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Derrotar (to defeat) conjugation

105 examples

Conjugation of derrotar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I defeat
you defeat
he/she/it defeats
we defeat
you all defeat
they defeat
Present perfect tense
he derrotado
I have defeated
has derrotado
you have defeated
ha derrotado
he/she/it has defeated
hemos derrotado
we have defeated
habéis derrotado
you all have defeated
han derrotado
they have defeated
Past preterite tense
I defeated
you defeated
he/she/it defeated
we defeated
you all defeated
they defeated
Future tense
I will defeat
you will defeat
he/she/it will defeat
we will defeat
you all will defeat
they will defeat
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would defeat
you would defeat
he/she/it would defeat
we would defeat
you all would defeat
they would defeat
Past imperfect tense
I used to defeat
you used to defeat
he/she/it used to defeat
we used to defeat
you all used to defeat
they used to defeat
Past perfect tense
había derrotado
I had defeated
habías derrotado
you had defeated
había derrotado
he/she/it had defeated
habíamos derrotado
we had defeated
habíais derrotado
you all had defeated
habían derrotado
they had defeated
Future perfect tense
habré derrotado
I will have defeated
habrás derrotado
you will have defeated
habrá derrotado
he/she/it will have defeated
habremos derrotado
we will have defeated
habréis derrotado
you all will have defeated
habrán derrotado
they will have defeated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I defeat
(if/so that) you defeat
(if/so that) he/she/it defeat
(if/so that) we defeat
(if/so that) you all defeat
(if/so that) they defeat
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya derrotado
I have defeated
hayas derrotado
you have defeated
haya derrotado
he/she/it has defeated
hayamos derrotado
we have defeated
hayáis derrotado
you all have defeated
hayan derrotado
they have defeated
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have defeated
(if/so that) you have defeated
(if/so that) he/she/it have defeated
(if/so that) we have defeated
(if/so that) you all have defeated
(if/so that) they have defeated
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have defeated
(if/so that) you have defeated
(if/so that) he/she/it have defeated
(if/so that) we have defeated
(if/so that) you all have defeated
(if/so that) they have defeated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera derrotado
I had defeated
hubieras derrotado
you had defeated
hubiera derrotado
he/she/it had defeated
hubiéramos derrotado
we had defeated
hubierais derrotado
you all had defeated
hubieran derrotado
they had defeated
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese derrotado
I had defeated
hubieses derrotado
you had defeated
hubiese derrotado
he/she/it had defeated
hubiésemos derrotado
we had defeated
hubieseis derrotado
you all had defeated
hubiesen derrotado
they had defeated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have defeated
(if/so that) you will have defeated
(if/so that) he/she/it will have defeated
(if/so that) we will have defeated
(if/so that) you all will have defeated
(if/so that) they will have defeated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere derrotado
I will have defeated
hubieres derrotado
you will have defeated
hubiere derrotado
he/she/it will have defeated
hubiéremos derrotado
we will have defeated
hubiereis derrotado
you all will have defeated
hubieren derrotado
they will have defeated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's defeat!
Imperative negative mood
no derrotes
do not defeat!
no derrote
let him/her/it defeat!
no derrotemos
let us not defeat!
no derrotéis
do not defeat!
no derroten
do not defeat!

Examples of derrotar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Es posible derrotar al ejército alemán.""It is possible to defeat the German Army".
"Gestionar para derrotar a los estudiantes australianos En eventos deportivos y culturales."manage to defeat the Australian students in sports and cultural events.
"Métodos" significa cómo derrotar al Draugur."Methods" meaning how to defeat the Draugur.
"No era fácil derrotar a Ajay en este juego. ''It wasn't easy to defeat Ajay at this game. '
"Para poder derrotar a tu oponente primero debes conocer a tu oponente.""In order to defeat your opponent, you first have to know your opponent."
60 ryo y te derroto.Sixty ryo, and I defeat you.
Atom derroto...Atom has defeat...
En este cuadro pueden ver a Jean Parisot de La Valette, que derroto a los turcos en 1565.This picture shows the Grand Master defeating the Turks in 1565.
Estoy preparado para sacrificarla si con eso lo derroto.I'm prepared to sacrifice it to defeat you.
He escuchado que el sello del Tenrou puede desaparecer si te derroto!I heard that the Tenrou seal will disappear if I defeat you.
