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Instalar (to install) conjugation

90 examples

Conjugation of instalar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I install
you install
he/she/it installs
we install
you all install
they install
Present perfect tense
he instalado
I have installed
has instalado
you have installed
ha instalado
he/she/it has installed
hemos instalado
we have installed
habéis instalado
you all have installed
han instalado
they have installed
Past preterite tense
I installed
you installed
he/she/it installed
we installed
you all installed
they installed
Future tense
I will install
you will install
he/she/it will install
we will install
you all will install
they will install
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would install
you would install
he/she/it would install
we would install
you all would install
they would install
Past imperfect tense
I used to install
you used to install
he/she/it used to install
we used to install
you all used to install
they used to install
Past perfect tense
había instalado
I had installed
habías instalado
you had installed
había instalado
he/she/it had installed
habíamos instalado
we had installed
habíais instalado
you all had installed
habían instalado
they had installed
Future perfect tense
habré instalado
I will have installed
habrás instalado
you will have installed
habrá instalado
he/she/it will have installed
habremos instalado
we will have installed
habréis instalado
you all will have installed
habrán instalado
they will have installed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I install
(if/so that) you install
(if/so that) he/she/it install
(if/so that) we install
(if/so that) you all install
(if/so that) they install
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya instalado
I have installed
hayas instalado
you have installed
haya instalado
he/she/it has installed
hayamos instalado
we have installed
hayáis instalado
you all have installed
hayan instalado
they have installed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have installed
(if/so that) you have installed
(if/so that) he/she/it have installed
(if/so that) we have installed
(if/so that) you all have installed
(if/so that) they have installed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have installed
(if/so that) you have installed
(if/so that) he/she/it have installed
(if/so that) we have installed
(if/so that) you all have installed
(if/so that) they have installed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera instalado
I had installed
hubieras instalado
you had installed
hubiera instalado
he/she/it had installed
hubiéramos instalado
we had installed
hubierais instalado
you all had installed
hubieran instalado
they had installed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese instalado
I had installed
hubieses instalado
you had installed
hubiese instalado
he/she/it had installed
hubiésemos instalado
we had installed
hubieseis instalado
you all had installed
hubiesen instalado
they had installed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have installed
(if/so that) you will have installed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have installed
(if/so that) we will have installed
(if/so that) you all will have installed
(if/so that) they will have installed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere instalado
I will have installed
hubieres instalado
you will have installed
hubiere instalado
he/she/it will have installed
hubiéremos instalado
we will have installed
hubiereis instalado
you all will have installed
hubieren instalado
they will have installed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's install!
Imperative negative mood
no instales
do not install!
no instale
let him/her/it install!
no instalemos
let us not install!
no instaléis
do not install!
no instalen
do not install!

Examples of instalar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"La meta fue instalar un régimen amigo en Líbano y expulsar a la Organización de Liberación Palestina, lo cual ayudaría a persuadir a los Palestinos de aceptar las reglas Israelí in la Costa Oeste y Gaza"."The goal was to install a friendly regime in Lebanon and oust the PLO, which would help persuade the Palestinians to accept Israeli rule in the West Bank and Gaza". That's actually accurate and I have to compliment the
# Tenemos que instalar hornos microondas # # si, lo hacemos # # cocinas, entregas personalizadas # # tenemos que cargar frigoríficos # # si, lo hacemos #♪ ♪ We got to install microwave ovens ♪ ♪ Yeah, we do ♪ ♪ Custom kitchen deliveries ♪
# Tenemos que instalar hornos microondas #♪ Money is dirty and we don't play clean ♪ ♪ We got to install microwave ovens ♪
# Tenemos que instalar hornos microondas... #♪ We got to install microwave ovens... ♪
- Gracias a Dios, James. Le ofrezco un negocio que requiere de actividad aérea para instalar equipamiento.l´d like to interest you in a deal requiring certain aerial activity to install equipment.
"Bueno, si instalo Linux.""Well, if I install Linux."
- - Papa instalo estos detectores para que no nos perdamos- Dad installed these trackers in case we ever got lost.
Achmed te convenció de que incluso un vendedor de zapatos puede instalo?Achmed convinced you that even a shoe salesman can install it?
Ah, sólo instalo algunas cámaras de seguridad nuevas.Ah, just installing some new security cameras.
Con esta campana que el doctor instalo en su silla de ruedas.With this bell which the doctor installed on his wheelchair.
..por que no instalas un generador?..then why don't you install a generator?
En Rusia eras médico, aquí instalas cables.In Russia you were a doctor, here you install cable.
Luego desactivas el anti-virus, instalas el XP y debería andar bien.Then disable the anti-virus software install XP and it should run fine.
No instalas una Worthington 1000... a menos que tengas algo realmente grande que guardar.You don't install a Worthington 1000 unless you've got something really big to guard.
Si simplemente instalas mi Convertidor de pulsaciones en la plataforma en órbita podrás relajarte, tomarte unas vacaciones. Ir volando a Mazatlán con tu novia tomar el sol y dejarme a mí lo de dirigir el planeta.If you'll just install my pulse converter on its orbiting platform you can take a little R and R, fly to Mazatlán with your girl get a little sun and leave running the planet to me.
