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Photoshoper (to photoshop) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of photoshoper

Present tense
je photoshope
I photoshop
tu photoshopes
you photoshop
il/elle/on photoshope
he/she/it photoshops
nous photoshopons
we photoshop
vous photoshopez
you all photoshop
ils/elles photoshopent
they photoshop
Present perfect tense
j’ai photoshopé
I photoshopped
tu as photoshopé
you photoshopped
il/elle/on a photoshopé
he/she/it photoshopped
nous avons photoshopé
we photoshopped
vous avez photoshopé
you all photoshopped
ils/elles ont photoshopé
they photoshopped
Past impf. tense
je photoshopais
I was photoshopping
tu photoshopais
you were photoshopping
il/elle/on photoshopait
he/she/it was photoshopping
nous photoshopions
we were photoshopping
vous photoshopiez
you all were photoshopping
ils/elles photoshopaient
they were photoshopping
Future tense
je photoshoperai
I will photoshop
tu photoshoperas
you will photoshop
il/elle/on photoshopera
he/she/it will photoshop
nous photoshoperons
we will photoshop
vous photoshoperez
you all will photoshop
ils/elles photoshoperont
they will photoshop
Past perfect tense
j’avais photoshopé
I had photoshopped
tu avais photoshopé
you had photoshopped
il/elle/on avait photoshopé
he/she/it had photoshopped
nous avions photoshopé
we had photoshopped
vous aviez photoshopé
you all had photoshopped
ils/elles avaient photoshopé
they had photoshopped
Past preterite tense
je photoshopai
I photoshopped
tu photoshopas
you photoshopped
il/elle/on photoshopa
he/she/it photoshopped
nous photoshopâmes
we photoshopped
vous photoshopâtes
you all photoshopped
ils/elles photoshopèrent
they photoshopped
Past anterior tense
j’eus photoshopé
I had photoshopped
tu eus photoshopé
you had photoshopped
il/elle/on eut photoshopé
he/she/it had photoshopped
nous eûmes photoshopé
we had photoshopped
vous eûtes photoshopé
you all had photoshopped
ils/elles eurent photoshopé
they had photoshopped
Future perfect tense
j’aurai photoshopé
I will have photoshopped
tu auras photoshopé
you will have photoshopped
il/elle/on aura photoshopé
he/she/it will have photoshopped
nous aurons photoshopé
we will have photoshopped
vous aurez photoshopé
you all will have photoshopped
ils/elles auront photoshopé
they will have photoshopped
Present subjunctive tense
que je photoshope
that I photoshop
que tu photoshopes
that you photoshop
qu’il/elle/on photoshope
that he/she/it photoshop
que nous photoshopions
that we photoshop
que vous photoshopiez
that you all photoshop
qu’ils/elles photoshopent
that they photoshop
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie photoshopé
that I have photoshopped
que tu aies photoshopé
that you have photoshopped
qu’il/elle/on ait photoshopé
that he/she/it have photoshopped
que nous ayons photoshopé
that we have photoshopped
que vous ayez photoshopé
that you all have photoshopped
qu’ils/elles aient photoshopé
that they have photoshopped
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je photoshopasse
that I would photoshop
que tu photoshopasses
that you would photoshop
qu’il/elle/on photoshopât
that he/she/it would photoshop
que nous photoshopassions
that we would photoshop
que vous photoshopassiez
that you all would photoshop
qu’ils/elles photoshopassent
that they would photoshop
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse photoshopé
that I had photoshopped
que tu eusses photoshopé
that you had photoshopped
qu’il/elle/on eût photoshopé
that he/she/it had photoshopped
que nous eussions photoshopé
that we had photoshopped
que vous eussiez photoshopé
that you all had photoshopped
qu’ils/elles eussent photoshopé
that they had photoshopped
Conditional mood
je photoshoperais
I would photoshop
tu photoshoperais
you would photoshop
il/elle/on photoshoperait
he/she/it would photoshop
nous photoshoperions
we would photoshop
vous photoshoperiez
you all would photoshop
ils/elles photoshoperaient
they would photoshop
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais photoshopé
I would have photoshopped
tu aurais photoshopé
you would have photoshopped
il/elle/on aurait photoshopé
he/she/it would have photoshopped
nous aurions photoshopé
we would have photoshopped
vous auriez photoshopé
you all would have photoshopped
ils/elles auraient photoshopé
they would have photoshopped
Imperative mood
let's photoshop!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie photoshopé
have photoshopped
ayons photoshopé
let's have photoshopped
ayez photoshopé
have photoshopped

Examples of photoshoper

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Tu penses que tu peux exercer un peu ta magie et me photoshoper dedans?Do you think you can kind of do your magic and photoshop me into it?
Tu peux photoshoper ta vie avec de bons choix ?Okay, I will photoshop his face. Can you photoshop your life with better decisions, jerry?
Aucun n'a été photoshopé.Not a single one was photoshopped.
Vous avez dû accidentellement en quelque sorte obtenu le fichier des photos de moi photoshopé comme divers présidents américains.You must've accidentally somehow gotten the file of pictures of me photoshopped as various American presidents.
Je photoshope juste quelque chose pour Chet.Just photoshopping something for chet.

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We have none.

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None found.