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Surplomber (to overhang) conjugation

2 examples

Conjugation of surplomber

Present tense
je surplombe
I overhang
tu surplombes
you overhang
il/elle/on surplombe
he/she/it overhangs
nous surplombons
we overhang
vous surplombez
you all overhang
ils/elles surplombent
they overhang
Present perfect tense
j’ai surplombé
I overhung
tu as surplombé
you overhung
il/elle/on a surplombé
he/she/it overhung
nous avons surplombé
we overhung
vous avez surplombé
you all overhung
ils/elles ont surplombé
they overhung
Past impf. tense
je surplombais
I was overhanging
tu surplombais
you were overhanging
il/elle/on surplombait
he/she/it was overhanging
nous surplombions
we were overhanging
vous surplombiez
you all were overhanging
ils/elles surplombaient
they were overhanging
Future tense
je surplomberai
I will overhang
tu surplomberas
you will overhang
il/elle/on surplombera
he/she/it will overhang
nous surplomberons
we will overhang
vous surplomberez
you all will overhang
ils/elles surplomberont
they will overhang
Past perfect tense
j’avais surplombé
I had overhung
tu avais surplombé
you had overhung
il/elle/on avait surplombé
he/she/it had overhung
nous avions surplombé
we had overhung
vous aviez surplombé
you all had overhung
ils/elles avaient surplombé
they had overhung
Past preterite tense
je surplombai
I overhung
tu surplombas
you overhung
il/elle/on surplomba
he/she/it overhung
nous surplombâmes
we overhung
vous surplombâtes
you all overhung
ils/elles surplombèrent
they overhung
Past anterior tense
j’eus surplombé
I had overhung
tu eus surplombé
you had overhung
il/elle/on eut surplombé
he/she/it had overhung
nous eûmes surplombé
we had overhung
vous eûtes surplombé
you all had overhung
ils/elles eurent surplombé
they had overhung
Future perfect tense
j’aurai surplombé
I will have overhung
tu auras surplombé
you will have overhung
il/elle/on aura surplombé
he/she/it will have overhung
nous aurons surplombé
we will have overhung
vous aurez surplombé
you all will have overhung
ils/elles auront surplombé
they will have overhung
Present subjunctive tense
que je surplombe
that I overhang
que tu surplombes
that you overhang
qu’il/elle/on surplombe
that he/she/it overhang
que nous surplombions
that we overhang
que vous surplombiez
that you all overhang
qu’ils/elles surplombent
that they overhang
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie surplombé
that I have overhung
que tu aies surplombé
that you have overhung
qu’il/elle/on ait surplombé
that he/she/it have overhung
que nous ayons surplombé
that we have overhung
que vous ayez surplombé
that you all have overhung
qu’ils/elles aient surplombé
that they have overhung
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je surplombasse
that I would overhang
que tu surplombasses
that you would overhang
qu’il/elle/on surplombât
that he/she/it would overhang
que nous surplombassions
that we would overhang
que vous surplombassiez
that you all would overhang
qu’ils/elles surplombassent
that they would overhang
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse surplombé
that I had overhung
que tu eusses surplombé
that you had overhung
qu’il/elle/on eût surplombé
that he/she/it had overhung
que nous eussions surplombé
that we had overhung
que vous eussiez surplombé
that you all had overhung
qu’ils/elles eussent surplombé
that they had overhung
Conditional mood
je surplomberais
I would overhang
tu surplomberais
you would overhang
il/elle/on surplomberait
he/she/it would overhang
nous surplomberions
we would overhang
vous surplomberiez
you all would overhang
ils/elles surplomberaient
they would overhang
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais surplombé
I would have overhung
tu aurais surplombé
you would have overhung
il/elle/on aurait surplombé
he/she/it would have overhung
nous aurions surplombé
we would have overhung
vous auriez surplombé
you all would have overhung
ils/elles auraient surplombé
they would have overhung
Imperative mood
let's overhang!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie surplombé
have overhung
ayons surplombé
let's have overhung
ayez surplombé
have overhung

Examples of surplomber

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Les figuiers, surplombant le bord de l'eau, nourrissent les marées de poissons affamés.Ripening fig trees overhanging the water's edge provide welcome food for shoals of hungry fish.
Vertical, avec des corniches surplombant la face ouest. Et à l'est, des cannelures raides plongeant à 900 mètres.Vertical on the west side, with the cornices overhanging the west side, and on the east side steep fleetings running down 100m below us.

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