Meillä on maailman parhaat uimarannat. | We have the best beaches in the world. |
Tai rikkaus. Upeita uimarantoja. Isorintaisia ulkomaalaisia naisia. | Or we're rich... great beaches... foreign women with large breasts. |
- Hän rakasti uimarantaa. | He loved the beach. |
Kyle luultavasti ostaa sinulle hotell ja kaistaleen uimarantaa. | Kyle's probably arranging to buy you the hotel, a stretch of the beach and a slice of the Gulf strip. |
Olipa kerran sairaala, jossa ei ollut uimarantaa, - ei futiskenttää, ei koulun pihaa eikä synttärijuhlia. | Once upon a time... there was a hospital that had no beach, and neither soccer field, school yard or birthday parties. |
Hauskaa pidetään uimarannalla. | Fun? You want fun, you go play at the beach. |
Hengaan uimarannalla Rusketun tangat jalassa | Hanging out at the beach, I'm in a G-stro - Trying to tan my cheeks |
Ihan kuin olisimme uimarannalla. | Gee, Daddy, this is just like being at the beach. |
Kuiva hukkuminen on vaarallista, koska lapsi vain näyttää väsyneeltä. Lapset väsyvät aina uimarannalla. | This is why secondary drowning is so dangerous, especially in young children, because it just looks like they're tired, just like any kid who spent the day at the beach. |
Miksen tavannut sinua sata vuotta sitten jollakin uimarannalla? | Oh, Barry, why couldn't I have met you 100 years ago on a beach somewhere? |
- Ehkä hän sai viruksen uimarannalta. | Maybe picked up a virus Swimming off jones beach. |
Mikä tuoksuu laventelilta? Ja uimarannalta. | It smells like lavender, oh, and the beach. |
Tiedäthän, miltä iho tuoksuu kun palaa uimarannalta? | You know the way you smell when you first come home from the beach? |
- Haluan Cannesin uimarannalle. | No, just the beach club at Cannes, please. |
Ellet halua tietää nopeista autoista - surffilaudoista ja tosinaisen pukeutumisesta uimarannalle. | Unless you want to know about, uh, fast cars, hot surf boards and, uh, what real women should wear to the beach. |
En, menen Cannesin uimarannalle. | - No, just the beach club at Cannes. |
Foussardin tytär vie sinut Cannesin uimarannalle. | Foussard's daughter will take you out of here by boat. - Where? - The beach club in Cannes. |
Hetkinen... 134 ei vie uimarannalle, jos ei mene 10-tien kautta. | Wait a second. The 134 doesn't go to the beach. Unless you took it to the 10. |
- Onko "Elämä on uimaranta" sinun? | - Did you do "Life is a beach"? |
Aurinkosaari on mukava paikka, siellä on upea uimaranta. | Sun Island is nice. There's a great beach. |
Dima, mikä on hyvä uimaranta Venäjällä? | Dima, question. What's a good beach in Russia? |
Mumbaissa on myös uimaranta... | Mumbai also has a beach.. |
Oma uimaranta. | You're on the beach. |