Conseguir (to achieve) conjugation

91 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: get, to get or acquire

Conjugation of conseguir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I achieve
you achieve
he/she/it achieves
we achieve
you all achieve
they achieve
Present perfect tense
he conseguido
I have achieved
has conseguido
you have achieved
ha conseguido
he/she/it has achieved
hemos conseguido
we have achieved
habéis conseguido
you all have achieved
han conseguido
they have achieved
Past preterite tense
I achieved
you achieved
he/she/it achieved
we achieved
you all achieved
they achieved
Future tense
I will achieve
you will achieve
he/she/it will achieve
we will achieve
you all will achieve
they will achieve
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would achieve
you would achieve
he/she/it would achieve
we would achieve
you all would achieve
they would achieve
Past imperfect tense
I used to achieve
you used to achieve
he/she/it used to achieve
we used to achieve
you all used to achieve
they used to achieve
Past perfect tense
había conseguido
I had achieved
habías conseguido
you had achieved
había conseguido
he/she/it had achieved
habíamos conseguido
we had achieved
habíais conseguido
you all had achieved
habían conseguido
they had achieved
Future perfect tense
habré conseguido
I will have achieved
habrás conseguido
you will have achieved
habrá conseguido
he/she/it will have achieved
habremos conseguido
we will have achieved
habréis conseguido
you all will have achieved
habrán conseguido
they will have achieved
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I achieve
(if/so that) you achieve
(if/so that) he/she/it achieve
(if/so that) we achieve
(if/so that) you all achieve
(if/so that) they achieve
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya conseguido
I have achieved
hayas conseguido
you have achieved
haya conseguido
he/she/it has achieved
hayamos conseguido
we have achieved
hayáis conseguido
you all have achieved
hayan conseguido
they have achieved
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have achieved
(if/so that) you have achieved
(if/so that) he/she/it have achieved
(if/so that) we have achieved
(if/so that) you all have achieved
(if/so that) they have achieved
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have achieved
(if/so that) you have achieved
(if/so that) he/she/it have achieved
(if/so that) we have achieved
(if/so that) you all have achieved
(if/so that) they have achieved
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera conseguido
I had achieved
hubieras conseguido
you had achieved
hubiera conseguido
he/she/it had achieved
hubiéramos conseguido
we had achieved
hubierais conseguido
you all had achieved
hubieran conseguido
they had achieved
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese conseguido
I had achieved
hubieses conseguido
you had achieved
hubiese conseguido
he/she/it had achieved
hubiésemos conseguido
we had achieved
hubieseis conseguido
you all had achieved
hubiesen conseguido
they had achieved
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have achieved
(if/so that) you will have achieved
(if/so that) he/she/it will have achieved
(if/so that) we will have achieved
(if/so that) you all will have achieved
(if/so that) they will have achieved
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere conseguido
I will have achieved
hubieres conseguido
you will have achieved
hubiere conseguido
he/she/it will have achieved
hubiéremos conseguido
we will have achieved
hubiereis conseguido
you all will have achieved
hubieren conseguido
they will have achieved
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's achieve!
Imperative negative mood
no consigas
do not achieve!
no consiga
let him/her/it achieve!
no consigamos
let us not achieve!
no consigáis
do not achieve!
no consigan
do not achieve!

Examples of conseguir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Ahora intentaréis conseguir en ocho días lo que los americanos trataron de hacer en diez años"."You'll now attempt to achieve in eight days what the Americans failed to achieve in ten years.
"Para conseguir un poco de humildad, se necesita mucha humillación.""In order to achieve a little bit of humility, it takes a great deal of humiliation."
"Usar sólo unas gotas para conseguir la lubricación deseada"."Apply a few drops to achieve desired lubrication."
- La victoria nunca puede... con el fin de conseguir un resultado tan rápido como sea posible.- Victory can never... in order to achieve a result as rapidly as possible.
- Tal vez ese es el íntegro punto de nuestras vidas, Mulder, conseguir todo eso.- Maybe it's the whole point... of our lives here, Mulder, to achieve that.
Como usted sabe lo consigo al sumergirme en las aguas rejuvenecedoras de la Fosa de Lázaro.As you know i achieve this by bathing in the rejuvenating waters of the Lazarus Pit.
