Communion etymology


English word communion comes from Latin communio (communion), which derives from Latin communis (common), which itself probably derives from an old Proto-Indo-European root *mey- (the root has many meanings, e.g. strengthen, fortify, change)

Detailed word origin of communion

Dictionary entry Language Definition
*mey- Proto-Indo-European (ine) strengthen; to fix, to build fortifications or fences; change
*ko-moin-i Proto-Indo-European (ine)
communis Latin (lat) (grammar) having both qualities of a subdivided category, such as a verb with both an active and a passive meaning, or a syllable being either long or short.. (of manners) familiar, accessible, courteous. Common, ordinary, commonplace, universal. Democratic; representing the common sentiment. Of or for the community, public.
communio Latin (lat) Association, fellowship, community. Communion (all senses) To barricade. To strengthen.
comunion Old French (fro)
communion English (en) (Christianity) Holy Communion. (Roman Catholicism) A form of ecclestiastical unity between the Roman Church and another, so that the latter is considered part of the former.. A joining together of minds or spirits.

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