Critical etymology


English word critical comes from Latin criticus ((medicine) critical, decisive A critic.), English -al

Detailed word origin of critical

Dictionary entry Language Definition
criticus Latin (lat) (medicine) critical, decisive A critic.
-al English (en) (organic chemistry) Forms the names of aldehydes. Forming nouns, especially of verbal action.. Of or pertaining to. Adjectival suffix appended to various words, often nouns, to make an adjective form. Often added to words of Latin origin, but used with other words also.
critical English (en) A critical value, factor, etc.. In breakdancing, a kind of airflare move in which the dancer hops from one hand to the other. (medicine) Of a patient condition involving unstable vital signs and a prognosis that predicts the condition could worsen; or, a patient condition that requires urgent treatment in an intensive care or critical care medical facility.. (physics) Of a temperature that [...]

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