Manducare etymology


Latin word manducare comes from Latin manus, Proto-Indo-European *dhē-, Latin do (I give.. I offer, render.. I yield, surrender, concede.), Proto-Indo-European *men-

Etymology of manducare

Detailed word origin of manducare

Dictionary entry Language Definition
manus Latin (lat) (figuratively) bravery, valor. (figuratively) violence, fighting. (legal) an arrest. (legal) legal power of a man over his wife. (military, nautical) grappling hooks used to snare enemy vessels. A side, part, faction. A stake (in dice). A thrust with a sword. Branch of a tree. Group of people. Group, company, host, multitude of people, especially of soldiers. Hand. Handwriting. Labor. Paw of [...]
*dhē- Proto-Indo-European (ine)
do Latin (lat) I give.. I offer, render.. I yield, surrender, concede.
*men- Proto-Indo-European (ine)
mandare Latin (lat)
manducare Latin (lat)

Words with the same origin as manducare

Descendants of manus


Descendants of do

data datum es essent esset reddere

Descendants of *men-

manet memoria mente mons