Llevo haciendo estas pizarras de visiones durante años, y siempre consigo mis objetivos.I've been making vision boards for years, and I always achieve my goals.
Mis superiores exigen resultados, pero no están... preocupados lo más mínimo en cómo los consigo.My superiors demand results, but they're not in the least concerned how I achieve them.
No consigo encontrar el ritmo.I can't achieve much of a rhythm !
Si consigo una firma diaria superaré el objetivo.If I make one deal per day, I'll over-achieve the target.
- Apuesto a que no consigues nada.- I bet that you'll achieve nothing.
Cuando estaba trabajando con Stone dijo " Quiero que te marques una meta tan grande que si la consigues te deje perplejo.When I was working with Stone he said, "I want you to set a goal that's so big that if you achieved it it would blow your mind.
Después de que consigues confianza total... el instinto te hará hacer el movimiento... sin duda.After you achieve absolute confidence, instinct will make you take the move... with no hesitance.
Lo único que consigues es destrozar nuestros corazones.The only thing you achieve is to make us and you sad.
Si en la búsqueda de tu destino te lanzas hacia adelante, haciendo caso omiso a los obstáculos y no consigues nada más que hundirte en un pantano ¿de qué sirve conocer el norte verdadero?If in pursuit of your destination, you plunge ahead, heedless of obstacles and achieve nothing more than to sink in a swamp, what's the use of knowing true north?
- él o ella lo consigue...- ...he or she achieves it...
El simple está decidido a mirar al Sol; y lo consigue.The boy is determined to look at the Sun; achieves it
En su tercer campeonato por el Cosmos, lo consigue.And he achieves this in his third championship with Cosmos.
Es el objetivo lo que importa, no cómo se consigue.It's the goal that's important not how one achieves it.
La violencia nunca consigue nada.Violence never achieves anything.
Así que si conseguimos ese control del espacio-tiempo alrededor de la nave, podemos esencialmente convertirla en un objeto imaginario. Técnicamente, eso significa que se mueve más rápido que la luz.So, if one can achieve this control... ofthe space-time around this ship... one can essentially make it an imaginary object.
Bueno, con suerte no tendrá que repetirse, si me doy prisa y me recuesto en el suelo de mi oficina y pongo los pies sobre una silla, porque conseguimos una emisión exitosa.Well, hopefully it won't have to, if I hurry up right now and lie down on the floor in my office and put my feet up on a chair, because we were able to achieve a successful emission.
Como digo, conseguimos nuestro principal objetivo.As I say, we achieved our principal objective.
Después de todo, conseguimos el objetivo.After all, the objective was achieved.
El combate es el medio por el que conseguimos otras cosas:Combat is the means by which we achieve other things.
"Las cosas más grandes que se consiguen son las que parecen imposibles""The greatest things ever achieved are ones thought impossible."
- que consiguen.- they achieve.
Algo sin sentido si todo lo que consiguen son entradas para uno de esos campamentos.Rather pointless if all they achieve is a ticket to one of those camps.
Empiezas esperando mucho más, algunos de tus contemporáneos lo consiguen.You start out expecting something much more, and some of your contemporaries achieve it.
Esas historias nunca consiguen nada, no del todo, pero esto que hacen...Stories, they never achieve anything, not really but what you do...
- Y cuando lo conseguí...- And when I achieved it...
Casi conseguí crear una criatura perfecta, divina, pura, armoniosa, absolutamente incapaz de maldad.And I have almost achieved perfection. You see. Of a divine creature that is pure.
Durante 45 minutos conseguí el sueño de mi vida, y entonces... entonces hubo una anomalía.For forty-five minutes I had achieved my life's dream and then... then there was an anomaly.
Estoy muy contento porque en mi segundo año en la Fórmula 1 conseguí mi primer sueño, que era ganar un Gran Premio.I achieved my first dream, which was to win a Grand Prix.
Nunca conseguí nada.I've never achieved anything.
- conseguiste lo que viniste a buscar.- You've achieved everything you came for.
Decías que conseguiste grandes poderes mágicos.You said you'd achieved great magical power.
Has pasado del paso 1 al 4 en el orden preciso. - ¿Cómo lo conseguiste?You've achieved Steps 1-4 in precise order, how did you manage it?
