Obsolete etymology


English word obsolete comes from Latin solere, Latin ob, Latin obsolesco (I decay.. I fall into disuse.. I grow old.. I wear out.)

Detailed word origin of obsolete

Dictionary entry Language Definition
solere Latin (lat)
ob Latin (lat) Against; facing. In the direction of, to, towards. On account of, according to, because of, due to, for (the purpose of).
obsolesco Latin (lat) I decay.. I fall into disuse.. I grow old.. I wear out.
obsolere Latin (lat)
obsoletus Latin (lat) Common, ordinary, mean, low. Old, worn out, thrown off.
obsolete English (en) (biology) Imperfectly developed; not very distinct.. (of words, equipment, etc.) No longer in use; gone into disuse; disused or neglected (often by preference for something newer, which replaces the subject).

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