Hoedown etymology


English word hoedown comes from English hoe, English down

Detailed word origin of hoedown

Dictionary entry Language Definition
hoe English (en) (ambitransitive) To cut, dig, scrape, turn, arrange, or clean, with this tool.. (transitive) To clear from weeds, or to loosen or arrange the earth about, with a hoe. (US, slang) . (US, slang) . An agricultural tool consisting of a long handle with a flat blade fixed perpendicular to it at the end, used for digging rows.. The horned or piked dogfish. A piece of land that juts out towards the [...]
down English (en) From one end to another of.. From the higher end to the lower of. (baseball, colloquial, following the noun modified) Out.. (colloquial) With "on", negative about, hostile to. (not comparable) Inoperable; out of order; out of service.. (not comparable, US, slang) Comfortable with, accepting of.. (not comparable, military, aviation, slang, of an aircraft) Mechanically failed, collided, shot [...]
hoedown English (en) A gathering at which such dances take place.. A type of American folk or square dance.. The type of music typically played for such a dance To dance a hoedown dance.

Words with the same origin as hoedown

Descendants of down