Me pregunto si conseguiste ser director de banco.I wonder if you achieved your goal of becoming bank president.
Ahora, Damas y Caballeros, quisiera presentarles una de las estudiantes más célebres de Avonlea, quien consiguió la puntuación más alta en los exámenes de admisión de la Academia Queens:And now, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to present one of Avonlea's most celebrated students, who achieved the highest standing in the recent entrance examinations to Queens Academy
Aunque en medio de tanta decepción, el pequeño Corvette rojo consiguió algo increíble.In the midst of all this disappointment though, the little red Corvette achieved something amazing.
Bueno, no consiguió nada.-Well, that achieved nothing.
Cada vuelo consiguió lograr sus importantes objetivos dándole a Apollo 11 toda la información que se precisaba para intentar descender a la superficie lunar.Each flight achieved all its important objectives, giving ApoIIo 1 1 all the information that was needed to try a descent to the lunar surface.
Cierto. Pa'u Zhaan consiguió mucho durante su encarcelamientoPa'u Zhaan achieved much during her incarceration.
¿Nunca contasteis a vuestros padres todo lo que conseguisteis?Never told folks at home what all you achieved ?
¿Y qué conseguisteis? No conseguisteis nada.And you achieved nothing.
"Que tus hijos tenían la capacidad, la habilidad, y ese talento especial con lo que consiguieron lo que tienen, y alcanzaron sus metas y sus objetivos como el construir esta casa, pero eso no es todo Papá..."that your sons had the ability, the skill and the talent..." "with which they paved a way for themselves and achieved their goals" "And built this house.
Creo que consiguieron lo contrario.We can say they achieved the opposite.
De alguna forma, los consiguieron un poco, aunque no mucho. Ellos, básicamente, confiaron en que su hijo alcanzaría los sueños musicales de su niñez.Somehow they achieved a little bit but not much, and they basically give hope that their son will finish their childhood musical dreams.
El hecho de que nos pegaran hasta que nos volviesemos negros,azules y morados fue su objetivo y lo consiguieron.The fact that they beat us up until we were black, blue and purple was their objective and they achieved this.
En otra regiones de España, montañeses, campesinos y obreros consiguieron mejorar sus condiciones de vida asociándose, ayudándose mutuamente, reivindicándose ante los Poderes Públicos.Elsewhere in Spain, hill people, peasants and workers have achieved better conditions through mutual self-help. They have made demands of the authorities for a better life.
Lo conseguiré" I will achieve "
¡Quiero un cruce de claveles con gardenias y lo conseguiré!I want a breeding of pinks and gardenias and I will achieve it!
Recuerda, lo que creas, lo conseguirás.Remember, what you believe, you will achieve.
Si exageras y la confrontas sobre eso, conseguirás exactamente lo opuesto de lo que quieres.If you overreact and confront her about it, you will achieve the exact opposite of what you want.
La gente a veces piensa que el enredo cuántico conseguirá el objetivo deseado en cuanto a transferencia de información a una velocidad más rápida que la de la luz.People sometimes think that quantum entanglement will achieve the desired goal of transferring information at a speed faster than that of light.
No conseguirá nada.You will achieve nothing.
Su mayor virtud es la paciencia y con paciencia, conseguirá todo lo que se proponga.But China's greatest virtue is her patience. And if she will exercise that now, she will achieve everything.
irá y conseguirá una verdadera sierra que corte rápida y fácilmente.To kill ... will achieve a real mountain that cuts quickly and easily.
Se los prometo. Lo conseguiremos.I promise you. we will achieve it.
Y ahora no estará aquí para vernos cumplirla pero lo conseguiremos.and now he won't be here to see us achieve it... but we will achieve it.
Y ahora no está aquí para... ver como lo conseguimos... pero lo conseguiremos.And now he won't be here to... see us achieve it... But we will achieve it.
Muchos de ustedes lograrán buenos resultados, pero no conseguirán realmente la carrera que desean.Many of yöu will achieve good degrees but never actually get the careers yöu want.
No sé lo que conseguirán los que llevan este brazalete... pero eso es otra cuestión... y eso es lo que importa.I don't know what the guys with these armbands will achieve, but that's another matter, and that's all that's important.
