Habiller etymology


French word habiller comes from French -er (Forms infinitives of first-conjugation verbs.), French bille, French a-

Etymology of habiller

Detailed word origin of habiller

Dictionary entry Language Definition
-er French (fr) Forms infinitives of first-conjugation verbs.
bille French (fr) (slang) dimwit. (snooker, billiards) ball. Ball bearing. Marble (spherical ball). Railway sleeper. Rolling pin. Tree trunk (chopped down, ready for sawing).
a- French (fr) A prefix forming words, especially verbs, that denote entering a state, making progress toward a goal, or the like. A-, non-, -less.
abiller Old French (fro)
habiller French (fr) (pronominal) to dress in a certain fashion. (pronominal) to get dressed. (transitive) to dress.

Words with the same origin as habiller

Descendants of -er

garder nuit

Descendants of a-

amener déshabiller