Clothes etymology


English word clothes comes from Proto-Indo-European *gley-, and later Proto-Germanic *klaiþą (Cloth.)

Etymology of clothes

Detailed word origin of clothes

Dictionary entry Language Definition
*gley- Proto-Indo-European (ine) to stick, smudge, to stick
*gleyt- Proto-Indo-European (ine)
*klaiþą Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) Cloth.
clāþ Old English (ang)
claþ Old English (ang) (in plural) clothes. Cloth.
clāþas Old English (ang)
cloþes Middle English (enm) (plurale tantum) clothes; clothing.
clothes English (en) (obsolete) .. (plural only) Items of clothing; apparel.. The covering of a bed; bedclothes.

Words with the same origin as clothes

Descendants of *gley-

clay clean cliff climb cloud