Videre etymology


Latin word videre comes from Proto-Indo-European *wóyde (To have seen, to know.), Latin -ionem, Proto-Indo-European - -tós

Detailed word origin of videre

Dictionary entry Language Definition
*wóyde Proto-Indo-European (ine) To have seen, to know.
-ionem Latin (lat)
- -tós Proto-Indo-European (ine)
*widēō Proto-Italic (itc-pro) See.
*widtós Proto-Indo-European (ine) Known. Seen.
*wissos Proto-Italic (itc-pro)
video Latin (lat) (passive) I am regarded, seem, appear. (passive, used impersonally) It seems proper or right. I look (at), consider, reflect (upon). I look out for, see to, care for, provide, make sure. I observe, note. I see, perceive; look (at). I understand, perceive, comprehend.
video English (en) (dated) VHS.. A short film clip, with or without audio (as in a music video, or one of the plethora of user-generated short movies on sites such as YouTube).. Motion picture stored on VHS or some other format.. Television, television show, movie. (Britain) To record a television program. (Britain) To record using a video camera, to videotape.

Words with the same origin as videre

Descendants of *wóyde


Descendants of - -tós

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