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Rise up (to ) conjugation

50 examples
This verb can also mean the following: rise to the surface, rear, rebel, rise
you all
Present Simple
rise up
rise up
rises up
rise up
rise up
rise up
Future Simple
will rise up
will rise up
will rise up
will rise up
will rise up
will rise up
Past Simple
rose up
rose up
rose up
rose up
rose up
rose up
Conditional Simple
would rise up
would rise up
would rise up
would rise up
would rise up
would rise up
you all
Present Progressive
am rising up
are rising up
is rising up
are rising up
are rising up
are rising up
Future Progressive
will be rising up
will be rising up
will be rising up
will be rising up
will be rising up
will be rising up
Past Progressive
was rising up
were rising up
was rising up
were rising up
were rising up
were rising up
Conditional Progressive
would be rising up
would be rising up
would be rising up
would be rising up
would be rising up
would be rising up
you all
Present Perfect
have risen up
have risen up
has risen up
have risen up
have risen up
have risen up
Future Perfect
will have risen up
will have risen up
will have risen up
will have risen up
will have risen up
will have risen up
Past Perfect
had risen up
had risen up
had risen up
had risen up
had risen up
had risen up
Conditional Perfect
would have risen up
would have risen up
would have risen up
would have risen up
would have risen up
would have risen up
Present Perfect Progressive
have been rising up
have been rising up
has been rising up
have been rising up
have been rising up
have been rising up
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been rising up
will have been rising up
will have been rising up
will have been rising up
will have been rising up
will have been rising up
Past Perfect Progressive
had been rising up
had been rising up
had been rising up
had been rising up
had been rising up
had been rising up
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been rising up
would have been rising up
would have been rising up
would have been rising up
would have been rising up
would have been rising up

Examples of rise up

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
" If the Earth stopped attracting the sea, the oceans would rise up and flow towards the Moon"
"'lnjustice made anger rise up in him like a bad sandwich."'
"...to rise up and destroy Rome."
"Am I not grieved by those that rise up against thee?
"And I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea."
" If the Earth stopped attracting the sea, the oceans would rise up and flow towards the Moon"
"'lnjustice made anger rise up in him like a bad sandwich."'
"...to rise up and destroy Rome."
"Am I not grieved by those that rise up against thee?
"And I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea."
"If you come to see me, I'll tell you about my life here, "about those times the fear rises up and lifts you so high... "it makes you feel dizzy.
"When Jesus rises up in heaven with his powerful angels in a tongue of flame and takes vengeance on those who know not God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus they will suffer eternal pain and ruin far from the presence of the Lord...
# lt rises up to the sky and in the sky #
- And then the bile and the acid rises up into my throat, and I start gagging and choking and choking and choking - and after I've stopped choking... - Marvelous.
- Argentina nation rises up...
"If you come to see me, I'll tell you about my life here, "about those times the fear rises up and lifts you so high... "it makes you feel dizzy.
"When Jesus rises up in heaven with his powerful angels in a tongue of flame and takes vengeance on those who know not God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus they will suffer eternal pain and ruin far from the presence of the Lord...
# lt rises up to the sky and in the sky #
- And then the bile and the acid rises up into my throat, and I start gagging and choking and choking and choking - and after I've stopped choking... - Marvelous.
- Argentina nation rises up...
"And Abraham rose up early in the morning... "and took bread and a bottle of water and gave it unto Hagar... "putting it on her shoulder and the child and sent her away.
"Cain rose up against his brother Abel, and slew him.
"I could hear a steady humming sound like bees in a hive "as the bluebottle flies became active with the onset of daylight. "They rose up off the corpses, rocks, refuse, brush
"The eyes lowered and rose up again."
"Then Nebuchadnezzar the king was astonished and rose up in haste and spake and said unto his counselors:
"And Abraham rose up early in the morning... "and took bread and a bottle of water and gave it unto Hagar... "putting it on her shoulder and the child and sent her away.
"Cain rose up against his brother Abel, and slew him.
"I could hear a steady humming sound like bees in a hive "as the bluebottle flies became active with the onset of daylight. "They rose up off the corpses, rocks, refuse, brush
"The eyes lowered and rose up again."
"Then Nebuchadnezzar the king was astonished and rose up in haste and spake and said unto his counselors:
"Proud men have risen up against me, and men of violence seek my life...
All of these islands have risen up out of the ocean, seemingly from nothing.
And every time I've insulted Will or tried to stop him in his crusade to ruin pop culture by wiping his woolly behind with the American songbook, he's always risen up and met me with kindness.
As surely as the village of Arkham... has risen up against me... so shall I rise from the dead against the village of Arkham.
Ask yourselves -- every time we have attempted to catch and stop a witch, who has risen up to defend them?
"And rising up, he came to his father.
"Doormats rising up.
"Like a hot-air balloon she's rising up."
"Night of the Living Dead" metaphorically, in a funny way, were all these fears rising up and coming at them.
"Waves of heat rising up, wrinkling the air.
"Proud men have risen up against me, and men of violence seek my life...
All of these islands have risen up out of the ocean, seemingly from nothing.
And every time I've insulted Will or tried to stop him in his crusade to ruin pop culture by wiping his woolly behind with the American songbook, he's always risen up and met me with kindness.
As surely as the village of Arkham... has risen up against me... so shall I rise from the dead against the village of Arkham.
Ask yourselves -- every time we have attempted to catch and stop a witch, who has risen up to defend them?
"And rising up, he came to his father.
"Doormats rising up.
"Like a hot-air balloon she's rising up."
"Night of the Living Dead" metaphorically, in a funny way, were all these fears rising up and coming at them.
"Waves of heat rising up, wrinkling the air.

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