"El Cri du peuple": "La Comuna pone fin a 20 años de Imperio y a seis meses de derrotas y traiciones."" And the ""Cri du Peuple"": ""The Commune" " ""requites for 20 years of Empire, 6 months defeat and treason."""
"La revolución es la única forma de guerra en la que la victoria sólo puede ser preparada a través de una larga serie de derrotas""Revolution is the onlyform ofwar where victoy can only be prepared through a long line of defeats_'
"Si estas líneas terminan en las manos adecuadas, bien, de lo contrario, paciencia, será la última de mis derrotas."If these lines end up in the right hands, good, if not, alright, it will be the last of my defeats.
- He sufrido más derrotas que dientes tienes en la boca.So I do. I've suffered more defeats than you have teeth. I know one when it happens to me.
- No toleraré más derrotas.- I will not tolerate defeat any longer.
" Dewey derrota a Truman ".- Dewey defeats Truman.
"Rechaza, derrota y surge en las alas de la victoria".Deny defeats and rise on victory wings.
"Rechaza, derrota y surge".Deny defeats and rise...
.. Quien lo derrota en una carrera de caballos...who defeats him in a horse race.
A mi derecha, procedente de los Estados Unidos con un historial de 38 victorias y ninguna derrota,To my right, fighting out of the United States... with a record of 38 victories... and no defeats...
"Nos preocupamos mucho por nuestros amigos y derrotamos a nuestros rivales.""We are friends to our friends" "And defeat to our enemies."
- La mayoría de los Señores del Sistema fueron asesinados por los Replicantes. Entonces nosotros derrotamos a los Replicantes...Most of the System Lords were killed by the Replicators, then we defeated the Replicators.
Aparte de eso, si derrotamos al último Ángel, no sabemos qué clase de mal vendrá después.Besides that by defeating the Last Angel we don't know what kind of evil will come out.
Aunque derrotamos Serizawa Faction, todavía queda mucho por hacer.Even though we defeated the Serizawa Faction, there is still alot to do.
Como cuando los soldados no sólo derrotan al enemigo, sino que queman sus aldeas y arruinan su fuente de agua, ¿sí?Like when soldiers don't just defeat their enemy, they burn their villages and foul their water supply, you know?
El equipo de Roald Amundsen derrotan al de Scott en ser las primeras personas en llegar al polo sur el 14 de diciembre de 1911.Roald Amundsen's team narrowly defeated Scott's to become the first people to reach the South Pole on the 14th of December, 1911 .
En Palestina como una metáfora... usted escribe: "si nos derrotan en poesía...In Palestine as a Metaphor... you write: "If they defeat us in poetry...
Estas criaturas nos derrotan con sonrisas y palabras gentiles.These creatures are defeating us with smiles and gentle words;
No podría soportar que relevasen al batallón si nos derrotan, o que lo reforzasen con tropas de reserva si nos estancamos antes de llegar a la cima.To have this battalion relieved in a defeat, or even to have it reinforced from troops from the reserves, if we were to stall before reaching the top, well,
- ... cómo derroté a los gigantes?- ...how I defeated the giants? ALL:
- Luché con un japonés y lo derroté en un combate sangriento.- I took it off a Jap officer whom I defeated in single combat, hand-to-hand.
Actitud de "Yo derroté al cáncer""I defeated cancer" attitude.
Ascendí por las filas del Infierno, derroté a todos los aspirantes, y reclamé el trono.I rose through the ranks of Hell, defeated all comers, to claim the throne.
Bueno, estoy aquí porque le derroté Y al derrotarle conseguimos los tesoros que había escondido en nuestro mundoWell, I am, because we defeated him and in defeating him, we acquired the treasures he had hidden away on our world.
, ¡tú totalmente derrotaste al oso!You totally defeated the bear!
- Pero tú lo derrotaste.- But you defeated him.
A duras penas derrotaste a Malcolm Merlyn y casi te costó la vida.You barely defeated Malcolm Merlyn... at nearly the cost of your own life.
Antiguo Buscador, tú que una vez derrotaste a quienes querían esclavizar la Tierra Central.Ancient Seeker, you once defeated those who would enslave the Midlands.
Así que, estas son las personas que derrotaste,So, these are people you've defeated,
"Cuando como un rayo, el subestimado Kansas derrotó al Notre Dame.. "."when a light, underestimated Kansas team defeated Notre Dame..".
"Y luego, Ramek derrotó a Lombriz Demacrada y liberó a la buena princesa."And so Ramek defeated Gaunt Worm" and freed the good princess.
