualche cosa altro è, al bene per sentire, che un aumento, e come l'ultimo accesso del dolore che noi portiamo al mondo mentre nascendo?and what we call the last, is it anything, properly understood, but a redoubling, and the final attack, as it were, of the evil... that we bring into the world in being born?
E' morta mentre io stavo nascendo.She died while I was being born.
Gia'. Lei... deve bere tanto perche' e' infelice. Perche' le ho rovinato la vita nascendo.Yeah, she has to drink too much, because she's unhappy, because I ruined her life by being born.
se una cosa che viene al mondo non ci rende la vita piu gradita tantovaleva che non nascesse affatto!If something comes into the world and doesn't make our lives more pleasant it might as well not have been born at all!

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