Geez etymology


English word geez comes from Hebrew יְהוֹשֻׁעַ, Latin salvator (Saviour.), Latin -ita

Etymology of geez

Detailed word origin of geez

Dictionary entry Language Definition
יְהוֹשֻׁעַ Hebrew (heb)
salvator Latin (lat) Saviour.
-ita Latin (lat)
ישוע Hebrew (heb) (archaic) Jeshua; A male given name... (modern Christian liturgical Hebrew) Jesus.
יֵשׁוּעַ Ancient Hebrew (hbo)
hominium Latin (lat)
יֵשׁוּעַ Hebrew (heb)
Ἰησοῦς Ancient Greek (grc)
Iesus Latin (lat) Jesus.
by Jesus English (en)
geez English (en) (euphemistic) An exclamation denoting surprise or frustration.

Words with the same origin as geez

Descendants of salvator

gee jeez saviour

Descendants of -ita

calcium calculate quilt