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Atteler (to hit) conjugation

18 examples

Conjugation of atteler

Present tense
I hit
tu attelles
you hit
il/elle/on attelle
he/she/it hits
nous attelons
we hit
vous attelez
you all hit
ils/elles attellent
they hit
Present perfect tense
j’ai attelé
I hit
tu as attelé
you hit
il/elle/on a attelé
he/she/it hit
nous avons attelé
we hit
vous avez attelé
you all hit
ils/elles ont attelé
they hit
Past impf. tense
I was hitting
tu attelais
you were hitting
il/elle/on attelait
he/she/it was hitting
nous attelions
we were hitting
vous atteliez
you all were hitting
ils/elles attelaient
they were hitting
Future tense
I will hit
tu attelleras
you will hit
il/elle/on attellera
he/she/it will hit
nous attellerons
we will hit
vous attellerez
you all will hit
ils/elles attelleront
they will hit
Past perfect tense
j’avais attelé
I had hit
tu avais attelé
you had hit
il/elle/on avait attelé
he/she/it had hit
nous avions attelé
we had hit
vous aviez attelé
you all had hit
ils/elles avaient attelé
they had hit
Past preterite tense
I hit
tu attelas
you hit
il/elle/on attela
he/she/it hit
nous attelâmes
we hit
vous attelâtes
you all hit
ils/elles attelèrent
they hit
Past anterior tense
j’eus attelé
I had hit
tu eus attelé
you had hit
il/elle/on eut attelé
he/she/it had hit
nous eûmes attelé
we had hit
vous eûtes attelé
you all had hit
ils/elles eurent attelé
they had hit
Future perfect tense
j’aurai attelé
I will have hit
tu auras attelé
you will have hit
il/elle/on aura attelé
he/she/it will have hit
nous aurons attelé
we will have hit
vous aurez attelé
you all will have hit
ils/elles auront attelé
they will have hit
Present subjunctive tense
que j’attelle
that I hit
que tu attelles
that you hit
qu’il/elle/on attelle
that he/she/it hit
que nous attelions
that we hit
que vous atteliez
that you all hit
qu’ils/elles attellent
that they hit
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie attelé
that I have hit
que tu aies attelé
that you have hit
qu’il/elle/on ait attelé
that he/she/it have hit
que nous ayons attelé
that we have hit
que vous ayez attelé
that you all have hit
qu’ils/elles aient attelé
that they have hit
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’attelasse
that I would hit
que tu attelasses
that you would hit
qu’il/elle/on attelât
that he/she/it would hit
que nous attelassions
that we would hit
que vous attelassiez
that you all would hit
qu’ils/elles attelassent
that they would hit
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse attelé
that I had hit
que tu eusses attelé
that you had hit
qu’il/elle/on eût attelé
that he/she/it had hit
que nous eussions attelé
that we had hit
que vous eussiez attelé
that you all had hit
qu’ils/elles eussent attelé
that they had hit
Conditional mood
I would hit
tu attellerais
you would hit
il/elle/on attellerait
he/she/it would hit
nous attellerions
we would hit
vous attelleriez
you all would hit
ils/elles attelleraient
they would hit
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais attelé
I would have hit
tu aurais attelé
you would have hit
il/elle/on aurait attelé
he/she/it would have hit
nous aurions attelé
we would have hit
vous auriez attelé
you all would have hit
ils/elles auraient attelé
they would have hit
Imperative mood
let's hit!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie attelé
have hit
ayons attelé
let's have hit
ayez attelé
have hit

Examples of atteler

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
- Je disais à Billy d'atteler pour...- I was just tellin' Billy to hitch up...
- Je t'ai dit d'atteler la caleche.- I told you, hitch up the buckboard.
- Je vais atteler Rhody... et nous verrons si nous pouvons sortir d'ici.I'll hitch up Ol' Rhody and we'll see if we can get out of here.
- Je vais atteler les chevaux et te conduire à la grand-route.I will hitch up the team and drive thee to the highway. Martha!
Aide-les à atteler les chevaux.Help 'em hitch the horses up. Come on!
Donc, vous n'êtes pas attelé à Clark?So, you're not hitched to Clark?
J'ai attelé les chevaux et conduit en venant du Missouri.I hitched up and drove when we came west from Missouri.
Le cheval est attelé.The boys have got the team hitched. I know.
Oui, si t'as attelé.Yeah, if you're all hitched up. You wait.
Donne-lui à boire pendant que j'attelle.Wilt thou fetch some buttermilk while I hitch the team?
Je leur ai raconté comment tu as posé l'attelle sur le chien que j'ai touché.I told them how you put the cast on the dog I hit.
Le blanc, avec l'attelle à la jambe, il était désespéré.The white one with the leg brace, he was distraught.
Shane, attelle.Shane, hitch up the team.
Tino, attelle.Tino, hitch up the horse.
- L'imbécile! Frontin, attelez mes che vaux!Frontin, hitch up my horses, and prepare my suit.
Simson, attelez les chevaux. Nous partons.Simson, go and hitch the horses, we're leaving.
Tenez, attelez ce cheval.Come on. Here, hitch this horse up.
et au lever du soleil, vous attelez votre chariot et vous emmenez votre saloperie de bétail et vous n'arrêtez pas avant d'avoir quitté la région de Fort Harmon!And come sunrise, you hitch up your wagon and get your damn free-graze cattle moving and keep them moving till you're out of Fort Harmon country!

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