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Hit the shelves (to ) conjugation

24 examples
This verb can also mean the following: become, become available for purchase
you all
Present Simple
hit the shelves
hit the shelves
hits the shelves
hit the shelves
hit the shelves
hit the shelves
Future Simple
will hit the shelves
will hit the shelves
will hit the shelves
will hit the shelves
will hit the shelves
will hit the shelves
Past Simple
hit the shelves
hit the shelves
hit the shelves
hit the shelves
hit the shelves
hit the shelves
Conditional Simple
would hit the shelves
would hit the shelves
would hit the shelves
would hit the shelves
would hit the shelves
would hit the shelves
you all
Present Progressive
am hitting the shelves
are hitting the shelves
is hitting the shelves
are hitting the shelves
are hitting the shelves
are hitting the shelves
Future Progressive
will be hitting the shelves
will be hitting the shelves
will be hitting the shelves
will be hitting the shelves
will be hitting the shelves
will be hitting the shelves
Past Progressive
was hitting the shelves
were hitting the shelves
was hitting the shelves
were hitting the shelves
were hitting the shelves
were hitting the shelves
Conditional Progressive
would be hitting the shelves
would be hitting the shelves
would be hitting the shelves
would be hitting the shelves
would be hitting the shelves
would be hitting the shelves
you all
Present Perfect
have hit the shelves
have hit the shelves
has hit the shelves
have hit the shelves
have hit the shelves
have hit the shelves
Future Perfect
will have hit the shelves
will have hit the shelves
will have hit the shelves
will have hit the shelves
will have hit the shelves
will have hit the shelves
Past Perfect
had hit the shelves
had hit the shelves
had hit the shelves
had hit the shelves
had hit the shelves
had hit the shelves
Conditional Perfect
would have hit the shelves
would have hit the shelves
would have hit the shelves
would have hit the shelves
would have hit the shelves
would have hit the shelves
Present Perfect Progressive
have been hitting the shelves
have been hitting the shelves
has been hitting the shelves
have been hitting the shelves
have been hitting the shelves
have been hitting the shelves
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been hitting the shelves
will have been hitting the shelves
will have been hitting the shelves
will have been hitting the shelves
will have been hitting the shelves
will have been hitting the shelves
Past Perfect Progressive
had been hitting the shelves
had been hitting the shelves
had been hitting the shelves
had been hitting the shelves
had been hitting the shelves
had been hitting the shelves
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been hitting the shelves
would have been hitting the shelves
would have been hitting the shelves
would have been hitting the shelves
would have been hitting the shelves
would have been hitting the shelves

Examples of hit the shelves

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
In fact, you'll have to wait until the book hits the shelves.
Now if I could just get past Easter, Memorial Day and fourth of July, I should be fine until the Halloween candy hits the shelves.
The latest issue ofusmagazine hits the shelves.
The next machine that hits the shelves is either faster or cheaper.
We'll get to see all the new stuff before it hits the shelves.
In fact, you'll have to wait until the book hits the shelves.
Now if I could just get past Easter, Memorial Day and fourth of July, I should be fine until the Halloween candy hits the shelves.
The latest issue ofusmagazine hits the shelves.
The next machine that hits the shelves is either faster or cheaper.
We'll get to see all the new stuff before it hits the shelves.
At midnight the 1 2th version of our flagship operating system will hit the shelves around the world.
Billy Beer hit the shelves this week.
I can tell you the new Burberry collection just hit the shelves at Harrods.
The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs hit the shelves this weekend, and so far, no one has been able to get through the first paragraph without vomiting.
We were $139 million into development before we ever hit the shelves.
And the next gen gaming devices are hitting the shelves.
Well, if I walk into a shop with a hammer and start hitting the shelves and after I say - you Platicu sicu in ruins, I then viking and vandal.
At midnight the 1 2th version of our flagship operating system will hit the shelves around the world.
Billy Beer hit the shelves this week.
I can tell you the new Burberry collection just hit the shelves at Harrods.
The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs hit the shelves this weekend, and so far, no one has been able to get through the first paragraph without vomiting.
We were $139 million into development before we ever hit the shelves.
And the next gen gaming devices are hitting the shelves.
Well, if I walk into a shop with a hammer and start hitting the shelves and after I say - you Platicu sicu in ruins, I then viking and vandal.

More English verbs


Not found
We have none.


Not found
We have none.

Similar but longer

Not found
We have none.


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hem in
hinge on
hinge on
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Other English verbs with the meaning similar to '':

None found.