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Chromatographier (to chromatograph) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of chromatographier

Present tense
je chromatographie
I chromatograph
tu chromatographies
you chromatograph
il/elle/on chromatographie
he/she/it chromatographs
nous chromatographions
we chromatograph
vous chromatographiez
you all chromatograph
ils/elles chromatographient
they chromatograph
Present perfect tense
j’ai chromatographié
I chromatographed
tu as chromatographié
you chromatographed
il/elle/on a chromatographié
he/she/it chromatographed
nous avons chromatographié
we chromatographed
vous avez chromatographié
you all chromatographed
ils/elles ont chromatographié
they chromatographed
Past impf. tense
je chromatographiais
I was chromatographing
tu chromatographiais
you were chromatographing
il/elle/on chromatographiait
he/she/it was chromatographing
nous chromatographiions
we were chromatographing
vous chromatographiiez
you all were chromatographing
ils/elles chromatographiaient
they were chromatographing
Future tense
je chromatographierai
I will chromatograph
tu chromatographieras
you will chromatograph
il/elle/on chromatographiera
he/she/it will chromatograph
nous chromatographierons
we will chromatograph
vous chromatographierez
you all will chromatograph
ils/elles chromatographieront
they will chromatograph
Past perfect tense
j’avais chromatographié
I had chromatographed
tu avais chromatographié
you had chromatographed
il/elle/on avait chromatographié
he/she/it had chromatographed
nous avions chromatographié
we had chromatographed
vous aviez chromatographié
you all had chromatographed
ils/elles avaient chromatographié
they had chromatographed
Past preterite tense
je chromatographiai
I chromatographed
tu chromatographias
you chromatographed
il/elle/on chromatographia
he/she/it chromatographed
nous chromatographiâmes
we chromatographed
vous chromatographiâtes
you all chromatographed
ils/elles chromatographièrent
they chromatographed
Past anterior tense
j’eus chromatographié
I had chromatographed
tu eus chromatographié
you had chromatographed
il/elle/on eut chromatographié
he/she/it had chromatographed
nous eûmes chromatographié
we had chromatographed
vous eûtes chromatographié
you all had chromatographed
ils/elles eurent chromatographié
they had chromatographed
Future perfect tense
j’aurai chromatographié
I will have chromatographed
tu auras chromatographié
you will have chromatographed
il/elle/on aura chromatographié
he/she/it will have chromatographed
nous aurons chromatographié
we will have chromatographed
vous aurez chromatographié
you all will have chromatographed
ils/elles auront chromatographié
they will have chromatographed
Present subjunctive tense
que je chromatographie
that I chromatograph
que tu chromatographies
that you chromatograph
qu’il/elle/on chromatographie
that he/she/it chromatograph
que nous chromatographiions
that we chromatograph
que vous chromatographiiez
that you all chromatograph
qu’ils/elles chromatographient
that they chromatograph
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie chromatographié
that I have chromatographed
que tu aies chromatographié
that you have chromatographed
qu’il/elle/on ait chromatographié
that he/she/it have chromatographed
que nous ayons chromatographié
that we have chromatographed
que vous ayez chromatographié
that you all have chromatographed
qu’ils/elles aient chromatographié
that they have chromatographed
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je chromatographiasse
that I would chromatograph
que tu chromatographiasses
that you would chromatograph
qu’il/elle/on chromatographiât
that he/she/it would chromatograph
que nous chromatographiassions
that we would chromatograph
que vous chromatographiassiez
that you all would chromatograph
qu’ils/elles chromatographiassent
that they would chromatograph
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse chromatographié
that I had chromatographed
que tu eusses chromatographié
that you had chromatographed
qu’il/elle/on eût chromatographié
that he/she/it had chromatographed
que nous eussions chromatographié
that we had chromatographed
que vous eussiez chromatographié
that you all had chromatographed
qu’ils/elles eussent chromatographié
that they had chromatographed
Conditional mood
je chromatographierais
I would chromatograph
tu chromatographierais
you would chromatograph
il/elle/on chromatographierait
he/she/it would chromatograph
nous chromatographierions
we would chromatograph
vous chromatographieriez
you all would chromatograph
ils/elles chromatographieraient
they would chromatograph
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais chromatographié
I would have chromatographed
tu aurais chromatographié
you would have chromatographed
il/elle/on aurait chromatographié
he/she/it would have chromatographed
nous aurions chromatographié
we would have chromatographed
vous auriez chromatographié
you all would have chromatographed
ils/elles auraient chromatographié
they would have chromatographed
Imperative mood
let's chromatograph!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie chromatographié
have chromatographed
ayons chromatographié
let's have chromatographed
ayez chromatographié
have chromatographed

Examples of chromatographier

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
C'est une chromatographie moléculaire de l'échantillon d'eau.It's the molecular chromatography of the Belém water sample.
Désolé, mais il faut une chromatographie à liquide pour séparer les facteurs de protéine du reste du sang.Sorry, but you need to use high-pressure liquid chromatography... ..to separate the protein factors from the rest of the blood.
Et une chromatographie au gaz et cette datation au carbone 14.We'd be wise to run a gas chromatograph, and that carbon dating.
Faites une chromatographie des échantillons de pigments.Run the new pigment sample with the base-line chromatography.
Ils ne font la chromatographie qu'une fois par semaine.They only do gas chromatography once a week.

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