Necklace etymology


English word necklace comes from English neck, English lace

Etymology of necklace

Detailed word origin of necklace

Dictionary entry Language Definition
neck English (en) (chiefly, US) To make love; to snog; to intently kiss or cuddle; to canoodle.. To decrease in diameter.. To drink rapidly.. To hang by the neck; strangle; kill, eliminate (anatomy) The part of body connecting the head and the trunk found in humans and some animals.. (architecture) The gorgerin of a capital.. (botany) The slender tubelike extension atop an archegonium, through which the sperm [...]
lace English (en) (countable) A cord or ribbon passed through eyelets in a shoe or garment, pulled tight and tied to fasten the shoe or garment firmly.Shoelaces. (slang, obsolete) Spirits added to coffee or another beverage.. (uncountable) A light fabric containing patterns of holes, usually built up from a single thread.Lace. A snare or gin, especially one made of interwoven cords; a net. (transitive) To add [...]
necklace English (en) (South Africa) A method of informal execution in which a rubber tyre is filled with petrol, placed around the victim's chest and arms, and set on fire.. (figuratively) Anything resembling a necklace in shape.. An article of jewelry that is worn around the neck, most often made of a string of precious metal, pearls, gems, beads or shells, and sometimes having a pendant attached. (South [...]