Stereo etymology


English word stereo comes from English stereo-, English type

Etymology of stereo

Detailed word origin of stereo

Dictionary entry Language Definition
stereo- English (en) Forming words relating to the solid, the hard.. Forming words relating to the solid, the three-dimensional.. Specifically, forming words relating to the binocular contribution to three-dimensional vision.
type English (en) To determine the blood type of.. To enter text or commands into a computer using a keyboard.. To furnish an expression or copy of; to represent; to typify.. To put text on paper using a typewriter.. To represent by a type, model, or symbol beforehand; to prefigure. (chemistry) A simple compound, used as a mode or pattern to which other compounds are conveniently regarded as being related, [...]
stereotype English (en) (transitive) To make a stereotype of someone or something, or characterize someone by a stereotype.. (transitive) To prepare for printing in stereotype; to produce stereotype plates of.. (transitive) To print from a stereotype.. (transitive, figurative) To make firm or permanent; to fix. (computing, UML) An extensibility mechanism of the Unified Modeling Language, allowing a new element to [...]
stereo English (en) Of a pair of images: one depicting the view as would be seen from one eye and the other from the other eye, so that when viewed appropriately, they combine to give an impression of three dimensions.. Of sound, music, etc, recorded in stereo. (transitive) To create a stereophotographic image of. (by extension) Any object or device equipped with audio components that reproduces sound in [...]