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Envejecer (to get old) conjugation

73 examples

Conjugation of envejecer

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I get old
you get old
he/she/it gets old
we get old
you all get old
they get old
Present perfect tense
he envejecido
I have got old
has envejecido
you have got old
ha envejecido
he/she/it has got old
hemos envejecido
we have got old
habéis envejecido
you all have got old
han envejecido
they have got old
Past preterite tense
I got old
you got old
he/she/it got old
we got old
you all got old
they got old
Future tense
I will get old
you will get old
he/she/it will get old
we will get old
you all will get old
they will get old
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would get old
you would get old
he/she/it would get old
we would get old
you all would get old
they would get old
Past imperfect tense
I used to get old
you used to get old
he/she/it used to get old
we used to get old
you all used to get old
they used to get old
Past perfect tense
había envejecido
I had got old
habías envejecido
you had got old
había envejecido
he/she/it had got old
habíamos envejecido
we had got old
habíais envejecido
you all had got old
habían envejecido
they had got old
Future perfect tense
habré envejecido
I will have got old
habrás envejecido
you will have got old
habrá envejecido
he/she/it will have got old
habremos envejecido
we will have got old
habréis envejecido
you all will have got old
habrán envejecido
they will have got old
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I get old
(if/so that) you get old
(if/so that) he/she/it get old
(if/so that) we get old
(if/so that) you all get old
(if/so that) they get old
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya envejecido
I have got old
hayas envejecido
you have got old
haya envejecido
he/she/it has got old
hayamos envejecido
we have got old
hayáis envejecido
you all have got old
hayan envejecido
they have got old
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have got old
(if/so that) you have got old
(if/so that) he/she/it have got old
(if/so that) we have got old
(if/so that) you all have got old
(if/so that) they have got old
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have got old
(if/so that) you have got old
(if/so that) he/she/it have got old
(if/so that) we have got old
(if/so that) you all have got old
(if/so that) they have got old
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera envejecido
I had got old
hubieras envejecido
you had got old
hubiera envejecido
he/she/it had got old
hubiéramos envejecido
we had got old
hubierais envejecido
you all had got old
hubieran envejecido
they had got old
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese envejecido
I had got old
hubieses envejecido
you had got old
hubiese envejecido
he/she/it had got old
hubiésemos envejecido
we had got old
hubieseis envejecido
you all had got old
hubiesen envejecido
they had got old
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have got old
(if/so that) you will have got old
(if/so that) he/she/it will have got old
(if/so that) we will have got old
(if/so that) you all will have got old
(if/so that) they will have got old
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere envejecido
I will have got old
hubieres envejecido
you will have got old
hubiere envejecido
he/she/it will have got old
hubiéremos envejecido
we will have got old
hubiereis envejecido
you all will have got old
hubieren envejecido
they will have got old
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
get old!
get old!
let's get old!
get old!
get old!
Imperative negative mood
no envejezcas
do not get old!
no envejezca
let him/her/it get old!
no envejezcamos
let us not get old!
no envejezcáis
do not get old!
no envejezcan
do not get old!

