Consentir (to consent) conjugation

74 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: indulge, spoil, pamper, to endure, endure, to pamper

Conjugation of consentir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I consent
you consent
he/she/it consents
we consent
you all consent
they consent
Present perfect tense
he consentido
I have consented
has consentido
you have consented
ha consentido
he/she/it has consented
hemos consentido
we have consented
habéis consentido
you all have consented
han consentido
they have consented
Past preterite tense
I consented
you consented
he/she/it consented
we consented
you all consented
they consented
Future tense
I will consent
you will consent
he/she/it will consent
we will consent
you all will consent
they will consent
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would consent
you would consent
he/she/it would consent
we would consent
you all would consent
they would consent
Past imperfect tense
I used to consent
you used to consent
he/she/it used to consent
we used to consent
you all used to consent
they used to consent
Past perfect tense
había consentido
I had consented
habías consentido
you had consented
había consentido
he/she/it had consented
habíamos consentido
we had consented
habíais consentido
you all had consented
habían consentido
they had consented
Future perfect tense
habré consentido
I will have consented
habrás consentido
you will have consented
habrá consentido
he/she/it will have consented
habremos consentido
we will have consented
habréis consentido
you all will have consented
habrán consentido
they will have consented
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I consent
(if/so that) you consent
(if/so that) he/she/it consent
(if/so that) we consent
(if/so that) you all consent
(if/so that) they consent
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya consentido
I have consented
hayas consentido
you have consented
haya consentido
he/she/it has consented
hayamos consentido
we have consented
hayáis consentido
you all have consented
hayan consentido
they have consented
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have consented
(if/so that) you have consented
(if/so that) he/she/it have consented
(if/so that) we have consented
(if/so that) you all have consented
(if/so that) they have consented
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have consented
(if/so that) you have consented
(if/so that) he/she/it have consented
(if/so that) we have consented
(if/so that) you all have consented
(if/so that) they have consented
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera consentido
I had consented
hubieras consentido
you had consented
hubiera consentido
he/she/it had consented
hubiéramos consentido
we had consented
hubierais consentido
you all had consented
hubieran consentido
they had consented
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese consentido
I had consented
hubieses consentido
you had consented
hubiese consentido
he/she/it had consented
hubiésemos consentido
we had consented
hubieseis consentido
you all had consented
hubiesen consentido
they had consented
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have consented
(if/so that) you will have consented
(if/so that) he/she/it will have consented
(if/so that) we will have consented
(if/so that) you all will have consented
(if/so that) they will have consented
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere consentido
I will have consented
hubieres consentido
you will have consented
hubiere consentido
he/she/it will have consented
hubiéremos consentido
we will have consented
hubiereis consentido
you all will have consented
hubieren consentido
they will have consented
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's consent!
Imperative negative mood
no consientas
do not consent!
no consienta
let him/her/it consent!
no consintamos
let us not consent!
no consintáis
do not consent!
no consientan
do not consent!

Examples of consentir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Esos animales no tienen la habilidad cognitiva para consentir, y este es el caso, por lo que debemos protegerlos", dijo Pam Roach."These animals don't have the cognitive ability to consent and that is the case, that we have to be protecting them", said Pam Roach.
- No forma parte de mis labores el consentir la muerte de nadie.- It is not part of my office to consent to the death of anyone.
- Tendrá que consentir.- He'll have to consent.
Conde Mascetti... no te queda otra que consentir el matrimonio con el metalúrgico.Count, you have to consent to the marriage.. ..with the metal worker.
Cuando necesitaba un transplante, mi hermana era demasiado jóven para consentir, pero ella es compatible, y está de acuerdo.When i needed a transplant, My sister was too young to consent, But she is a match, and she's agreed.
- No la consiento.I do not consent.
- Y desnuda se lava una. - No consiento que hagas este tipo de comentarios.- naked and washed. - you do not consent to such comments.
De acuerdo. Y-Yo no lo consiento más...All right, I don't consent anymore.
Espera. Si vas a por Yan será si yo lo consiento.Wait, you could kill Yan but you have to see if I consent
No me gustaría disgustarle, y si una fuerza absoluta me obliga a hacerlo, le doy mi palabra que no consiento a la boda que lo hace triste.I should be deeply grieved to cause you the least sorrow and unless I am forced to it by a power I must obey I will never consent to a marriage which is so painful to you.
