"Es posible derrotar al ejército alemán." | "It is possible to defeat the German Army". |
"Gestionar para derrotar a los estudiantes australianos En eventos deportivos y culturales. | "manage to defeat the Australian students in sports and cultural events. |
"Métodos" significa cómo derrotar al Draugur. | "Methods" meaning how to defeat the Draugur. |
"No era fácil derrotar a Ajay en este juego. ' | 'It wasn't easy to defeat Ajay at this game. ' |
"Para poder derrotar a tu oponente primero debes conocer a tu oponente." | "In order to defeat your opponent, you first have to know your opponent." |
60 ryo y te derroto. | Sixty ryo, and I defeat you. |
Atom derroto... | Atom has defeat... |
En este cuadro pueden ver a Jean Parisot de La Valette, que derroto a los turcos en 1565. | This picture shows the Grand Master defeating the Turks in 1565. |
Estoy preparado para sacrificarla si con eso lo derroto. | I'm prepared to sacrifice it to defeat you. |
He escuchado que el sello del Tenrou puede desaparecer si te derroto! | I heard that the Tenrou seal will disappear if I defeat you. |
"El Cri du peuple": "La Comuna pone fin a 20 años de Imperio y a seis meses de derrotas y traiciones." | " And the ""Cri du Peuple"": ""The Commune" " ""requites for 20 years of Empire, 6 months defeat and treason.""" |
"La revolución es la única forma de guerra en la que la victoria sólo puede ser preparada a través de una larga serie de derrotas" | "Revolution is the onlyform ofwar where victoy can only be prepared through a long line of defeats_' |
"Si estas líneas terminan en las manos adecuadas, bien, de lo contrario, paciencia, será la última de mis derrotas. | "If these lines end up in the right hands, good, if not, alright, it will be the last of my defeats. |
- He sufrido más derrotas que dientes tienes en la boca. | So I do. I've suffered more defeats than you have teeth. I know one when it happens to me. |
- No toleraré más derrotas. | - I will not tolerate defeat any longer. |
" Dewey derrota a Truman ". | - Dewey defeats Truman. |
"Rechaza, derrota y surge en las alas de la victoria". | Deny defeats and rise on victory wings. |
"Rechaza, derrota y surge". | Deny defeats and rise... |
.. Quien lo derrota en una carrera de caballos. | ..who defeats him in a horse race. |
A mi derecha, procedente de los Estados Unidos con un historial de 38 victorias y ninguna derrota, | To my right, fighting out of the United States... with a record of 38 victories... and no defeats... |
"Nos preocupamos mucho por nuestros amigos y derrotamos a nuestros rivales." | "We are friends to our friends" "And defeat to our enemies." |
- La mayoría de los Señores del Sistema fueron asesinados por los Replicantes. Entonces nosotros derrotamos a los Replicantes... | Most of the System Lords were killed by the Replicators, then we defeated the Replicators. |
Aparte de eso, si derrotamos al último Ángel, no sabemos qué clase de mal vendrá después. | Besides that by defeating the Last Angel we don't know what kind of evil will come out. |
Aunque derrotamos Serizawa Faction, todavía queda mucho por hacer. | Even though we defeated the Serizawa Faction, there is still alot to do. |
Como cuando los soldados no sólo derrotan al enemigo, sino que queman sus aldeas y arruinan su fuente de agua, ¿sí? | Like when soldiers don't just defeat their enemy, they burn their villages and foul their water supply, you know? |
El equipo de Roald Amundsen derrotan al de Scott en ser las primeras personas en llegar al polo sur el 14 de diciembre de 1911. | Roald Amundsen's team narrowly defeated Scott's to become the first people to reach the South Pole on the 14th of December, 1911 . |
En Palestina como una metáfora... usted escribe: "si nos derrotan en poesía... | In Palestine as a Metaphor... you write: "If they defeat us in poetry... |
Estas criaturas nos derrotan con sonrisas y palabras gentiles. | These creatures are defeating us with smiles and gentle words; |
No podría soportar que relevasen al batallón si nos derrotan, o que lo reforzasen con tropas de reserva si nos estancamos antes de llegar a la cima. | To have this battalion relieved in a defeat, or even to have it reinforced from troops from the reserves, if we were to stall before reaching the top, well, |
- ... cómo derroté a los gigantes? | - ...how I defeated the giants? ALL: |
- Luché con un japonés y lo derroté en un combate sangriento. | - I took it off a Jap officer whom I defeated in single combat, hand-to-hand. |
Actitud de "Yo derroté al cáncer" | "I defeated cancer" attitude. |
Ascendí por las filas del Infierno, derroté a todos los aspirantes, y reclamé el trono. | I rose through the ranks of Hell, defeated all comers, to claim the throne. |
Bueno, estoy aquí porque le derroté Y al derrotarle conseguimos los tesoros que había escondido en nuestro mundo | Well, I am, because we defeated him and in defeating him, we acquired the treasures he had hidden away on our world. |
