Despedir (to dismiss) conjugation

81 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: de to say goodbye to someone, to fire from a job, say, fire

Conjugation of despedir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I dismiss
you dismiss
he/she/it dismisses
we dismiss
you all dismiss
they dismiss
Present perfect tense
he despedido
I have dismissed
has despedido
you have dismissed
ha despedido
he/she/it has dismissed
hemos despedido
we have dismissed
habéis despedido
you all have dismissed
han despedido
they have dismissed
Past preterite tense
I dismissed
you dismissed
he/she/it dismissed
we dismissed
you all dismissed
they dismissed
Future tense
I will dismiss
you will dismiss
he/she/it will dismiss
we will dismiss
you all will dismiss
they will dismiss
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would dismiss
you would dismiss
he/she/it would dismiss
we would dismiss
you all would dismiss
they would dismiss
Past imperfect tense
I used to dismiss
you used to dismiss
he/she/it used to dismiss
we used to dismiss
you all used to dismiss
they used to dismiss
Past perfect tense
había despedido
I had dismissed
habías despedido
you had dismissed
había despedido
he/she/it had dismissed
habíamos despedido
we had dismissed
habíais despedido
you all had dismissed
habían despedido
they had dismissed
Future perfect tense
habré despedido
I will have dismissed
habrás despedido
you will have dismissed
habrá despedido
he/she/it will have dismissed
habremos despedido
we will have dismissed
habréis despedido
you all will have dismissed
habrán despedido
they will have dismissed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I dismiss
(if/so that) you dismiss
(if/so that) he/she/it dismiss
(if/so that) we dismiss
(if/so that) you all dismiss
(if/so that) they dismiss
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya despedido
I have dismissed
hayas despedido
you have dismissed
haya despedido
he/she/it has dismissed
hayamos despedido
we have dismissed
hayáis despedido
you all have dismissed
hayan despedido
they have dismissed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have dismissed
(if/so that) you have dismissed
(if/so that) he/she/it have dismissed
(if/so that) we have dismissed
(if/so that) you all have dismissed
(if/so that) they have dismissed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have dismissed
(if/so that) you have dismissed
(if/so that) he/she/it have dismissed
(if/so that) we have dismissed
(if/so that) you all have dismissed
(if/so that) they have dismissed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera despedido
I had dismissed
hubieras despedido
you had dismissed
hubiera despedido
he/she/it had dismissed
hubiéramos despedido
we had dismissed
hubierais despedido
you all had dismissed
hubieran despedido
they had dismissed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese despedido
I had dismissed
hubieses despedido
you had dismissed
hubiese despedido
he/she/it had dismissed
hubiésemos despedido
we had dismissed
hubieseis despedido
you all had dismissed
hubiesen despedido
they had dismissed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have dismissed
(if/so that) you will have dismissed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have dismissed
(if/so that) we will have dismissed
(if/so that) you all will have dismissed
(if/so that) they will have dismissed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere despedido
I will have dismissed
hubieres despedido
you will have dismissed
hubiere despedido
he/she/it will have dismissed
hubiéremos despedido
we will have dismissed
hubiereis despedido
you all will have dismissed
hubieren despedido
they will have dismissed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's dismiss!
Imperative negative mood
no despidas
do not dismiss!
no despida
let him/her/it dismiss!
no despidamos
let us not dismiss!
no despidáis
do not dismiss!
no despidan
do not dismiss!

Examples of despedir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Su Señoría, nos movemos a despedir.- Your Honor, we move to dismiss.
- ¡Es verdad! - Hubo una tormenta y el quiso despedir a todos los trabajadores!There was a storm and he wanted to dismiss all the labourers!
Creo que me tengo que despedir,I think I have to dismiss,
Cuando me negué a despedir a Genevieve,When I refused to dismiss Genevieve,
De acuerdo con el reglamento sindical, no tiene ningún motivo para despedir al sargento Worthen.According to union regulations, you don't have any cause to dismiss Sergeant Worthen.
"Cualquier palabra dicha en público o apariciones en los medios de Brian Clough generarán su instantáneo despido"."Any further utterances in public... or media appearances by Brian Clough... will be met with instant dismissal."
"El abuso de estupefacientes por el empleado conllevará el despido"."Substance abuse by employee leads to dismissal."
"En vez del despido, el empleado aceptará trabajar limpio y sobrio al menos 30 días".Paragraph 1A: "In lieu of dismissal, employee agrees to work clean and sober for at least 30 days."
"Indemnización por despido.""Compensation for dismissal."
- Es un motivo de despido.- It's a ground for dismissal.
