Kuten palopommeja ja pahoinpitelyjä. | Like firebombs and beatings. |
Ne pudottivat palopommeja. | And they started dropping firebombs. |
- Panna sinne palopommin. | - He's gonna firebomb it. |
Aiotte siis pudottaa palopommin Cedar Creekiin - jossa on 2600 asukasta. Se on voimakkain aseemme, jos ydinaseita ei lasketa. | As l understand it, you want to firebomb the town of Cedar Creek, California population 2,600, with a fuel-air bomb the most powerful non-nuclear weapon in our arsenal. |
Heitän palopommin siihen puljuun! | I'm gonna firebomb their shop... |
Martha St. Claren ruumis ei ole edes paljastunut, ja sinä katsoit muualle, koska tiesit, mitä oli tapahtumassa, koska hautasit ruumiin rakennustyömaalle ja heitit palopommin asuntovaunuun lavastaaksesi Jasperin. | Martha St. Clare's body hasn't been revealed, And you looked away, because you knew what was gonna happen, Because you buried that body at that building site and you firebombed the trailer to try and frame Jasper. |
Ne heitti palopommin Rayn autoon. | They just firebombed Uncle Ray's car. - What? |
Ajattelin palopommia, mutta tuokin käy. | I was thinking firebomb, but okay. |
Enkä heittänyt palopommia Kruppin toimistoon. | And I didn't throw that firebomb in Krupp's office. |
Hän pani minut telkien taakse parista palopommista. | Do you know he's the one that sent me down in '45 for setting off a couple of firebombs? |
- Sinua heitettiin palopommilla, Jane. | You were firebombed, Jane. It's a good excuse! |
Käärmeillä ja palopommilla? | With some snakes and firebomb? |
Olen ollut yhdistyksen tiloissa, jotka räjäytettiin palopommilla. | I've been in a union hall when they threw a firebomb and blew the place up. |
Ruokakauppa tuhottiin palopommilla, ja hänen vaimo tapettiin. | A grocery store was firebombed, and his wife killed. |
- Näyttää palopommilta. | Looks like it was firebombed. |
- Entä palopommi? | And the firebomb? |
Paloasemalla räjähtänyt palopommi on käynnistänyt pienen rotusodan... | A firebombing in a fire station has touched off a small race war... |