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Revoter (to vote again) conjugation

4 examples

Conjugation of revoter

Present tense
je revote
I vote again
tu revotes
you vote again
il/elle/on revote
he/she/it votes again
nous revotons
we vote again
vous revotez
you all vote again
ils/elles revotent
they vote again
Present perfect tense
j’ai revoté
I voted again
tu as revoté
you voted again
il/elle/on a revoté
he/she/it voted again
nous avons revoté
we voted again
vous avez revoté
you all voted again
ils/elles ont revoté
they voted again
Past impf. tense
je revotais
I was voting again
tu revotais
you were voting again
il/elle/on revotait
he/she/it was voting again
nous revotions
we were voting again
vous revotiez
you all were voting again
ils/elles revotaient
they were voting again
Future tense
je revoterai
I will vote again
tu revoteras
you will vote again
il/elle/on revotera
he/she/it will vote again
nous revoterons
we will vote again
vous revoterez
you all will vote again
ils/elles revoteront
they will vote again
Past perfect tense
j’avais revoté
I had voted again
tu avais revoté
you had voted again
il/elle/on avait revoté
he/she/it had voted again
nous avions revoté
we had voted again
vous aviez revoté
you all had voted again
ils/elles avaient revoté
they had voted again
Past preterite tense
je revotai
I voted again
tu revotas
you voted again
il/elle/on revota
he/she/it voted again
nous revotâmes
we voted again
vous revotâtes
you all voted again
ils/elles revotèrent
they voted again
Past anterior tense
j’eus revoté
I had voted again
tu eus revoté
you had voted again
il/elle/on eut revoté
he/she/it had voted again
nous eûmes revoté
we had voted again
vous eûtes revoté
you all had voted again
ils/elles eurent revoté
they had voted again
Future perfect tense
j’aurai revoté
I will have voted again
tu auras revoté
you will have voted again
il/elle/on aura revoté
he/she/it will have voted again
nous aurons revoté
we will have voted again
vous aurez revoté
you all will have voted again
ils/elles auront revoté
they will have voted again
Present subjunctive tense
que je revote
that I vote again
que tu revotes
that you vote again
qu’il/elle/on revote
that he/she/it vote again
que nous revotions
that we vote again
que vous revotiez
that you all vote again
qu’ils/elles revotent
that they vote again
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie revoté
that I have voted again
que tu aies revoté
that you have voted again
qu’il/elle/on ait revoté
that he/she/it have voted again
que nous ayons revoté
that we have voted again
que vous ayez revoté
that you all have voted again
qu’ils/elles aient revoté
that they have voted again
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je revotasse
that I would vote again
que tu revotasses
that you would vote again
qu’il/elle/on revotât
that he/she/it would vote again
que nous revotassions
that we would vote again
que vous revotassiez
that you all would vote again
qu’ils/elles revotassent
that they would vote again
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse revoté
that I had voted again
que tu eusses revoté
that you had voted again
qu’il/elle/on eût revoté
that he/she/it had voted again
que nous eussions revoté
that we had voted again
que vous eussiez revoté
that you all had voted again
qu’ils/elles eussent revoté
that they had voted again
Conditional mood
je revoterais
I would vote again
tu revoterais
you would vote again
il/elle/on revoterait
he/she/it would vote again
nous revoterions
we would vote again
vous revoteriez
you all would vote again
ils/elles revoteraient
they would vote again
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais revoté
I would have voted again
tu aurais revoté
you would have voted again
il/elle/on aurait revoté
he/she/it would have voted again
nous aurions revoté
we would have voted again
vous auriez revoté
you all would have voted again
ils/elles auraient revoté
they would have voted again
Imperative mood
vote again!
let's vote again!
vote again!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie revoté
have voted again
ayons revoté
let's have voted again
ayez revoté
have voted again

Examples of revoter

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
- Il faut revoter.Then vote again.
Elle a rien fait, il l'a dit. - Vous devriez revoter.She hasn't done anything He even said so l think you should vote again
Vous ne feriez que forcer le peuple à revoter.You'd only force the people to vote again.
On revote ?Shall we vote again?

More French verbs

Other French verbs with the meaning similar to 'vote again':

None found.