* El Infierno del Vajra, Tetsumaku Rai derrotó al Rey Chino del Vajra!*The Vajra of Hell, Tetsumaku Rai defeated the Chinese King of Vajra!
- En la carrera que corrió papá ¿Pero quién te derrotó?It was daddy who took part in the race. Then who defeated you?
- ¡La verdad derrotó al mal!- The truth defeated the evil!
"Se amolda a cada una de las conspiraciones que le derrotaron."He's adapted to the very scheme that defeated him.
- El libro relata que fueron los Thundercats, nuestros ancestros, - Quienes derrotaron por primera vez a Mumm-Ra.- The book told that it was the Thundercats, our ancestors, who first defeated Mumm-Ra.
A pesar de que parecía imposible se enfrentaron a la reina y la derrotaron y así liberaron esta tierra de sus miserables pasos.Despite impossible odds, you faced the queen and defeated her, forever ridding this land of her wretched ways.
Al final, las armas y las bombas no derrotaron a los extraterrestres, sino que fue la criatura de Dios más humilde de todas, el tiranosaurio rex.NARRA TOR: In the end, it was not guns or bombs that defeated the aliens, but that humblest of all God's creatures, the Tyrannosaurus Rex.
Aniquilaré la descendencia de aquellos que me derrotaron.I will annihilate the descendents of those who defeated me.
Te derrotaré.I will defeat you.
Usaré mi poder de Santurrón y te derrotaré.My serious power will defeat...
Yo le derrotaré.I will defeat him.
Yo lo derrotaré.I will defeat him.
Lo capturaré, y cuando lo tenga lo derrotarás frente a todos.He will be captured, and when he is you will defeat him for all to see.
Tú derrotarás al Custodio.You will defeat the Keeper.
"LA FUNDICIÓN" La fuerza del progreso derrotará al poder anterior.'The might of progress will defeat the former power'
- Lo derrotará con facilidad.- You will defeat him easily.
- Mi flota les derrotará.I've always fought against the odds. My fleet will defeat them.
- Él lo derrotará.- He will defeat her.
Ahora está claro que el Senador Eugene McCarthy derrotará al Senador Kennedy en las primarias de Oregon.It's now clear that Senator Eugene McCarthy will defeat Senator Kennedy in the Oregon primary.
# Te derrotaremos por toda la humanidad ## We will defeat you for all mankind #
- Exactamente... el día 27, sin falta, derrotaremos al enemigo.Exactly. On the 27th we will defeat the enemy.
Con ese poder, derrotaremos a nuestros enemigos.With that power, we will defeat our enemies.
En cuanto entendamos al bicho, lo derrotaremos.Once we understand the Bug, we will defeat it.
Este año derrotaremos a esos bromistas con nuestra arma secreta Guillermo.This year we will defeat those Pranksters with our secret weapon Guillermo.
Las legiones romanas pronto derrotarán al enemigo.The Roman legions will defeat their enemies in no time.
Mis números te derrotarán y tomaré tus preciados barcos con mi espada.My numbers will defeat you... and I will take your precious boats with my sword.
Si no, se derrotarán a si mismos.If not, they will defeat themselves.
Te dice que los buenos derrotarán a los chicos malos, y dice que Steve Guttenberg puede salvar al mundo.It says the good guys will defeat the evil guys, and it says Steve Guttenberg can save the world.
Creo que una compañía turca adecuadamente atrincherada en campo abierto derrotaría a los ejércitos de Sharif.'I think one company of Turks, properly entrenched in open country, 'would defeat the Sherif's armies.
Entonces yo le derrotaría incluso más joven, con 3 años!Then I would defeat you even younger, with 3 year old!
Reina Beryl-sama, Nephrite dijo que derrotaría a Sailor Moon.Queen Beryl, Nephrite boasted that he would defeat Sailor Moon.
Suponía que si estás intentando mejorar tu humor que yo vaya contigo derrotaría ese propósito.Though I suppose if you're trying to improve your mood That my coming with you would defeat that purpose.
- A menos que tengas un plan para que derrote a Russell Edgington, no me distraigas.Unless you have a plan for me to defeat Russell Edgington, do not distract me.
..yo derrote a Stagneti, nadie mas... I Stagneti defeat, anyone. See my glory.
Al menos hasta que el señor Chuck derrote al papá malo.At least until Mr. Chuck defeats bad dad.