Alguien le informa que esta empresa instala piezas delanteras que fallaron las pruebas de choque. Frenos que fallan a los 1.500 km, e inyectores de combustible que explotan y queman viva a la gente.Someone informs you that this company installs front-seat mounting brackets that naver pass collision tests, brake linings that fail after a thousand miles, and fuel injectors that explode and burn people alive.
Cuando una escuela instala un detector de metales de u$ s 11.000 en su puerta principal, no se puede permitir realizar una obra llamada "Bang, bang!- When a school installs an $ 11,000 metal detector at his front door - it can't turn around and do a play called Bang bang you die.
El bucero instala a su mujer en un tronco y la encierra por 3 meses.The hornbill installs his wife inside a tree trunk and seals her up for three months.
El día que te dan la condicional, instala un sistema de seguridad, cambia todas las cerraduras.The day you make parole, he installs a security system, gets all new locks.
En la siguiente EVA Kathy Thornton instala el dispositivo óptico más crucial llamado COS TAR.On the next EVA, Kathy Thornton installs the most critical optical device, called COSTAR.
- Bienvenido de regreso, Fred. Muy bien, ¿instalamos la esfera de Berilio?All right, did we get the beryllium sphere installed ?
- Bueno, nos asociamos con vosotros, auditamos vuestros libros de principio a fin, instalamos a altos directivos aquí, probablemente a Roger.- Well, we partner with you, we audit your books top to bottom, install upper management on-site, probably Roger.
- Siento que las nuevas lineas telefónicas que instalamos deberían ser capaces de majenar el volumen.- I feel like the new phone lines we installed should be able to handle the volume.
Ahora quiero mostrarles la máquina que instalamos en Nóminas.And now I want these men to see the machine we've installed in Payroll.
Ahora, no queremos alarmarte hijo pero instalamos nuevas cerraduras en tus ventanas y puerta.Now, we don't want to alarm you, Son, but we've installed new locks on your bedroom windows and door.
En serio, ¿por qué no instaláis soportes para jabón?I mean, really,why don't you guys just install soap dispensers?
- Me lo instalan mañana.They're installing it tomorrow morning.
- Todavía no las instalan.- They're not installed yet.
Ahora, mire, los canalones se instalan muy fácilmente, así que no permita que nadie le quiera cobrar demasiado, ¿de acuerdo?So, look, gutters are easy to install, so I don't want to hear about anybody overcharging you, okay?
Al frente de 100000 escuelas estadounidenses se instalan juegos atractivos en almacenes, tiendas y restaurantes.Across the street from 100,000 American schools attractive games are installed in stores, shops and restaurants.
Algunas personas los instalan, y lo mejor de todo es que no lo venden en muchos sitios.Some street racers install it, and the best part is, not many places sell it.
- Sí, pero por Pelant, instalé un programa a prueba de fallos en el servidor.Yes, but because of Pelant, I installed a fail-safe program on the server.
-Y lo instalé en Cleo.- And I installed it in Cleo.
. Yo instalé el sistema de seguridad.I am monitoring installed.
80 kilos extra significan que los amortiguadores koni que instalé no servirán si la policía nos persigue.An extra 80 kilos means the Koni shock absorbers... I installed for this job will not give us... the ability to outmaneuver... any police that might be chasing us.
Afortunado para ellos. Nunca le instalé los limitadores a Lucy.- I never installed Lucy's limiters.
"Oh Ram, ¿por qué instalaste ese ídolo de Sita y repudiaste a la auténtica Sita?""O Ram, why have you installed this idol of Sita and disowned the real Sita?"
"Oh Ram, ¿por qué instalaste este ídolo de Sita y repudiaste a la auténtica Sita?""O Ram, why have you installed this idol of Sita and disowned the real Sita?"
Ahora, esa cámara de vigilancia que instalaste cerca de la alambrada eruv en la semana anterior al... accidente, estuviste en una plataforma elevadora, ¿verdad?Now, this surveillance camera that you installed near the Eruv wire in the week before the... accident, you were in a cherry picker bucket, right?
Bien, si tú la instalaste, tienes su dirección.Well, if you installed it, you have his address.
"Cuando él instaló su esposa y ver a dónde va cada día. ""Where he installed your wife and see where he goes every day."
- Lo instaló mi madre.That was installed for my mother.
- Mi papá instaló rociadores.My dad has sprinklers installed everywhere.
- No lo sé... hizo, pintó, instaló...- I don't know... made, painted, installed...
- es el que lo instaló. - Tú.- is the guy who installed it.
, entonces dime, ¿cuándo la instalaron?Then, when was it installed?
- En fin, lo instalaron hoy.Anyway, they installed it today.
- Recién lo instalaron.- Just had it installed.
- Ya lo veo. La instalaron la semana pasada y sólo hay una llave, que encontramos en el cuarto del Sr. Jerome.It was only installed last week and there's only one key, and that was found on Mr. Jerome's person.