, ¡tú totalmente derrotaste al oso! | You totally defeated the bear! |
- Pero tú lo derrotaste. | - But you defeated him. |
A duras penas derrotaste a Malcolm Merlyn y casi te costó la vida. | You barely defeated Malcolm Merlyn... at nearly the cost of your own life. |
Antiguo Buscador, tú que una vez derrotaste a quienes querían esclavizar la Tierra Central. | Ancient Seeker, you once defeated those who would enslave the Midlands. |
Así que, estas son las personas que derrotaste, | So, these are people you've defeated, |
"Cuando como un rayo, el subestimado Kansas derrotó al Notre Dame.. ". | "when a light, underestimated Kansas team defeated Notre Dame..". |
"Y luego, Ramek derrotó a Lombriz Demacrada y liberó a la buena princesa. | "And so Ramek defeated Gaunt Worm" and freed the good princess. |
* El Infierno del Vajra, Tetsumaku Rai derrotó al Rey Chino del Vajra! | *The Vajra of Hell, Tetsumaku Rai defeated the Chinese King of Vajra! |
- En la carrera que corrió papá ¿Pero quién te derrotó? | It was daddy who took part in the race. Then who defeated you? |
- ¡La verdad derrotó al mal! | - The truth defeated the evil! |
"Se amolda a cada una de las conspiraciones que le derrotaron." | He's adapted to the very scheme that defeated him. |
- El libro relata que fueron los Thundercats, nuestros ancestros, - Quienes derrotaron por primera vez a Mumm-Ra. | - The book told that it was the Thundercats, our ancestors, who first defeated Mumm-Ra. |
A pesar de que parecía imposible se enfrentaron a la reina y la derrotaron y así liberaron esta tierra de sus miserables pasos. | Despite impossible odds, you faced the queen and defeated her, forever ridding this land of her wretched ways. |
Al final, las armas y las bombas no derrotaron a los extraterrestres, sino que fue la criatura de Dios más humilde de todas, el tiranosaurio rex. | NARRA TOR: In the end, it was not guns or bombs that defeated the aliens, but that humblest of all God's creatures, the Tyrannosaurus Rex. |
Aniquilaré la descendencia de aquellos que me derrotaron. | I will annihilate the descendents of those who defeated me. |
Te derrotaré. | I will defeat you. |
Usaré mi poder de Santurrón y te derrotaré. | My serious power will defeat... |
Yo le derrotaré. | I will defeat him. |
Yo lo derrotaré. | I will defeat him. |
Lo capturaré, y cuando lo tenga lo derrotarás frente a todos. | He will be captured, and when he is you will defeat him for all to see. |
Tú derrotarás al Custodio. | You will defeat the Keeper. |
"LA FUNDICIÓN" La fuerza del progreso derrotará al poder anterior. | 'The might of progress will defeat the former power' |
- Lo derrotará con facilidad. | - You will defeat him easily. |
- Mi flota les derrotará. | I've always fought against the odds. My fleet will defeat them. |
- Él lo derrotará. | - He will defeat her. |
Ahora está claro que el Senador Eugene McCarthy derrotará al Senador Kennedy en las primarias de Oregon. | It's now clear that Senator Eugene McCarthy will defeat Senator Kennedy in the Oregon primary. |
# Te derrotaremos por toda la humanidad # | # We will defeat you for all mankind # |
- Exactamente... el día 27, sin falta, derrotaremos al enemigo. | Exactly. On the 27th we will defeat the enemy. |
Con ese poder, derrotaremos a nuestros enemigos. | With that power, we will defeat our enemies. |
En cuanto entendamos al bicho, lo derrotaremos. | Once we understand the Bug, we will defeat it. |
Este año derrotaremos a esos bromistas con nuestra arma secreta Guillermo. | This year we will defeat those Pranksters with our secret weapon Guillermo. |
Las legiones romanas pronto derrotarán al enemigo. | The Roman legions will defeat their enemies in no time. |
Mis números te derrotarán y tomaré tus preciados barcos con mi espada. | My numbers will defeat you... and I will take your precious boats with my sword. |
Si no, se derrotarán a si mismos. | If not, they will defeat themselves. |
Te dice que los buenos derrotarán a los chicos malos, y dice que Steve Guttenberg puede salvar al mundo. | It says the good guys will defeat the evil guys, and it says Steve Guttenberg can save the world. |
Creo que una compañía turca adecuadamente atrincherada en campo abierto derrotaría a los ejércitos de Sharif. | 'I think one company of Turks, properly entrenched in open country, 'would defeat the Sherif's armies. |
Entonces yo le derrotaría incluso más joven, con 3 años! | Then I would defeat you even younger, with 3 year old! |
Reina Beryl-sama, Nephrite dijo que derrotaría a Sailor Moon. | Queen Beryl, Nephrite boasted that he would defeat Sailor Moon. |
Suponía que si estás intentando mejorar tu humor que yo vaya contigo derrotaría ese propósito. | Though I suppose if you're trying to improve your mood That my coming with you would defeat that purpose. |