Así que entrené y aprendí el honor, derrote al dragón Shou Lao y gane el Puño de Hierro.So I trained in the ways of honor, defeated the dragon Shou Lao and earned the Iron Fist.
Aunque la derrote,However you defeat her,
Cuando derrotes a alguien con tu kung fu... lo vencerás físicamente.With your Kung Fu when you defeat someone... you conquer him physically
Lo diseñaron para que no derrotes a Zurg si no compras el libro.you know, they make it soyou can't defeat Zurg unless you buy this book.
No importa a cuántos hombres derrotes.It doesn't matter how many men you defeat.
Para tratar con un chico como Bocazas ... mejor será que lo derrotes completamente, de lo contrario él te incordiará durante toda la vida.To deal with such a guy as Big Mouth ...you'd better defeat him completely otherwise he'd stick to you all your life
Quiero que derrotes contundentemente al comunismo para acabar la Guerra Fría.I want you to deliver such a crushing defeat to the Soviets that Communism crumbles, and in so doing, end the Cold War.
"No nos interesan vuestras leyes. Organicémonos y derrotemos a esa gente". Eso no ha pasado."Let's organise and defeat these people." That hasn't happened.
Aunque de alguna forma derrotemos a los Replicantes los Goa'uld indudablemente se llevarían el crédito y por lo tanto solidificaran la lealtad Jaffa así como su creencia de que los Goa'uld son dioses.Even if we were to somehow defeat the replicators, the Goa'uld would take credit, thereby solidifying Jaffa loyalty as well as their belief in the Goa'uld as gods.
Bien, aunque derrotemos a los Jinetes, No hay garantía que sobreviviremos.Well, even if we defeat the Horsemen, there's no guarantee that we'll survive.
Creo que la frase clave aquí era ¿de alguna forma derrotemos a los Replicantes?I think the key phrase in there was "somehow defeat the replicators".
Hasta que lo derrotemos, nunca tendremos paz.Until we defeat him, we will never know peace.
- "Aunque nos derroten..." - Aunque nos derroten...- "Even if we are defeated..." - even if we are defeated...
- ¡Intentemos que no nos derroten aquí!Trying not to be defeated here.
Concede el coraje del dolor Que las penurias no les derrotenGrant the suffering courage May hardship never defeat them
Cómo espera usted que ellos derroten un poderoso batallón del reino de tierra?How do you expect them to defeat a powerful Earth Kingdom battalion?
Dudo de que se ponga en funcionamiento antes de que derroten a Alemania.l doubt that we'll even get it working, before Germany is totally defeated.
Es posible que me derrotaras una vez, pero nunca me derrotaras de nuevo.You may have defeated me once, but you will never defeat me again.
Así que, sí, vosotros derrotad a Sheldon y yo haré un poco de fuerza con mi parte superior del cuerpo, haré unas flexiones y saldré de aquí ahora mismo.So, yeah, you guys defeat Sheldon, and I'll just work on my upper-body strength, do some pull-ups, and I'll be out of here in no time.
! Han derrotado al Eufórico Russell!Russell Maniac has been defeated!
"Cuando Rahu fue derrotado, también vino Indra.""When Rahu was defeated, Indra also came."
"El guerrero derrotado, ya no lo he visto."the defeated warrior, I did not see him.
"En la batalla de Kursk el ejército acorazado alemán fue derrotado.""In the battle of Kursk, the German Tank Army was defeated."
"Españoles, el enemigo ha sido derrotado por el ejército... "Se han logrado todos los objetivos."Citizens, our army has defeated the enemy and we have reached our goals.
" Eternos Vedas, protegedme", entonces ningún daño me hubiera sobrevenido. Me tomé la revancha derrotando dialécticamente a Dharmapala."Eternal Vedas protect me", then no harm would have come to me l took my revenge by defeating Dharmapala in dialectics
- Habiendo derrotando a Anubis.By defeating Anubis.
200 años de armas americanas alcanzando su objetivo y derrotando al enemigo.200 years of American weapons finding their target and defeating the enemy.
Aquí tenemos una representación de Hércules derrotando al león de Nemea.Now, over here, we have a depiction of Hercules defeating the Nemean lion.
Así es con Jack y las Habichuelas, con David y Goliat, es el tipo listo y pequeño y listo derrotando al grande y tonto.That's Jack and the Beans, that's David and Goliath, it is the sneaky little guy defeating the big, dumb guy.

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