Derramar (to spill) conjugation

107 examples

Conjugation of derramar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I spill
you spill
he/she/it spills
we spill
you all spill
they spill
Present perfect tense
he derramado
I have spilled
has derramado
you have spilled
ha derramado
he/she/it has spilled
hemos derramado
we have spilled
habéis derramado
you all have spilled
han derramado
they have spilled
Past preterite tense
I spilled
you spilled
he/she/it spilled
we spilled
you all spilled
they spilled
Future tense
I will spill
you will spill
he/she/it will spill
we will spill
you all will spill
they will spill
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would spill
you would spill
he/she/it would spill
we would spill
you all would spill
they would spill
Past imperfect tense
I used to spill
you used to spill
he/she/it used to spill
we used to spill
you all used to spill
they used to spill
Past perfect tense
había derramado
I had spilled
habías derramado
you had spilled
había derramado
he/she/it had spilled
habíamos derramado
we had spilled
habíais derramado
you all had spilled
habían derramado
they had spilled
Future perfect tense
habré derramado
I will have spilled
habrás derramado
you will have spilled
habrá derramado
he/she/it will have spilled
habremos derramado
we will have spilled
habréis derramado
you all will have spilled
habrán derramado
they will have spilled
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I spill
(if/so that) you spill
(if/so that) he/she/it spill
(if/so that) we spill
(if/so that) you all spill
(if/so that) they spill
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya derramado
I have spilled
hayas derramado
you have spilled
haya derramado
he/she/it has spilled
hayamos derramado
we have spilled
hayáis derramado
you all have spilled
hayan derramado
they have spilled
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have spilled
(if/so that) you have spilled
(if/so that) he/she/it have spilled
(if/so that) we have spilled
(if/so that) you all have spilled
(if/so that) they have spilled
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have spilled
(if/so that) you have spilled
(if/so that) he/she/it have spilled
(if/so that) we have spilled
(if/so that) you all have spilled
(if/so that) they have spilled
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera derramado
I had spilled
hubieras derramado
you had spilled
hubiera derramado
he/she/it had spilled
hubiéramos derramado
we had spilled
hubierais derramado
you all had spilled
hubieran derramado
they had spilled
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese derramado
I had spilled
hubieses derramado
you had spilled
hubiese derramado
he/she/it had spilled
hubiésemos derramado
we had spilled
hubieseis derramado
you all had spilled
hubiesen derramado
they had spilled
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have spilled
(if/so that) you will have spilled
(if/so that) he/she/it will have spilled
(if/so that) we will have spilled
(if/so that) you all will have spilled
(if/so that) they will have spilled
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere derramado
I will have spilled
hubieres derramado
you will have spilled
hubiere derramado
he/she/it will have spilled
hubiéremos derramado
we will have spilled
hubiereis derramado
you all will have spilled
hubieren derramado
they will have spilled
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's spill!
Imperative negative mood
no derrames
do not spill!
no derrame
let him/her/it spill!
no derramemos
let us not spill!
no derraméis
do not spill!
no derramen
do not spill!

Examples of derramar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"El anfitrión estará obligado derramar la sangre de un inviolable "."The host will be compelled to spill the blood of an inviolate."
"Y no quieres derramar nada.""I don't want to spill anything."
"para bajar las armas y negarse a derramar sangre..."to lay down their arms and refuse to spill their blood
- Aquél esta por derramar algo.£­ That one's about to spill something.
- Intente no derramar nada.- DOBIE: Try not to spill any of this.
- el Agua caliente se derramo ...- Hot water spilled...
- ¿Y si derramo algo?- But I might spill some.
- Él derramo mi sangre.He spilled my blood. Confusion.
A veces, me derramo sobre las cosas.Sometimes, I spill on things.
Acabo al lado de la mujer más guapa de toda la frontera y voy y derramo mi copa en su regazo.I end up next to the most beautiful woman in the Tri-state area, and I go and spill a drink in her lap.
"Si haces contacto visual con Malcolm Tucker, derramas la cerveza"."If you make eye contact with Malcolm Tucker, "you have spilled his pint."
