Ridicule etymology


English word ridicule comes from Latin rideo, and later Latin ridiculus (Laughable, funny, amusing. Silly, absurd, ridiculous.)

Detailed word origin of ridicule

Dictionary entry Language Definition
rideo Latin (lat) (intransitive) I laugh.. (transitive) I laugh at, ridicule, mock.
ridiculus Latin (lat) Laughable, funny, amusing. Silly, absurd, ridiculous.
ridicule French (fr) Ridiculous (all meanings).
ridicule English (en) An object of sport or laughter; a laughing stock.. The quality of being ridiculous; ridiculousness.. Derision; mocking or humiliating words or behaviour (obsolete) ridiculous (transitive) to criticize or disapprove of someone or something through scornful jocularity; to make fun of.

Words with the same origin as ridicule

Descendants of rideo

rice ridiculous rise rose