"Donnez-moi la force d'affronter ce qui est et de supporter le difficile." | "Lord, give me the strength to deal with what I can, and endure what I can't"? |
- Calme-toi. Je dois affronter tout ça chez moi. | No, I have to deal with all of this stuff at home, okay? |
- Il est pas encore prêt à affronter ça. | He's not old enough to deal with this, not yet. |
- Je vais affronter Grievous. | I'll deal with Grievous. |
- Je vais à la boutique affronter ma mère, Alexander et toute cette folie. | - Well, I have to go to the store and deal with my mother and Alexander and that madness. |
Ce sera dur pour Tommy, mais il a déjà affronté des déceptions. | It's going to be hard on Tommy, but he's dealt with disappointment before. |
Et vous avez un nouveau vaisseau très impressionnant. Mais je vous avertis, j'en ai déjà affronté de ce type-là par le passé. | You have an impressive new vessel, but I warn you, I have dealt with its kind before. |
J'ai affronté. | I dealt with it. |
J'ai déjà affronté ce genre de types. | I've dealt with people like this before. |
Je n'avais jamais affronté la mort avant. | l've never dealt with death before. |
- Lâche Willow et affronte-moi. | - Leave Willow alone and deal with me. |
Alors, affronte-moi. | So now you must deal with me. |
Ce qui compte, c'est la réalité de ce monde, c'est ça qu'on affronte. | What really matters is the cold, hard reality of this world. That's what we've gotta deal with. |
Il n'affronte pas les problèmes. | He just can't deal with stuff. |
J'affronte la colère au quotidien. | I deal with rage every single day. |
Cessez de perdre votre temps et affrontez le problème. | Will you two stop messing around and deal with the problem? |
C'est sur un jeune homme qui essaie de sortir de la domination de son père tout en affrontant la mort lente de sa femme. | It's, it's about a young man trying to get out from under his domineering father while dealing with the slow death of his wife. |