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Deprimersi (to get depressed) conjugation

23 examples

Conjugation of deprimersi

Present tense
mi deprimo
I get depressed
ti deprimi
you get depressed
si deprime
he/she/it gets depressed
ci deprimiamo
we get depressed
vi deprimete
you all get depressed
si deprimono
they get depressed
Present perfect tense
mi sono depresso
I have got depressed
ti sei depresso
you have got depressed
si è depresso
he/she/it has got depressed
ci siamo depressi
we have got depressed
vi siete depressi
you all have got depressed
si sono depressi
they have got depressed
Past preterite tense
mi depressi
I got depressed
ti deprimesti
you got depressed
si depresse
he/she/it got depressed
ci deprimemmo
we got depressed
vi deprimeste
you all got depressed
si depressero
they got depressed
Future tense
mi deprimerò
I will get depressed
ti deprimerai
you will get depressed
si deprimerà
he/she/it will get depressed
ci deprimeremo
we will get depressed
vi deprimerete
you all will get depressed
si deprimeranno
they will get depressed
Conditional mood
mi deprimerei
I would get depressed
ti deprimeresti
you would get depressed
si deprimerebbe
he/she/it would get depressed
ci deprimeremmo
we would get depressed
vi deprimereste
you all would get depressed
si deprimerebbero
they would get depressed
Past impf. tense
mi deprimevo
I used to get depressed
ti deprimevi
you used to get depressed
si deprimeva
he/she/it used to get depressed
ci deprimevamo
we used to get depressed
vi deprimevate
you all used to get depressed
si deprimevano
they used to get depressed
Past perfect tense
mi ero depresso
I had got depressed
ti eri depresso
you had got depressed
si era depresso
he/she/it had got depressed
ci eravamo depressi
we had got depressed
vi eravate depressi
you all had got depressed
si erano depressi
they had got depressed
Future perfect tense
mi sarò depresso
I will have got depressed
ti sarai depresso
you will have got depressed
si sarà depresso
he/she/it will have got depressed
ci saremo depressi
we will have got depressed
vi sarete depressi
you all will have got depressed
si saranno depressi
they will have got depressed
Present subjunctive tense
mi deprima
(if/so that) I get depressed
ti deprima
(if/so that) you get depressed
si deprima
(if/so that) he/she/it get depressed
ci deprimiamo
(if/so that) we get depressed
vi deprimiate
(if/so that) you all get depressed
si deprimano
(if/so that) they get depressed
Present perf. subjunctive tense
mi sia depresso
I have got depressed
ti sia depresso
you have got depressed
si sia depresso
he/she/it has got depressed
ci siamo depressi
we have got depressed
vi siate depressi
you all have got depressed
si siano depressi
they have got depressed
Imperative mood
get depressed!
si deprima
get depressed!
let's get depressed!
get depressed!
si deprimano
get depressed!
Conditional perfect tense
mi sarei depresso
I would have got depressed
ti saresti depresso
you would have got depressed
si sarebbe depresso
he/she/it would have got depressed
ci saremmo depressi
we would have got depressed
vi sareste depressi
you all would have got depressed
si sarebbero depressi
they would have got depressed

Examples of deprimersi

Example in ItalianTranslation in English
In Alaska, d'inverno mettono berretti luminosi per non deprimersi.In Alaska, they wear little light hats so they don't get depressed.
Non c'è nulla per cui deprimersi -It's nothing to get depressed -
Qui uno impara solo a deprimersi e a sentirsi uno sconfitto.A comrade can only get depressed and feel defeated in here.
- Ogni volta che piscia sul test... vengono fuori brutte notizie, e io mi deprimo pensando a mio marito che si scopa mia madre perche' noi egoisticamente vogliamo un bambino con un po' del nostro DNA.Every time she pees on a stick, it's bad news. And then I get depressed thinking about my husband banging my mom 'cause we selfishly want to have a baby with some of our DNA.
- Pensa positivo. L'ho fatto per gli ultimi due mesi, ed ogni volta che piscia sul test vengono fuori brutte notizie, e io mi deprimo pensando a mio marito che si scopa mia madre perche' noi egoisticamente vogliamo un bambino con un po' del nostro DNA,- I've done that for the past two months, and every time she pees on the stick, it's bad news, and then I get depressed thinking about my husband banging my mom, 'cause we selfishly want to have a baby with some of our DNA--
Eppure, se vedo troppe bellezze in un posto... o in un giorno, mi deprimo.Still, I must say, if I see too many beauties in one place or in one day, I get depressed.
Io quando mi deprimo ho trovato un modo.When I get depressed, I found something...
Mi sento sempre come se fossi in un parco a tema, e mi deprimo di non essere in una vera citta', come New York.I always feel like I'm in a theme park, and I get depressed I'm not in a real city like New York.
E proprio quando pensi di sapere tutto... ti accorgi che ti stai solo illudendo. E allora ti deprimi.But just when you think you know it all, you realize that you're just fooling yourself... and then you get depressed.
Quando ti deprimi cosi' devi chiederti, "Cosa farebbe Tucker?"When you get depressed like this you need to ask yourself, "What would Tucker do?"
Ogni anno in questo giorno si deprime, e io cerco di tirarlo un po' su.Every year on this day he gets depressed, so I try to cheer him up.
Risultato: si deprime. Quindi, non fa niente.- So he gets depressed and does nothing.
Sara' depressa, e quando si deprime mangia gelato e guarda Notting Hill.She'll be bumming. And when she gets depressed, she eats ice cream and she-she watches Notting Hill.
Altrimenti ci deprimiamo tutte e due.Otherwise, we'll both get depressed.
- Un agente di cambio depresso.Probably some stockbroker got depressed.
Comunque, lui divento' depresso perche' pensava di non avere chance con lei, che non si sarebbe mai messa con uno giovane e ingenuo come lui. Ma si sbagliava.Anyway, he got depressed because he thought he didn't stand a chance, that she would never go for someone as simple and young as him.
Di' che ero depresso e mi sono suicidato.Say I got depressed and committed suicide.
I secchi erano crivellati da morsi, risalenti alla scorsa primavera, quando il nostro cane Tapioca era depresso e aveva cominciato a mangiare metallo.The buckets were riddled with bite marks dating back to last spring when our dog Tapioca got depressed and started eating metal.
Ma una volta cominciato il nuovo anno e' diventato debole e depresso.But when the new year started, he got weak and he got depressed.
Ma si deprimono.They get depressed.
Mio padre ha visto un servizio in tv in cui si diceva che i pesci si deprimono se li metti negli acquari squadrati.My dad saw this report... that said fish get depressed... if you put them in square tanks.
- Si', prima che mi deprima.- Yeah, before I get depressed, man.
Uhm, penso che si deprimano.Uh, I think they get depressed.

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