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Shoot up (to ) conjugation

40 examples
This verb can also mean the following: fire many bullets at, grow, fire, grow taller rapidly
you all
Present Simple
shoot up
shoot up
shoots up
shoot up
shoot up
shoot up
Future Simple
will shoot up
will shoot up
will shoot up
will shoot up
will shoot up
will shoot up
Past Simple
shot up
shot up
shot up
shot up
shot up
shot up
Conditional Simple
would shoot up
would shoot up
would shoot up
would shoot up
would shoot up
would shoot up
you all
Present Progressive
am shooting up
are shooting up
is shooting up
are shooting up
are shooting up
are shooting up
Future Progressive
will be shooting up
will be shooting up
will be shooting up
will be shooting up
will be shooting up
will be shooting up
Past Progressive
was shooting up
were shooting up
was shooting up
were shooting up
were shooting up
were shooting up
Conditional Progressive
would be shooting up
would be shooting up
would be shooting up
would be shooting up
would be shooting up
would be shooting up
you all
Present Perfect
have shot up
have shot up
has shot up
have shot up
have shot up
have shot up
Future Perfect
will have shot up
will have shot up
will have shot up
will have shot up
will have shot up
will have shot up
Past Perfect
had shot up
had shot up
had shot up
had shot up
had shot up
had shot up
Conditional Perfect
would have shot up
would have shot up
would have shot up
would have shot up
would have shot up
would have shot up
Present Perfect Progressive
have been shooting up
have been shooting up
has been shooting up
have been shooting up
have been shooting up
have been shooting up
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been shooting up
will have been shooting up
will have been shooting up
will have been shooting up
will have been shooting up
will have been shooting up
Past Perfect Progressive
had been shooting up
had been shooting up
had been shooting up
had been shooting up
had been shooting up
had been shooting up
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been shooting up
would have been shooting up
would have been shooting up
would have been shooting up
would have been shooting up
would have been shooting up

Examples of shoot up

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
"Grow up, puff up, shoot up" - not what they mean these days.
"Shoot a cop, shoot up a fat negro ball in Fascist bandits...
"Suddenly lilies will shoot up out of the arses of carcasses."
"You can just smoke it, no need to shoot up."
"maybe at the next stop we can shoot up,"
"Grow up, puff up, shoot up" - not what they mean these days.
"Shoot a cop, shoot up a fat negro ball in Fascist bandits...
"Suddenly lilies will shoot up out of the arses of carcasses."
"You can just smoke it, no need to shoot up."
"maybe at the next stop we can shoot up,"
"Crackpot shoots up butcher shop."
'Cause when you raise your voice when you get upset, your blood pressure shoots up,and you could lose your eye.
- Which shoots up the value of her paintings.
Air marshal goes mad, shoots up the plane, brings it down.
Am I gonna shoots up the school?
"Crackpot shoots up butcher shop."
'Cause when you raise your voice when you get upset, your blood pressure shoots up,and you could lose your eye.
- Which shoots up the value of her paintings.
Air marshal goes mad, shoots up the plane, brings it down.
Am I gonna shoots up the school?
'Cause Lasky was shooting up the conference rooms while Ballard was shooting people upstairs.
'One afternoon, 'we were stunned to find active geysers 'shooting up above the Triton ice cap.'
- "The commotion also delayed production of a Woody Allen movie that was shooting up the block.
- ...and the guy shooting up, and the...
- And to stop shooting up.
"Just in case any of us are shot up," a bundle of sunshine.
"Then a huge flame shot up, and it exploded.
"You took an oath, Doctor. I'm in agony." Danny's voice shot up to a hysterical grating whine.
'Cause I could fucking swear Dozerman was shot up at North and Pulaski.
(Johnny) This whole room is shot up, guys.
'Cause Lasky was shooting up the conference rooms while Ballard was shooting people upstairs.
'One afternoon, 'we were stunned to find active geysers 'shooting up above the Triton ice cap.'
- "The commotion also delayed production of a Woody Allen movie that was shooting up the block.
- ...and the guy shooting up, and the...
- And to stop shooting up.
"Just in case any of us are shot up," a bundle of sunshine.
"Then a huge flame shot up, and it exploded.
"You took an oath, Doctor. I'm in agony." Danny's voice shot up to a hysterical grating whine.
'Cause I could fucking swear Dozerman was shot up at North and Pulaski.
(Johnny) This whole room is shot up, guys.

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