Estamos adultos consientes, y manejamos nuestro negocio Hankmed.We are consenting adults, and our Hankmed business is handled.
Hijo, si consientes el matrimonio ..Son, if you give your consent for the marriage..
Puede que paséis momentos difíciles... pero si consientes ser su esposa... podré descansar en paz.There may be some hard times ahead... but if you'll consent to be his wife... I'll be able to die in peace.
Te dije que siempre que tú me oyeras contar de 10 a 0 y sólo si tú lo consientes entrarás, paso a paso, en un sueño hipnótico.I said To You that providing that you should hear me counting from 10 to 0 and only if you consent it you will enter, stepwise, a hypnotic dream.
Y realmente me alegra oír que consientes la carreraAnd l am really pleased to hear about your consent for the race.
- Lo es cuando él consiente con esa cara honrada realmente quiere decir no no ya ve, no- it is when he consents with such a honest face he really means no no you see, no
Así he de crecer. Así vivir, así morir, milord antes que ceder mi virginidad a un hombre cuyo yugo indeseado mi alma no consiente en dar soberanía.So will I grow... so live, so die, mylord, ere I will yield my virgin patent up unto his lordship whose unwished yoke my soul consents not to give sovereignty.
Bueno, si el alguna vez consiente en casarse.Well, if he ever consents to marry.
El Sr. Johnson consiente que la Sra. Johnson tenga la custodia primaria de cualquier hijo que resulte del matrimonio y accede a no impugnar y a no tratar de enmendar tal acuerdo."Mr. Johnson consents to Mrs. Johnson retaining primary custody of any child that results from the marriage and agrees not to challenge nor seek to amend such an arrangement."
Hay una para ojos alicaídos, una para la mirada de reojo una que invita, una que consiente.There's one for the downcast eyes, one for the sidelong glance one that invites, one that consents.
Con el silencio, consentimos.By silence, we consented.
De acuerdo con el articulo 14 del codigo legal, subsección 135, la ejecución de este humanoide es aplazada durante dos horas mientras gentilmente consentimos a escuchar su apelación.In accordance with article 14 of the legal code, subsection 135, this humanoid's execution is stayed for two hours while we graciously consent to hear his appeal,
No consentimos un interrogatorio.We do not consent to an interrogation.
Nosotros consentimos... a la coronación de Demba War.To the crowning of Demba War, we gave our consent.
Nosotros no consentimos y nunca consentiremos.We do not consent and we will never consent.
Cuando pagas por verme, es un acuerdo entre dos adultos que consienten.When you pay to see me, that is an agreement between two consenting adults. You don't buy me.
Dos adultos que consienten fue a la cama juntos.Two consenting adults went to bed together.
Ella te gusta, que le gustas, te estás adultos que consienten.You like her, she likes you, you're consenting adults.
Es como el arresto adultos que consienten por sodomía .It's like arresting consenting adults for sodomy.
Este documento define claramente las consecuencias del divorcio si ambas partes consienten.This document clearly defines the consequences of the divorce, if both parties consent.
- Nunca consentí-- - Es sólo una extracción de sangre.I never consented for that.
Cuando patrióticamente consentí en que trabajaras en el garaje Ike Hickey durante la emergencia, no fue mi intención que hicieras una carrera afuera.When I patriotically consented for you to work around Ike Hickey's Garage during the emergency, I didn't intend for you to make a career out of it.
Cuando su sufrimiento se volvió insoportable, consentí y contribuí en acortar su agonía.When her suffering became unbearable, I consented and contributed to shortening her agony
Porque consentí a una IEIC.Because I consented to ICSI.
Una vez que vi los beneficios, lo consentí, ¿no?Once I saw the benefits, I consented, didn't I?
Bueno, en opinión del juez, ella consintió.Well, in the judge's opinion, she consented.
Cuando el ángel consintió, le pidió su cuchillo...When the angel consented to this, he demanded the angel's knife so he could not harm him.
Cuando le juré que no la molestaría nunca más consintió en quedarse.When I'd sworn that she should never be molested again. She consented to stay.
El Secretario General del Comité Central del PSA y presidente del Parlamento del Estado de la RDA el camarada Erich Honecker, en un gran gesto de cortesía humanitaria consintió la entrada al país de gente de la RFA que han estado pidiendo exilio en las embajadas de la RDA en Praga y Budapest.Comrade Erich Honecker, in a great matter of humanitarian politeness, consented to the entering of the country by people from the FRG who've been requesting exile at the GDR embassies in Prague and Budapest.