- No derramas nada sobre mí.You didn't get any on me. I spilled a little.
- Pues lo derramas.- So spill it.
- ¿Con qué derecho derramas sangre?- By what rightare you spilling blood?
Bueno, sí, casi derramas mi café.Well,yeah. You almost spilled my coffee.
A un monstruo, a un monstruo de verdad, no le importa lo más mínimo la destrucción que siembra, la sangre que derrama.A monster, a real monster, doesn't give a damn about the havoc it wreaks, the blood it spills.
A veces, se nos derrama.Sometimes a little spills.
Ahora comprendo que a veces la orina se derrama.Now I understand sometimes urine spills.
Así que se me ocurrió esta pequeña escena en la que ella se derrama algo encima, ella le pasa algo, así se tocan, se besan y luego vienen todas esas cortinas moviéndose sobre sus I came up with the little scene where she spills something on herself... she gives her something, they touch that way, they have a kiss... and then you go into all of the curtains blowing over their bodies stuff.
Avísenme si les derrama algo encima, ¿eh? Está loca.Let me know if she spills anything on you, huh?
- La derramamos- We spilled it
- La sangre que derramamos aquí está en nuestra espada.- The blood we spill here is on our blades.
- nosotros derramamos tu sangre. - ¿Qué significa eso?Meaning, if you threaten him, we'll spill your blood.
Asi que por que no seguimos adelanta y derramamos los frijoles?So why don't you just go ahead and spill the beans?
Así que hemos estado pensando, ¿qué tal si accidentalmente derramamos, por decir, 100 galones de medicina de la ayahuasca en el suministro de agua?So we've been thinking, what if we were to accidently spill, say, 100 gallons of ayahuasca medicine into the water supply?
Y entonces venís, flirteáis y flirteáis y flirteáis y flirteáis, y beso y beso y escucháis mis alucinantes temas, bebéis mi maravilloso vino, entonces lo derramáis por encima de mi preciosa alfombra...And then you come over and you flirt and flirt and flirt and flirt and kiss and kiss and listen to my amazing tunes, drink my beautiful wine, and then spill it all over my gorgeous rug... And laugh about it.
si no derramáis ni una gota, tendréis buena suerte el resto de vuestra vida.if you don't spill a drop, it's good luck for the rest of your life.
¡Lo derramáis, estáis fuera! ¡Vamos!You spill, you're out! Whoo! Come on!
"Como los cielos azules se derraman fuera de la costa.""As the blue skies spills off to the shore."
"Cuando un hombre y un animal derraman la sangre de cada uno se convierten en uno"."When a man and an animal... have spilled each other's blood... they become one. "
"Estos labios risueños derraman el vino chispeante balance y baile como hace la música""These laughing lips spill sparkling wine" "Sway and dance as you make music"
"Estos labios risueños derraman el vino chispeante"These laughing lips spill sparkling wine"
- La sangre que no han conseguido derramar mis enemigos la derraman mis doctores.The blood that my enemies have failed to shed... gets spilled by my doctors.
# Me levanté esta mañana cayéndome de la cama... # # derramé una gaseosa dietética en mi madre, dije "hola"... # # lo que quise decir fue, "¿por qué tu vida es un chiste?"... #♪ got up this morning, rolled out of bed ♪ ♪ I spilled a diet coke on my mother, said "hi" ♪ ♪ what I meant to say was, "why is your life a joke?" ♪
- Me lo derramé encima.- I spilled it on my chest.
- No, está bien. No, en serio, no lo está. Otro como el que derramé y un tartaleta de frambuesa.Another one of what I just spilled and a... raspberry tart.
- Yo solo derramé un café.- I just spilled coffee.
- Yo... yo derramé mi leche.- I... I spilled my milk.
- Bueno, derramaste un poco de café.- So, you spilled a little coffee.
Bueno, ayer derramaste una caja llena de sujetapapeles en mi triturador de papeles.Okay, yesterday, you spilled a full box of paper clips into my paper shredder.