"No te abandona si no la despides. ""She deserts thee not if thou dismiss not her"
Con qué rapidez te despides nuestro amor.How swiftly you dismiss our love.
¿Me despides de mi propia banda?You're dismissing me from my own band.
"EQUlPAMENTOS VlLLARES" despide A 308 EMPLEADOS.Villares factory dismisses 308 metalworkers.
Al mediodía Palme despide a la custodia.By noon Palme dismisses the guards.
En París, el primer ministro francés Paul Reynaud despide a Gamelin y busca un nuevo salvador, el general Weygand, de 72 años uno de los responsables de la victoria aliada en 1918.In Paris, French Prime Minister Paul Reynaud dismisses Gamelin and finds a new savior, General Weygand, 72 years old One of the artisans of the Allied victory in 1918.
Entonces él rechaza la religión, renuncia a su amo, despide a sus discípulos.Then he rejects religion, renounces his master, dismisses his disciples.
Preside la lectura del veredicto, tras lo cual despide la corte y simplemente se aleja.He presides over the reading of the verdict, After which he dismisses the court and simply walks away.
. Asimismo oficialmente despedimos a tu hermano, Fabrizio, como Prefecto de Roma.We hereby officially dismiss your brother, Fabrizio, as Prefect of Rome.
El año pasado, por ejemplo, cuando despedimos a Carloni...Last year, for instance, when we dismissed Carloni,..
Sr. Watt, ¿va a proseguir o despedimos al testigo?Mr. Watt,are you going to proceed or shall we dismiss the witness?
No, cuando despedís a vuestros sirvientes, saben que no regresarán.No, when you dismiss your servants, they know not to come back.
-Las despiden de inmediato.-lmmediate dismissal. -No fooling?
Aunque casi lo despiden es mucho más importante de lo que creen.Though the Zodiacs all but dismiss him, he's more important than they give him credit for.
Contratan a expresidiarias, pero a una madre soltera la despiden.You can have a criminal record, but unmarried mothers are dismissed.
Debe de despreciar a las mujeres que le aceptan tal como es... y despiden al último amante para atraerle a sus brazos... con los besos de otro en los labios".You must despise women who take you as you are... who dismiss their lovers to seduce you, another's kiss still on their lips."
Debe de despreciar a las mujeres que le aceptan tal como es... y despiden al último amante para atraerle a sus brazos... con los besos de otro en los labios.You must despise women who take you as you are, who dismiss their lovers to seduce you, another's kiss still on their lips.
'En poco tiempo era obvio que Emmeline estaba embarazada... '... y, despedí a Ambrose.'Before long it was obvious that Emmeline was pregnant 'and I dismissed Ambrose.
- Discutimos y lo despedí.- We disagreed, and I dismissed him.
- Lo despedí cuando Boggs regresó.- I dismissed him, just after Boggs returned.
Aún no te despedíYou haven't been dismissed yet.
Era mi mesero y probablemente lo despedí como todos los demás en su vida.He was my waiter, 'and I totally dismissed him... like everyone else does in his life.
Chunhua... escucha, me siento un poco mal por la forma en la que me despediste de la tienda de zapatos sin motivos.Chunhua... listen, I'm feeling a little bad about the way you dismissed me from the shoe store without cause.
Esos que despediste, ¿estaban aún en agosto?Those you dismissed, they were still here in August, weren't they?
Me enviaste lejos y lo despediste.You sent me away, and you dismissed him.
Si es por el abogado que despediste, me temo que has quemado ese puente.If this is about the lawyer you've dismissed, you've burnt that bridge.
Tú la despediste basándote en tus prejuicios.You dismissed her based on your bias.
- En ese viernes en particular... los despidió al mediodía.- On this particular friday, he dismissed them at lunch.
- Fui a ver al jefe Berg. Y le dije que Palme despidió a la guardia, pero que quizás iría al cine.- I went to bureau chief Berg and told him that security was dismissed and that Palme may be off to the movies.
- Se despidió llamándose "chivo expiatorio".He dismissed himself as being "just a patsy".
- ¿La despidió?~ You dismissed her?
Además, ella me despidió.Besides, she dismissed me.
Dijo que le despedisteis.He said you dismissed him.
- Despedido. ¿Lo despidieron?- They dismissed him?
A uno lo despidieron... después de fallar el control de doping.One of them got dismissed after they failed a dope test.
Acaban de cortarme la cabeza. Me despidieron.Acaban cutting the head to me They dismissed to me.
Al final, quedó en estado. La despidieron sin referencias.In the end, she fell in the family way and was dismissed without a reference.
