Provecho etymology


Spanish word provecho comes from Latin proficiscor (I set out, depart, leave.), Latin proficio, Latin faciendus, Latin pro

Etymology of provecho

Detailed word origin of provecho

Dictionary entry Language Definition
proficiscor Latin (lat) I set out, depart, leave.
proficio Latin (lat) I advance, make progress.. I benefit, profit, take advantage.. I depart, set out.. I help, contribute, am useful.
faciendus Latin (lat)
pro Latin (lat) About. According to. As befitting. As, like. Before. For. In front, instead of. On behalf of.
proficere Latin (lat)
profectus Latin (lat) Advance, progress, effect, increase, growth, profit, success.
provecho Spanish (es) Benefit. Worth, worthwhileness.