Bueno, señor limpio, dejaste todos los vasos y derramaste Campari en la barra de la cocina.Oh, okay, well, clean boo, you left all the glasses and spilled Campari on the kitchen counter.
Bueno, si tuviera que limpiar esa salsa que derramaste sobre la mesa Estaría dejando detrás tipos de bacterias como la salmonela, lysteria, flagelos.So if l were to say, wipe up that salsa that you spilled on the table just now, l would be leaving behind bacteria such as salmonella and listeria.
Claro que no. Huele a vino, tú lo derramaste.It smells like wine, which you spilled.
"Se me derramó algo encima."Oh, something spilled on me.
- ...y luego su bebida se derramó.- I was holding his hand and he was holding mine and then his coke spilled.
- Bien, le dijiste que Dave derramó una bebida en el vestido, ¿cierto?- Well, you told her dave spilled a drink on it, right?
- El hombre , sólo derramó mi bebida !Man, you just spilled my drink!
- El tipo que derramó su bebida sobre ti, era... un profesional.- The guy, who spilled on you, he was, um... a pro.
Como venganza... los blancos derramaron la sangre inocente de mi pueblo.ln revenge, the white men spilled the innocent blood of my people.
Cuando estaban descargando se abrieron dos barriles que se derramaron sobre un chofer.As they were dumping, two drums opened and spilled on a truck driver.
El artista y su público derramaron sangre literal y metafóricamente."Blood was spilled both literally and metaphorically "by artist and audience alike.
Esta es la sangre que derramaron.This is the blood they spilled.
Lo sé, se me derramaron en el fregadero.I know. I spilled some in the sink.
Muéstrate, ¡o derramaré la sangre de este... hombre, tan seguro como que estoy aquí!Show yourself, or I will spill this man's blood as surely as I stand here!
Por los dioses, Talus, yo mismo derramaré tu sangre por esto.By the gods, Talus, I will spill your blood myself for this.
Puedes estar seguro... esta noche, derramaré cada gota de tu sangre negra.Oh, be assured - tonight, I will spill every drop of your black blood.
Quemaré a cuantos herejes tenga que, derramaré tanta sangre como tenga que, para hacer a este desafortunado reino otra vez Católico, y curarlo, que Dios me ayude.I will burn however many heretics I have to, I will spill as much blood as I have to, to make this unfortunate realm Catholic again, and heal it, so help me God.
A través del cielo de la noche más oscura, la luz se derramará."Through the night's darkest sky, light will spill.
Cuánta sangre se derramará hasta que todo el mundo haga lo que ellos siempre tuvieron que hacer desde el principio, ¡sentarse y hablar!How much blood will spill until everybody does until what they were always going to have to do from the very beginning -- sit down and talk!
Este edicto derramará sangre francesa.This edict will spill French blood.
La sopa se derramará.The soup will spill.
Mi sangre se derramará sobre ustedes.My blood will spill upon you.
Ludovico y su ejército vendrán y entonces derramaremos sangre.Ludovico and his army will come, then we will spill some blood.
Si no liberan a 25 de nuestros hermanos de la cárcel de Guantánamo, derramaremos vuestra sangre."If you fail to release 25 of our brothers "from the prison compound in Guantanamo Bay, "we will spill your blood.
Todos los días derramaremos su sangre... hasta que llueva de los cielos.Each day we will spill their blood ... till it rains down from the skies!
Hoy derramarán sangre blanca y cambiarán el futuro.Today you will spill white blood and change the future.
Los gases venenosos que normalmente se atrapan y eliminan... se derramarán en el fondo del océano.The poisonous gasses which are usually captured and disposed of... will spill out across the ocean floor.
No corteis muy profundamente o sus vísceras se derramarán.Don't cut too deeply or the innards will spill out
¡Y vuestros sesos se derramarán y yo inclinaré la cabeza hacia atrás y me reiré!And your brains will spill out and I'll throw my head back and I'll laugh!