- A menos que tengas un plan para que derrote a Russell Edgington, no me distraigas. | Unless you have a plan for me to defeat Russell Edgington, do not distract me. |
..yo derrote a Stagneti, nadie mas. | .. I Stagneti defeat, anyone. See my glory. |
Al menos hasta que el señor Chuck derrote al papá malo. | At least until Mr. Chuck defeats bad dad. |
Así que entrené y aprendí el honor, derrote al dragón Shou Lao y gane el Puño de Hierro. | So I trained in the ways of honor, defeated the dragon Shou Lao and earned the Iron Fist. |
Aunque la derrote, | However you defeat her, |
Cuando derrotes a alguien con tu kung fu... lo vencerás físicamente. | With your Kung Fu when you defeat someone... you conquer him physically |
Lo diseñaron para que no derrotes a Zurg si no compras el libro. | you know, they make it soyou can't defeat Zurg unless you buy this book. |
No importa a cuántos hombres derrotes. | It doesn't matter how many men you defeat. |
Para tratar con un chico como Bocazas ... mejor será que lo derrotes completamente, de lo contrario él te incordiará durante toda la vida. | To deal with such a guy as Big Mouth ...you'd better defeat him completely otherwise he'd stick to you all your life |
Quiero que derrotes contundentemente al comunismo para acabar la Guerra Fría. | I want you to deliver such a crushing defeat to the Soviets that Communism crumbles, and in so doing, end the Cold War. |
"No nos interesan vuestras leyes. Organicémonos y derrotemos a esa gente". Eso no ha pasado. | "Let's organise and defeat these people." That hasn't happened. |
Aunque de alguna forma derrotemos a los Replicantes los Goa'uld indudablemente se llevarían el crédito y por lo tanto solidificaran la lealtad Jaffa así como su creencia de que los Goa'uld son dioses. | Even if we were to somehow defeat the replicators, the Goa'uld would take credit, thereby solidifying Jaffa loyalty as well as their belief in the Goa'uld as gods. |
Bien, aunque derrotemos a los Jinetes, No hay garantía que sobreviviremos. | Well, even if we defeat the Horsemen, there's no guarantee that we'll survive. |
Creo que la frase clave aquí era ¿de alguna forma derrotemos a los Replicantes? | I think the key phrase in there was "somehow defeat the replicators". |
Hasta que lo derrotemos, nunca tendremos paz. | Until we defeat him, we will never know peace. |
- "Aunque nos derroten..." - Aunque nos derroten... | - "Even if we are defeated..." - even if we are defeated... |
- ¡Intentemos que no nos derroten aquí! | Trying not to be defeated here. |
Concede el coraje del dolor Que las penurias no les derroten | Grant the suffering courage May hardship never defeat them |
Cómo espera usted que ellos derroten un poderoso batallón del reino de tierra? | How do you expect them to defeat a powerful Earth Kingdom battalion? |
Dudo de que se ponga en funcionamiento antes de que derroten a Alemania. | l doubt that we'll even get it working, before Germany is totally defeated. |
Es posible que me derrotaras una vez, pero nunca me derrotaras de nuevo. | You may have defeated me once, but you will never defeat me again. |
Así que, sí, vosotros derrotad a Sheldon y yo haré un poco de fuerza con mi parte superior del cuerpo, haré unas flexiones y saldré de aquí ahora mismo. | So, yeah, you guys defeat Sheldon, and I'll just work on my upper-body strength, do some pull-ups, and I'll be out of here in no time. |
! Han derrotado al Eufórico Russell! | Russell Maniac has been defeated! |
"Cuando Rahu fue derrotado, también vino Indra." | "When Rahu was defeated, Indra also came." |
"El guerrero derrotado, ya no lo he visto. | "the defeated warrior, I did not see him. |
"En la batalla de Kursk el ejército acorazado alemán fue derrotado." | "In the battle of Kursk, the German Tank Army was defeated." |
"Españoles, el enemigo ha sido derrotado por el ejército... "Se han logrado todos los objetivos. | "Citizens, our army has defeated the enemy and we have reached our goals. |
" Eternos Vedas, protegedme", entonces ningún daño me hubiera sobrevenido. Me tomé la revancha derrotando dialécticamente a Dharmapala. | "Eternal Vedas protect me", then no harm would have come to me l took my revenge by defeating Dharmapala in dialectics |
- Habiendo derrotando a Anubis. | By defeating Anubis. |
200 años de armas americanas alcanzando su objetivo y derrotando al enemigo. | 200 years of American weapons finding their target and defeating the enemy. |
Aquí tenemos una representación de Hércules derrotando al león de Nemea. | Now, over here, we have a depiction of Hercules defeating the Nemean lion. |
Así es con Jack y las Habichuelas, con David y Goliat, es el tipo listo y pequeño y listo derrotando al grande y tonto. | That's Jack and the Beans, that's David and Goliath, it is the sneaky little guy defeating the big, dumb guy. |