Jinx etymology


English word jinx comes from English transferred, Ancient Greek (to 1453) ἴυγξ, and later Latin iynx (Wryneck (bird).)

Detailed word origin of jinx

Dictionary entry Language Definition
transferred English (en)
ἴυγξ Ancient Greek (to 1453) (grc)
transferred sense English (en) A (usually looser) meaning of a word or phrase developed from a metaphoric application of its original signification (for example, hunger has the primary and original sense “want of food”, “craving appetite”; whence developed the transferred sense of “any strong desire or craving”).
iynx Latin (lat) Wryneck (bird).
jynx English (en) (transferred sense) A charm or spell a jinx (quod vide).. A bird, the wryneck, once thought a bird of ill omen (Jynx torquilla).. The name of an order of spiritual intelligences in ancient “Chaldaic” philosophy.
jinx English (en) A hex; an evil spell.. A person or thing supposed to bring bad luck. (transitive) To bring bad luck to.. (transitive) To cast a spell on. Used after the same response is said by two people simultaneously. Often, a game is played where the person who failed to say "jinx" first becomes "jinxed", whereby they cannot speak until someone says their name.