Detour etymology


English word detour comes from Old French (842-ca. 1400) des- (De-; dis-.), Old French (842-ca. 1400) torner, French tourner, Middle French (ca. 1400-1600) destourner (To divert; to turn away.)

Etymology of detour

Detailed word origin of detour

Dictionary entry Language Definition
des- Old French (842-ca. 1400) (fro) De-; dis-.
torner Old French (842-ca. 1400) (fro) (transitive, or, intransitive) to turn. To return; to go back.
tourner French (fr) (computing) to run, to execute (a program, an application etc.). To film, to shoot a film. To lathe. To stir (e.g. ingredients). To tour, to go on tour. To turn (left, right etc.).
destourner Middle French (ca. 1400-1600) (frm) To divert; to turn away.
destorner Old French (842-ca. 1400) (fro) (transitive, or, intransitive) to turn away; to turn round.
détourner French (fr) (figuratively) to distract, to divert (attention). (reflexive) to turn aside, to turn away. To divert. To embezzle. To hijack. To turn aside, to turn away, to avert (from something).
détour French (fr) Curve. Detour. Evasion.
detour English (en) (intransitive) To make a detour.. (transitive) To direct or send on a detour. A diversion or deviation from one's original route.

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Descendants of des-

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Descendants of torner

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