Examples of envejecer

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Yo le diré, Madre está empezando a envejecer."I'll tell you, Mother is starting to get old and tired."
"¿Qué puede ser más interesante y creativo?".. Era parte de cómo se reflejaban, y cómo querían envejecer dentro de la música.I think they though that, voilà, we just have kids faces what can we do that is more creative, and more interesting it was part of the reflection also, how to get old, continue to play music when we have 40 years old
- Bueno, va a envejecer rápidamente.- Well, that's going to get old fast.
- Sí, apesta envejecer.Yeah. Sucks to get old I guess.
A ver, hay que envejecer, pero lo suyo ya es ridículo'I mean, you have to get old up to a point, but that's ridiculous.
A medida que envejezco, me gusta cubrir mis apuestas.As l get older, l like to hedge my bets.
Cada año que envejezco, me alejo más de ella.Every year I get older.
Conforme envejezco, lo juro por el pan que como ya no me pregunto ni eso.As l get older, l swear by the bread l eat.
Conforme envejezco, tengo mucho menos paciencia para la arrogancia...As I get older, I have far less patience for arrogance disguised as righteousness.
Cosas extrañas le están ocurriendo a mi cuerpo mientras envejezco.Weird things are happening to my body as I get older.
- Eso pasa cuando envejeces.That's what happens when you get older.
A medida que envejeces, ...gobernar el mundo es meterse en demasiados problemas.I think as you get older... ruling the world just seems like too much trouble.
A medida que envejeces, aprenderás cómo separar el mito de la realidad.As you get older, you'll learn how to separate myth from reality.
A medida que envejeces, aprenderás que hay cosas mucho peores que podrías saber que un tipo gordo en un traje rojo que no existe.As you get older, you'll learn there are much worse things you could be told than some fat guy in a red suit doesn't exist.
A medida que envejeces, las mujeres son cada vez más jóvenes.As you get older, the women keep getting younger.
""A medida que nueStra población envejece, cada Vez más ancianos terminan Viviendo en asilos"".As the population of the United States gets older and older... more and more people end up in nursing homes.
- Eso jamás envejece.- That never gets old
- Wendy envejece, pero Peter Pan viene todos los años ....a llevarse a su hija a "Nunca Jamás".Wendy gets old, but Peter Pan takes her daughter to Neverland.
- Y nunca envejece, igual que el Capitán Fantástico.- And it never gets old, like the good Captain Fantastic himself.
- ¡Nunca envejece!- It never gets old! - [Sighs]
A medida que envejecemos, nos damos cuenta de lo difícil que es encontrar a esa persona para amar.As we get older, we realize how hard it is to find that person to love.
Así, todos envejecemos. No podemos continuar y eso es todo?So we all get old, we cannae hack it any more and that's it?
Crecemos, envejecemos.EFFRCTIVE***M.D we get taller, we get older.
Cuando somos jóvenes, crecemos con ella: padre/hijo, profesor/alumno Pero según envejecemos, las relaciones se hacen más complicadas, más indefinidas.From the earliest age, we grow up with them - parent/child, teacher/student - but as we get older, relationships become more complicated, less easily defined.
Dice que cuando las mujeres envejecemos nuestros cuerpos no producen las hormonas necesarias para mantenernos calmadas y estables.It says as women get older our bodies don't produce as many hormones as it needs to stay calm and have stable moods.
*Los niños envejecen*♪ Children get older. ♪
- Las personas envejecen.People get older.
- Pero las hadas no envejecen.But fairies don't get old.
... ellos solo envejecen dijo dulce 16 veo claro mi baby......they just get older said sweet 16 well I see it's clear my baby...
A todos ustedes... a medida que los hombres envejecen pasan más tiempo pensando en mujeres jóvenes.Listen to me. As men get older, they spend more time thinking about young women.
Luego envejecí y vine aquí.Then l got old and came here.
Me agrado ser buscado ... hasta que envejecí.I liked being wanted... till that got old.
Me hice rico, envejecí, me aburrí.I got rich, I got old, got bored.
Y después envejecí y me ponía cada vez más nervioso... porque aún no había sucedido.And then I got older and I got more and more nervous because it hadn't happened yet.
Yo envejecí.I got older.
Has sido un tonto y envejeciste, ¿no, Bucky?You done messed around and got old, huh, Bucky?
Pero cuando envejeciste y empezaste a la memoria, cometiste un error.But as you got older and began to lose your memories, you made a mistake.
envejeciste, Ben. eso pasa.You got old, Ben. It happens.
¡Dios! ¡Cómo envejeciste!God, you got old.
Conforme pasó el tiempo, envejeció y se hizo torpe, y un día entró en la tienda de Vashredi en muy mal estado y se cagó vivo.As time went on, he got old and confused, and one day he messed himself in Vashredi's tent.
Ella envejeció y murió, pero está bien.She just got old and died, but it's okay.
Ese viejo un poco mentiroso envejeció seis minutos después de que llegaras.That old lying bit got old six minutes after you got here.
Hércules envejeció y murió.Hercules got old and died.
Noah envejeció:Noah got old:
Nora, envejecimos.Nora, we got older.
Todos envejecimos.We all got old.
Los vestidos envejecieron y yo dejé de ponermelos.The dresses got old and I just stopped wearing them.
Pero las mías envejecieron y se cayeron.But mine got old and fell off.
No, ya envejecerá.No, but it will get old.
Así no es como quiero ser tratado cuando envejezca".This is not how I want to be Treated when I get older."
Cuando envejezca, estaremos casados de verdad, y podrías ser mi auténtica reina.When I get older, we'll really marry and you can be my queen for real. Hm...
Cuando envejezca, perdiendo el cabelloWhen I get older, losing my hair
Cuando envejezca, volveré a Senegal.When I get old, I'm going back to Senegal.
Cuando envejezca, voy a verme bien.When I get old, I'm gonna look good.
"Cuando envejezcas vendrás a mí..."When you get old you'll come to me,
"Cuando envejezcas, verás que son las cosas que no hiciste... Las que te provocan dolor"."When you get older, you'll find that it's the things you didn't do... that cause you pain. '
- Cuando te envejezcas, cuidaré de ti.- When you get old I will take care of you.
- Lo recordaré cuando envejezcas.- I'm gonna remember that when you get old.
- Mi padre decía: "Nunca envejezcas".-My father told me, "Never get old. "
Dice que no puede cuidar de nosotros cuando envejezcamos y sostener a una mujer.He says he can't take care of us when we get old or get married, and support a wife.
Sé que te dije que cuando envejezcamos dejaremos a nuestros maridos y escaparemos juntas pero no voy a hacerlo a menos que mantengas tu cuerpo firme.I know I told you when we get older we'll ditch our husbands and run away together, but I am not gonna do that unless you keep your bod tight.
-Que mis ojos envejezcan es una cosa. Pero esto no puede envejecer.My eyes getting old is one thing but this, this cannot get old.
Lamento que los hombres valientes como tú envejezcan.I'm sorry that brave men like you get old.
- Cómo has envejecido. - Sí.You've got old, you bum.
- Haz envejecido.- You got old.
- Vaya, has envejecido.- Man, you got old. - Yeah.
Como ahora, mientras te hablo, has envejecido.Right there,while I was talking,you got older.
Disculpe haber envejecido.Sorry I got old on ya.
"El reloj está corriendo, está envejeciendo,"The clock is ticking, she's getting older,
#Las chamaquitas no pueden dudar #porque a los 15 están envejeciendo.¤ Young girls can't afford to give it a second thought... ¤ because when they get 15 they're already getting old.
- Ambos estamos envejeciendo.- We're both getting old.
- Debo estar envejeciendo.- I must be getting old.
- Estamos envejeciendo, John.-We're getting old, John!

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