El padre consintió el examen, lo que significa que no es el abusador.Dad consented to the exam, which means it's not the dad.
Dos de los ocho sujetos consintieron que les fueran removidas partes de sus laringes imposibilitando físicamente su función del habla.Two of the eight subjects consented to having portions of their larynx removed, making it physically impossible for them to speak.
Ellos consintieron en ser medicados.They consented to being medicated.
Esas chicas consintieron.Those girls consented.
Mandé llamar a los camioneros que vivían cerca. Todos consintieron."Sent out for drivers who lived close - they all consented."
Mucho ha cambiado, desde que mis predecesores consintieron tal acuerdo.Much has changed since my predecessors consented to that agreement.
Sé que Abraham es un hombre apasionado, y si elige ejercitar esa pasión fuera de su matrimonio, lo consentiré siempre que accedas a limitar vuestro tiempo juntos y te asegures de que permanezca en secreto.I know Abraham is a passionate man, and if he chooses to exercise that passion outside of his marriage, then I will consent as long as you agree to limit your time together and ensure that it stays a secret.
Pero consentirás.But you will consent.
Pero, ¿consentirá?But she will consent?
Ningún psicólogo respetable consentiría dar una opinión médica de un paciente que no conozca.No reputable physician would consent to giving a medical opinion on a patient they haven't met.
Ningún psicólogo respetado consentiría dar una opinión médica de un paciente que no haya conocido.No reputable physician would consent to giving a medical opinion on a patient they haven't met.
Pídanle amablemente al juez si no les deja confirmar... que el auto todavía está estacionado donde lo dejo, y... si consentiría en dejarles mirar dentro de su baúl.Ask the judge if he wouldn't kindly allow you to confirm that the car is still parked where he left it, and... if he would consent to let you take a peek in its trunk.
Él consentiría en desposar al Delfín... con Lady María, su legítima hija.He would consent to the betrothal of the Dauphin... to Lady Mary, your legitimate daughter.
A menos que usted abandone, consienta en callar, él inventará una premisa para su desgracia y expulsión.Unless you rescind, consent to silence, he will concoct a premise for your disgrace and expulsion.
A menos que usted consienta donarlo mediante la comprobación de ese cuadro.You consent to have it donated by checking off that box.
A no ser que lo consienta su esposo.Unless your spouse consents.
Bueno, eso es una buena señal, ¿no? Athena quiere que consienta una N. R.Well, that's a good sign, right? Mm. Athena wants me to consent to a D.N.R.
El almirante Howe ancló 150 barcos en plena vista de Manhattan y me pide que consienta a nuestra propia destrucción.Admiral Howe has anchored 150 ships in view of Manhattan Island, and you ask me to consent to our own destruction.
"Si los pecadores te seducen, no consientas"."If sinners entice thee, consent thou not." That's the wrong thought.
Es una locura que consientas el arresto de Abdul-Rahman.You're crazy, you consent to catch Abdul-Rahman.
Espero que consientas.I am waiting for your consent.
No consientas que te mangonee.Do not consent you throw your weight around.
Por mucho que la amenace con mis execraciones en sellarlas con la acción nunca, alma mía, consientas.How in my words somever she be shent to give them seals never my soul consent.
Cuando tu médico y tu responsable lo consientan.When your doctor and guardian consent.
"Puesto que David y Lacey han consentido unirse en santo matrimonio,"For as much as David and Lacey have consented together in holy wedlock...
- ... ha consentido...- ...has consented...
- ¿Han consentido?- They consented?
- ¿Hubieses consentido de saberlo?- If you had, would you have consented?
...consentido finalmente en ser mi esposa....finally consented to be my wife.
Contestadme, ¿consentís en que mueran?Say, have I thy consent that they shall die?
Bueno, ¿y si es un adulto consintiendo y un adulto que simula dar su consentimiento porque tiene miedo de estar solo?Well, what if it's one consenting adult and one adult who pretends to consent because he's afraid of being alone?
No estoy consintiendo que me des...I'm not consenting to you giving me...
Parece que él está consintiendo.Looks like he's consenting to me.
y dos adultos consintiendo.and two consenting adults consenting.
¿Y estás dispuesto y en condiciones y consintiendo libremente... a todo lo que implica esta conversación?And are you willing and able and freely consenting to all that this conversion entails?

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