Poena etymology


Latin word poena comes from Proto-Indo-European *kʷey-, Proto-Indo-European - -nós, and later Proto-Indo-European *kʷoynéh₂ (Payment. Punishment, vengeance.)

Detailed word origin of poena

Dictionary entry Language Definition
*kʷey- Proto-Indo-European (ine)
- -nós Proto-Indo-European (ine)
*kʷoynéh₂ Proto-Indo-European (ine) Payment. Punishment, vengeance.
*kʷoinā́ Proto-Hellenic (grk-pro)
ποινή Ancient Greek (to 1453) (grc)
poena Latin (lat) (figurative) execution. Penalty. Punishment.

Words with the same origin as poena

Descendants of - -nós

unum unus