Debo pedirte que vayas allí esta noche y escondas este sobre, ayúdame a controlar a un hombre que derramaría toda la sangre necesaria con tal de conseguir lo que quiere.I must ask you to go there tonight, hide this envelope, help me to take control of a man who would spill any amount of blood to get what he wanted.
Pero que derramaría sangre si no tuviera más remedio.But... also a man who would spill blood if he had no choice.
Se derramaría si estuviera abajo.It would spill if it were upside down.
Si piensas que soy yo, ayúdame a controlar a un hombre que derramaría toda la sangre necesaria con tal de conseguir lo que quiere.If you think it's me, help me to take control of a man who would spill any amount of blood to get what he wanted.
Al chocarlos, derramarías tu bebida en el vaso de la otra persona. Es una manera de decir:Yeah, 'cause you would clink, and then your drink would spill into the next person's drink, so it's like a way of saying
"Ayudemos a la humanidad, salvemos a Michael Jackson... impidamos el derrame de petróleo norteamericano"."Let's help humanity, let's save Michael Jackson, let's prevent the American oil spill.".
"Dices que pagarás a las victimas de un terrible derrame de petrolero?""You announced you're gonna pay the victims of a horrific oil spill?"
"La sangre que derrame la consagraré al mal más antiguo"."The blood which l spill l consecrate to the oldest evil."
"No derrame nada. ""Don't spill any."
## Deja que se derrame tu piedad #### Let your mercy spill ##
"No derrames el agua". ¡Esto es estúpido!"Don't spill any water. " This is crazy!
"ten cuidado no derrames salsa encima de copia""be careful not to spill any gravy on my open copy"
- Eso mismo. No quiero que lo derrames.- Don't spill any, Rodney.
- No causan los derrames de petróleo.- Don't cause any oil spills.
- No derrames. - Relájate.- Don't spill.
Mira, no derramemos sangre aquí.Look, let's not spill any blood here.
No derramemos más sangre.Let's not spill more blood.
¿Quieres que derramemos nuestra sangre para echar de aquí a la Compañía... y convertirnos esclavos de nuevo?You want that we spill our blood to throw the Company out... and become your slaves again?
- No derraméis nada, recuerda.- And don't spill any of that, remember.
Así que si a todos os gusta la idea de tener trabajo remunerado continuado, no la cagéis, no derraméis nada, y sobre todo, no os comáis nada.So if we all like the idea Of continued gainful employment, No screwing up, no spilling and, above all, no snacking.
No derraméis ni una gota.Don't spill a drop.
No lo derraméis.- Don't spill it, don't spill it.
Tened cuidado, no derraméis nada en el sofá.Be careful, don't spill anything on the couch.
Bien, pero no derramen.All right, but no spilling.
Dices lo menos posible para conseguir que derramen lo que tu quieras que derramen.You say as little as possible to get them to spill what you want them to spill.
No lo derramen.Don't spill it all over the place.
Que derritan las grasas en el polvo de los gabinetes, que derramen los licores sobre las cariátides de los pasillos del palacio.Let them melt their fat in the dust of their offices, let the liqueurs spill over the caryatids in palace corridors.
Que los ateos derramen el suyoLet the heathens spill theirs
"Cuando en un suelo se ha derramado mucha sangre el suelo empieza a sentir sed de ella"."Once too much blood has been spilled on the same ground, "that ground develops a thirst for it."
"La tristeza se ha dispersado por todas partes, una botella llena de tristeza se ha derramado."Sadness has scattered everywhere, a bottle full of sadness has spilled.
"Oh, Shawn, no llores más por el refresco derramado"oh, shawn, don't cry over spilled soda.
"Sangre se ha derramado".Blood has been spilled.
- Ha derramado el café.You spilled your coffee.
"derramando carmesí sobre mis días,spilling crimson through my days.
- El árbol en el auto, derramando miel.- Tree fell on the car, spilling the syrup.
- Estás derramando...- Okay, you're spilling.
- Lo estás derramando...-You're spilling it... -Ouch!
Ahora está sentado a tu lado y está derramando todo por la boca.Now he's sitting next to you and he's spilling the beans.

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