Apprehend etymology


English word apprehend comes from Latin prehendo

Etymology of apprehend

Detailed word origin of apprehend

Dictionary entry Language Definition
prehendo Latin (lat) (figuratively, rare, of the mind) I seize, apprehend, comprehend, grasp. (of trees) I take root. (poetic) I reach, arrive at, attain. (poetic) I take in, reach or embrace with the eye. I detain someone in order to speak with him, accost, lay or catch hold of. I lay hold of, seize, grasp, grab, snatch, take, catch. I take by surprise, catch in the act.
apprehendo Latin (lat) I embrace, include.. I grasp with the mind, understand, comprehend.. I lay hold upon, grasp, seize, grab, take, take hold of; apprehend, arrest.. I take possession of, seize, secure, obtain.
apprehender Old French (fro)
apprehend English (en) (intransitive) To be apprehensive; to fear.. (intransitive) To think, believe, or be of opinion; to understand; to suppose.. (transitive) To anticipate; especially, to anticipate with anxiety, dread, or fear; to fear.. (transitive) To take hold of with the understanding, that is, to conceive in the mind; to become cognizant of; to understand; to recognize; to consider.. (transitive) To take [...]

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