Mille passuum etymology


Latin word mille passuum comes from Proto-Indo-European *pete-, Proto-Indo-European *pe(i)-, Proto-Indo-European *pent-, Old Latin mīlle passum, and later Latin patior (I allow, acquiesce, submit.. I suffer, endure.)

Etymology of mille passuum

Detailed word origin of mille passuum

Dictionary entry Language Definition
*pete- Proto-Indo-European (ine)
*pe(i)- Proto-Indo-European (ine)
*pent- Proto-Indo-European (ine)
mīlle passum Old Latin (itc-ola)
*patno- Proto-Indo-European (ine)
patior Latin (lat) I allow, acquiesce, submit.. I suffer, endure.
passum Latin (lat) A kind of alcoholic wine made with dried grapes.
mille passuum Latin (lat)

Words with the same origin as mille passuum

Descendants of *pete-
