Workout etymology


English word workout comes from English work, English out

Etymology of workout

Detailed word origin of workout

Dictionary entry Language Definition
work English (en) (countable) A fortification.. (countable) A literary, artistic, or intellectual production.. (heading) Product; the result of effort.. (heading, uncountable) Effort.. (heading, uncountable) Employment.. (mining) Ore before it is dressed.. (physics) A measure of energy expended in moving an object; most commonly, force times distance. No work is done if the object does not move.. (physics, [...]
out English (en) (colloquial) Outside.. (nonstandard, contraction of out of) Away from the inside. (cricket, baseball) Of a batter or batsman: having caused an out called on himself while batting under various rules of the game.. (obsolete) Of a young lady: having entered society and available to be courted.. Openly acknowledging that one is gay or transgender.. Released, available for purchase, download or [...]
workout English (en) (by extension) Any activity that requires much physical or mental effort, or produces strain.. A schedule or program of specific exercises, especially one intended to achieve a particular goal.. An exercise session; a period of physical exercise.