Ignore etymology


English word ignore comes from Latin gnarus, Latin ingratus (Thankless. Ungrateful. Unpleasant, disagreeable.)

Etymology of ignore

Detailed word origin of ignore

Dictionary entry Language Definition
gnarus Latin (lat) Having knowledge of a thing; acquainted with a thing.. Skillful, practiced.
ingratus Latin (lat) Thankless. Ungrateful. Unpleasant, disagreeable.
ignarus Latin (lat) Ignorant, unaware.
ignoro Latin (lat) I do not know; I am unacquainted with; I am ignorant of.. I ignore.
ignorer French (fr) To be unaware of, to be ignorant of. To ignore.
ignore English (en) (obsolete) Fail to notice.. (obsolete) Not to know.. To deliberately not listen or pay attention to.. To pretend to not notice someone or something.