Al no pertenecer al sindicato me despidieron.Worse than that, there was a strike at the factory, and I, the manager, supported the strikers! I didn't belong to a union, naturally, and so I was dismissed.
Si me decepciona, le despediré.If you disappoint me, I will dismiss you.
Una palabra más que no esté relacionada específicamente con el caso y la despediré, Srta. Warren.One more word that isn't specifically related to the case, and I will dismiss you, Ms. Warren.
El jefe del taller me despedirá.The foreman will dismiss me.
No has encontrado canciones alegres aquí: Te despedirán cuando regreses.You found no happy songs here: they will dismiss you when you go back.
¿Y si llegara a oídos de la junta que he recibido a un hombre en la intimidad de mis aposentos? Me despedirían y me encontraría expulsada...And if the board should hear that I received a gentleman in the intimacy of me rooms, then they would dismiss me and I would find myself
- En ese caso... Quizás sea mejor que le digas a Ellen que despida a las otras.- In that case... perhaps you´d better tell Ellen to dismiss the others.
- No, esperemos a que se despida.- No, wait to be dismissed.
Abre la reja antes de que os despida ... despedidosOpen the gate before l fire you ... dismiss you
Acusado Moore, sea directo antes de que despida al testigo.Accused Moore, get to the point before I dismiss the witness.
Apague la cámara y despida a su colega, y yo le diré algo.Turn off the camera and dismiss your colleague, and I'll tell you something.
- ¡Howard! - Por favor no me despidas, no quise decir lo de tu trasero, es muy lindo en realidad, bastante bien.- Please do not dismiss me, not what I meant your ass, very nice indeed, quite well.
Eduardo, todo lo que pedimos es que tomes de nuevo a tus antiguos consejeros - y despidas a la familia Rivers.Edward, all we ask is that you take back your old advisors and dismiss the Rivers family.
Está bien, no te despidas tanto de la "Zona Honestidad"OK. Don't dismiss the Honesty Zone like that.
La seguridad del Primer Ministro es responsabilidad mía y lo será... mientras no me despidas.The PM's security is my responsibility and will remain so... till you dismiss me.
No hace falta que me despidas, Samar.You don't have to dismiss me, Samar.
Vive el hoy, despidamos nuestro futuro. ¡Escuadrón 92!Live for the present, dismiss our future. 92 Squadron!
Cuando salgamos de aquí, sugiero que nos dispersemos, que se despidan cariñosamente de sus parientes y conocidos, y que se presenten en esta dirección mañana a las 18.00 h.After dismissal here, I suggest we disperse and you take tenderfarewells of your nearest and dearest and then report to this address at 18.00 hours tomorrow and come prepared for a long stay.
Dice que va a hacer que nos despidanHe says he'll get us dismissed
En honor a su nombre, les pido que se retiren, despidan a sus partidarios y, como corresponde, defiendan sus pretensiones en paz y con modestia.Let us entreat, by honor of his name, that you withdraw you, dismiss your followers, and, as suitors should, plead your deserts in peace and humbleness.
Eres muy importante en esta operación para que te despidan por unos errores.You're too important to be dismissed over a few setbacks.
Haremos que lo despidan.We'll get this man dismissed.
Si hasta que el presente mes haya espirado, queréis volver a casa de mi hermana y morar en ella, despedid a la mitad de vuestro séquito y venios a nuestro castillo.If till the expiration of your month, you will return and sojourn with my sister, dismissing half your train, come then to me.
Te lo ruego, Padre - no despedid a este.I beg you, Sire - do not dismiss this.
# Aquí están tus papeles nene, estás despedido #♪ Here's your papers, baby, you are dismissed ♪
- Bien. Percy, estás despedido.Percy, you are dismissed from my services.
- Dije que estaba despedido.I said dismissed.
- Estás despedido.- You're dismissed.
- Ha sido un error desafortunado, pero ya he despedido a mi ayudante...What happened this afternoon was an unfortunate mistake, but I've dismissed my assistant...
Cinco días después de esta orden... estábamos despidiendo a Jay Garner... porque iba a abandonar Iraq para siempre al día siguiente.Five days after this order... we were dismissing{seeing off} Jay Garner... because it was going to leave Iraq forever on the following day.
Entonces lo estamos despidiendo con una advertencia.Then we are dismissing you with a caution.
Estoy despidiendo a un inquilino.I am dismissing a lodger."
Están despidiendo a 12 empleados.They are dismissing 12 employees.
Justo a tiempo. Estoy despidiendo a Christine.I'm dismissing Christine.

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