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Karam (to wreck) conjugation

5 examples
Present tense
Past tense
sudah karam
Present perfect tense
sudah karam
Future perfect tense
akan sudah karam
Future recent tense
karam nanti
Future distant tense
karam kelak
Present continuous tense
sedang karam
Past distant tense
dulu karam
Past recent tense
karam tadi
Past very recent tense
baru saja karam

Examples of karam

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Kapal medis Amerika Serikat Solace memancarkan dengan jelas tanpa enkripsi atau kode rahasia seperti yang dibutuhkan di artikel 34 dari Konvensi Genewa Kedua unuk solusi dari mereka yang terluka, sakit, dan kru kapal karam dari pasukan besenjata lau.Woman: The United States hospital ship Solace transmitting in the clear without encryption or secret codes as required by article 34 of the second Geneva convention for the amelioration of the condition of the wounded, sick, and shipwrecked members of the armed forces at sea.
Apa karena selingkuh, Kapal karam, tenggelam tak jadi tenggelam, kau kembali, dia juga kembali ?Is it because of the whole cheating, shipwreck, drowning, not drowning, you're back, she's back thing?
Ketika Finn dan aku telah siap ntuk berangkat, kami menemukan artikel ini tentang pelaut Spanyol yang diselamatkan dari pulau pasir setelah karam selama tiga tahun.About the time Finn and I were ready to leave, we found this article about a Spanish sailor who was rescued off a deserted island after being shipwrecked for three years.
Di sebuah kapal karam di sebelah barat.The wrecks at sundown.
Pada malam perjanjian di lokasi kapal karam tersebut,The night the exchange was meant to take place at the wrecks,

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