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Merambat (to do) conjugation

5 examples
Present tense
Past tense
sudah merambat
Present perfect tense
sudah merambat
Future perfect tense
akan sudah merambat
Future recent tense
merambat nanti
Future distant tense
merambat kelak
Present continuous tense
sedang merambat
Past distant tense
dulu merambat
Past recent tense
merambat tadi
Past very recent tense
baru saja merambat

Examples of merambat

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Ada konspirasi global dengan para pemain kunci pada level penguasa tertinggi, dan merambat kepada kehidupan setiap pria, wanita dan anak-anak di planet ini.It's a gIobaI conspiracy with key players in the highest IeveIs of power. And it reaches down into the lives of every man, woman and child on this planet.
Tapi tanaman merambat kuat bertahan.. ..karena mereka tampaknya berkembang dari kesulitan ini.But the vines that do survive are stronger because they seem to thrive on this adversity.
Orang bodoh di tanaman merambat itu, mereka bunuh diri, saling berpegangan tangan.. ..bergaya kumbaya.Those douchebags in the vines took themselves out, holding hands-- kumbaya style.
Kami tidak melihat adanya peremukan tanah seperti yang kami duga atau pun setiap bukti dari retakan yang merambat bersama pelat tektonik.We're not seeing the soil liquefaction we'd expect or any evidence of fracture propagation within the tectonic plates. - English, doctor.
Kita akan memadamkannya sebelum merambat.We gotta cool this down before it spreads.

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