Nier etymology


French word nier comes from Latin nec, Latin ne- (Absolutely negates the principal meaning.), Proto-Indo-European *enḱ-, Latin aiere

Etymology of nier

Detailed word origin of nier

Dictionary entry Language Definition
nec Latin (lat) And not. Nor. Not either. Not even And not, not. Neither. Nor. Not even.
ne- Latin (lat) Absolutely negates the principal meaning.
*enḱ- Proto-Indo-European (ine)
aiere Latin (lat)
neco Latin (lat) (figuratively) I thwart, check. I kill, murder, especially without physical wounding such as by poison or hunger.
*nec-aiare Latin (lat)
nego Latin (lat) (intransitive) I refuse, say no. (transitive) I reject, refuse, say no to (something). I deny. I keep from, prevent.
noiier Old French (fro) (ambitransitive) to drown To deny.
nier French (fr) To deny.

Words with the same origin as nier

Descendants of nec


Descendants of ne-


Descendants of *enḱ-