Debí haberlo detenido y decirle que no había hecho nada malo, que arrojando su propia vida por la borda no conseguiría nada.I should have stopped and told him that he hadn't done anything wrong, that throwing his own life away would achieve nothing.
Hace mucho tiempo por si acaso solucionaba el problema del tiempo creé un programa que conseguiría eso muy rápidamente.A long time ago, in the event that I ever did solve the time issue, I created a program that would achieve that very quickly
Calculamos que las fuerzas enemigas combinadas conseguirían una superioridad aérea en las primeras cinco semanas de la guerra.We calculated that enemy forces would achieve air superiority within the first five weeks of war.
- ¿Queréis que sea más poderosa, más benevolente, que consiga abrazar a todas las almas de la tierra?Then help us to achieve this great purpose.
Comprendo que los rumores que corren sobre mí pueden ser muy desagradables, pero les estoy labrando a todos los habitantes de esta nación un futuro mejor. Con la ayuda de Bolin y las ideas de mi prometido, estamos sentando las bases para que la gente consiga alcanzar su propia gloria.I know the rumors about me can be pretty nasty, but I am giving everyone in this nation a better future, and with Bolin's help and my fiancé's ideas, we're laying the groundwork for the people to achieve
Cuando consiga lo que le he propuesto le haré saber dónde encontrar las armas.When I have achieved what I have set out to achieve, I will let you know where to find the guns.
El que un hombre progrese y consiga el éxito en el mundo no depende de lo afilada que esté su espada, sino de lo brillante que sea en si mismo.Whether a man can get ahead and achieve success in the world depends not on how sharp his sword is but how bright he is himself.
En cuanto consiga mi objetivo, será devuelto a AtlantisAs soon as my goal is achieved, you'Il be returned to Atlantis.
Cuando lo consigas, tendrás mi vida en tus manos.When you achieve that, you'll dispose of my life.
Espero que Io consigas, tanto por Matthew, como por ti.I hope you achieve it. For Matthew's sake, as well as your own.
Que logres lo que ninguno antes que tú ha hecho y consigas quitarle la flor a Grendel...Either you achieve what none before you have and get the knot from the Grendel...
La ola cambia constantemente de frecuencia y amplitud. Va a ser muy difícil que consigamos igualarla.Because the soliton keeps changing frequency and amplitude, it would be difficult to achieve an exact match.
No creo que consigamos mucho más hoy.I don't think we can achieve much more today.
No importa cuántas cosas consigamos.It doesn't matter how much we achieve.
Primero, consigamos mis objetivos.First we achieve my goals.
Que consigamos tal rendimientoWe'll achieve a yield like that
Sin embargo, cuando consigáis vuestro objetivo, podréis mirar al mundo como los soldados más orgullosos de Corea.However on the day you achieve your goal, you'll be able to face the world as Korea's proudest soldiers.
Cualquier cosa que consigan nuestras hijas, será gracias al sueño que empezó sobre los hombros de un orgulloso hombre mexicano.Whatever our children achieve in life, it's because of dreams that started on the shoulders of a proud, strong, Mexican man.
Pero por ahora, para ayudar a que todos consigan sus objetivos, he preparado esta pizarra de seguimiento.But for now to help everyone achieve their goals I have prepared this special chart.
Te garantizo que la historia les juzgará tanto por la nobleza de sus metas como por lo que realmente consigan.I guarantee you history will judge them just as much for the nobility of their goals as for what they actually achieved.
Una vez que lo consigan podrán reencarnar al séptimo vampiro.Once we achieve this may reencarnar the seventh vampire.
" Ni siquiera he conseguido el objetivo de tener un objetivo . ""I haven't even achieved the objective of having an aim."
"Has conseguido tus metas y estás disfrutando de los beneficios.""You've achieved your goals. You're reaping the rewards."
"Julia Houston ha conseguido lo imposible."Julia Houston has achieved the impossible.
"La violencia percibida es violencia que se ha conseguido"."violence perceived is violence achieved. "
"Le deseo para su 'Don Giovanni' el mismo éxito que ha conseguido con 'Figaro'.""I hope you have the same success for "Don Giovanni" as you achieved with "Figaro."
Sir Thomas, si conseguís eso en lo que fracasamos nosotros se cerrará el proceso.Now, Sir Thomas, if you can achieve this, where we have failed this trial will end.

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