-pero aún no lo instalaron bien.- but it hasn't installed right.
Nos instalaré en un momento.I will install us momentarily.
Coralie se instalará.Coralie will install.
El equipo instalará dos dispositivos gigantes para corregir la imagen del Hubble.The team will install two huge devices to correct HubbIe's vision.
Franck le instalará unas agarraderas.Franck will install handles there for you.
La U.S.B instalará una puerta trasera en su red para que así yo pueda apagar sus alarmas externasThe U.S.B. will install a back door onto their network so I can then shut down their exterior alarms.
Mi equipo instalará sus posesiones.My staff will install your possessions.
Los instalaremos en una cámara en el Vaticano dedicada a...We will install them in a chamber in the Vatican dedicated to...
Y después instalaremos nuestro propio vomitorio- After which we will install our own vomitorium.
Acaban de remodelarlo... instalarán nuevos electrodomésticos... casi no se oye el ruido de la calle, y, mencioné... que el antiguo inquilino comenzó su propia... empresa de pastelitos, justo aquí.This is a recent reno, they will install new appliances, uh, there's minimal street sound, and, have I mentioned, the former tenant started her very own successful cupcake company, right here.
El comandante Ken Bowersox y su tripulación instalarán un armazón central.Commander Ken Bowersox and his crew will install a central truss.
El Sr. Langrishe fue tan generoso de decir que me instalaría hoy en el teatro.Mr. Langrishe was so generous to say he would install me today in the theater.
Lo que necesitamos es un equipo de duchas comunitarias, Cualquier escuela nueva las instalaría de oficio.What we need is a proper modern set of communal showers, any new school would install them as a matter of course.
Y Jimmy dijo que la instalaría por mí porque yo no sabía.And Jimmy said he would install it for me because I do not have those skills yet.
- 'Y lo instale en mi tanques. - Combustible?- 'and install it in my tanks.'
- No hay prisa págame cuando lo instale.Just pay me when I install it.
- Voy a hacer que Joe instale paneles solares en el techo.- I'm gonna get Joe to install solar panels all over the roof.
Ah, instale a completar.Ah, install's complete.
Ahora instale las subrutinas de personalidad y la aproximación de voz.Now install personality subroutines and voice approximation.
Ahora voy a dejar que te instales.I'll let you install it.
B'Elanna, la capitán quiere que instales escudos multifásicos en el núcleo warp.B'Elanna, she wants you to install multiphasic shielding around the warp core.
O pondré la rejilla de ventilación allí cuando instales el nuevo sistema de calefacción.Or you'll put the vent there when you install the new heating system.
Para ese fin, me preguntaba si podia imponerte que instales esto.To that end, I was wondering if I could impose on you to install this.
Quiero que instales cámaras allí.I want you to install cameras there.
Colega, ¿quieres que le echemos un par e instalemos este regulador nosotros mismos?Bro, do you want to man it up and install this dim-dog ourselves?
Las perchas, la barra, los estantes y en su lugar, instalemos ganchos.The hangers, the bar, the shelves, and in its place, install a series of hooks.
- Haré que te instalen esto.- I'll have them install... this.
Contacta con las empresas de seguridad de la ciudad que instalen ese laminado, consigue una lista de lugares y crúzala con los empleados.Contact the security companies in the city that install that laminate and get a list of locations and cross-check them with employees.
En cuanto se instalen las líneas telefónicas a Dalian, podrá contratar a 3 jóvenes locales como ella por los que pagará lo que a un empleado japonés.As soon as the telephone lines to Dalian are installed, you can hire three locals like her for what you pay one Japanese employee here.
Haré que instalen un nuevo transtator inmediatamente.l'll have a new transtator installed.
Haré que instalen un sistema.We'll get a system installed.
! El TIVO está instalado!The TiVO is installed!
"Las tertulias radiofónicas se llenan de comentaristas y aficionados que se cuestionan los recortes en los jugadores del recién instalado Gerente, el propietario Marshall Pittman.""Talk radio was lit up with commentators and fans "questioning the player cuts by newly installed G.M., owner Marshall Pittman."
"Y el simplón instalado en una villa en Olivais. ""And the simpleton installed in a villa in Olivais."
- El código fue instalado incorrectamente.- The code was incorrectly installed.
- Está instalado en mi laboratorio.- It is installed in my laboratory.
"¿Por qué pierdes tiempo instalando terminales de refuerzo en los pasillos, niña tonta?""Why you wasting time installing backup terminals in the aisle, foolish girl?"
- Estoy instalando un firewall.- I'm installing a firewall.
- Está aquí instalando cámaras... por culpa de todos los intentos de fuga de tu padre. Sí.He's here now installing cameras because of all your father's escape attempts.
- ya sabes. - No, tienes razón, era instalando estéreos de coche, junto con vender chapas de aluminio en New Jersey, junto con beber demasiada cerveza.No, you're right, there was installing car stereos, along with selling aluminum siding in New Jersey, along with drinking too much beer.
- ¡Estaba instalando los módems!- I was installing modems!

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