- Muistoja jotka kestivät pesun - ja heräsivät FBI:n kaivelussa | Memories that made it through the wash, stirred up when the feds went in your head. |
Autosi on pesun tarpeessa. | It appears that your car needs a wash. |
Haluat siis koko pesun... | So you want the full wash... Oh, you've got a nick there. |
Huoneeni on sekaisin, vaatteeni ovat pesun tarpeessa, haarniskani pitää korjata, saappaani täytyy puhdistaa, koirani tarvitsevat liikuntaa, tulisijani täytyy lakaista, lakanani tulee vaihtaa ja jonkun täytyy siivota hevostallini. | My chambers are a complete mess, my clothes need washing, my armour needs repairing, my boots need cleaning, my dogs need exercising, my fireplace needs sweeping, my bed needs changing and someone needs to muck out my stables. |
Ja hinta on oikein alhainen verrattuna pesun laatuun! | ...and the price is very, very low, considering how good the wash is. |
- Auton pesua? | - Car wash? - |
- Housusi kaipaisivat pesua. | Maybe we should wash your trousers too. |
- Kaipasivatkin pesua. | It's about time somebody washed them. I could go for some ginger ale. |
- Kyllä, sir. Ne odottavat pesua. | - We just looked them out for the wash. |
- Partioautot kaipaavat taas pesua. | Those squad cars need washing again. |
"Yksi sinipunainen vyönauha on livistanyt pesussa. " | "One periwinkIe sash has been abscondated from the wash line." |
- Ja pyykit ovat pesussa. | Oh, and I've got a load of laundry in the wash. |
- Kaikki muut vaatteeni ovat pesussa. | - My other clothes are in the wash. |
- Kaikkihan lähtee pesussa pois | All comes out in the wash, doesn't it? |
- Kutistuitko pesussa? | - Did someone shrink you in the wash? |
Antaisitko viisi dollaria tuulilasisi pesusta? | Five bucks to wash your windshield? |
Hän lähti pesusta noin kello 22. Olimme juuri sulkemassa. | I saw her leaving the car wash at around 10, just as we closed up |
Minäkin pidän auton pesusta. | [Chuckles] Oh, I love a car wash too, you know. |
Oletko koskaan kuullut pesusta? | Ever heard of washing? |
Onko hullua iloita hiusten pesusta? | Of earth-bound messages is gonna have to wait. Is it terrible that I'm happy I might get to wash my hair first? |
! Tiskien pesuun? | For washing dishes? |
- Anna minulle vettä käsien pesuun. | - Give me water to wash my hands. |
- Anteeksi, panin ne pesuun. | Sorry. I put them in the wash. |
- Hän aikoi viskata sen pesuun hämis-alushousujensa kanssa. | He was gonna throw it in the washing machine with his Spiderman underwear. |
- Laita pesuun, kyllä se siitä. | Put them in the wash, they'll be grand. Put them in the wash? |
- Hän on kuitenkin pesulla! | - She's surely in bath washing herself! |
- Kävisin ensin pesulla. | But I'd like to wash up first. I'll show you where. |
- Käy pesulla, niin laitan aamiaista. | Now, why don't you go wash up I'm gonna make us breakfast. |
- Käyn ensin pesulla. | First I must wash up. |
- Käyn pesulla. | - I'll go wash up. |
"Sotkin paitani ja haluan päästä pesulle". | Stefan, Stefan, Stefan. "I have grease on my shirt. I need to wash up"? |
- Ensin pesulle. | Ah! Not until you wash up. |
- Eun-shil, mene pesulle. | - Eun-shil, go wash up. - Okay. |
- Hyvä, menehän pesulle. | Okay. Go on and wash up. |
- Mene pesulle. | - Go wash up. |
Väärentäjä kutsuu sitä "sekin pesuksi." | Counterfeiters call it "check washing." |
- Lattian pesu. Tiskaus. | Scrubbing floors, washing dishes. |
- Tavallinen pesu. | Just a regular wash. |
- Tavallinen pesu? | - Regular wash? |
- Yksi pesu, kiitos. | One wash and lube, please. |
Anteeksiantopäivä aikuisviihdekaupassa, lukion cheerleadereiden bikini koiran pesu -päivä - ja Camdenin tivolista. | Amnesty day at the adult video store, the high school cheerleader bikini dog wash, and the Camden County Fair. |