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Catch fire (to ) conjugation

40 examples
This verb can also mean the following: become, take off, become very popular, become engulfed in flames

Conjugation of catch fire

you all
Present Simple
catch fire
catch fire
catches fire
catch fire
catch fire
catch fire
Future Simple
will catch fire
will catch fire
will catch fire
will catch fire
will catch fire
will catch fire
Past Simple
caught fire
caught fire
caught fire
caught fire
caught fire
caught fire
Conditional Simple
would catch fire
would catch fire
would catch fire
would catch fire
would catch fire
would catch fire
you all
Present Progressive
am catching fire
are catching fire
is catching fire
are catching fire
are catching fire
are catching fire
Future Progressive
will be catching fire
will be catching fire
will be catching fire
will be catching fire
will be catching fire
will be catching fire
Past Progressive
was catching fire
were catching fire
was catching fire
were catching fire
were catching fire
were catching fire
Conditional Progressive
would be catching fire
would be catching fire
would be catching fire
would be catching fire
would be catching fire
would be catching fire
you all
Present Perfect
have caught fire
have caught fire
has caught fire
have caught fire
have caught fire
have caught fire
Future Perfect
will have caught fire
will have caught fire
will have caught fire
will have caught fire
will have caught fire
will have caught fire
Past Perfect
had caught fire
had caught fire
had caught fire
had caught fire
had caught fire
had caught fire
Conditional Perfect
would have caught fire
would have caught fire
would have caught fire
would have caught fire
would have caught fire
would have caught fire
Present Perfect Progressive
have been catching fire
have been catching fire
has been catching fire
have been catching fire
have been catching fire
have been catching fire
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been catching fire
will have been catching fire
will have been catching fire
will have been catching fire
will have been catching fire
will have been catching fire
Past Perfect Progressive
had been catching fire
had been catching fire
had been catching fire
had been catching fire
had been catching fire
had been catching fire
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been catching fire
would have been catching fire
would have been catching fire
would have been catching fire
would have been catching fire
would have been catching fire

Examples of catch fire

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
"Make sure that your sack doesn't catch fire."
"Make sure your sack doesn't catch fire. O night-traveIer.."
"Make sure your sack doesn't catch fire."
"Plane catch fire and we fall inside the train."
"Trust your heart if the seas catch fire "and live by love though the stars walk backward"
"Make sure that your sack doesn't catch fire."
"Make sure your sack doesn't catch fire. O night-traveIer.."
"Make sure your sack doesn't catch fire."
"Plane catch fire and we fall inside the train."
"Trust your heart if the seas catch fire "and live by love though the stars walk backward"
- Then one night... he sneaks into the barn and gets his chicken... but the barn catches fire.
A man catches fire, goes over the cliff, then drowns.
After this... you only have to turn on at the mains, the wires short, the paper catches fire and you pocket the dough.
And at that time, Sanjana's house catches fire
And if a village catches fire, doesn't he show up to help?
- Then one night... he sneaks into the barn and gets his chicken... but the barn catches fire.
A man catches fire, goes over the cliff, then drowns.
After this... you only have to turn on at the mains, the wires short, the paper catches fire and you pocket the dough.
And at that time, Sanjana's house catches fire
And if a village catches fire, doesn't he show up to help?
"...have described the prisoner catching fire...
"It was caused by the gasoline which leaked out from a car..." "...and for some reason, was seen catching fire."
'But because he believed in the idea of phlogiston, he thought the splint 'was introducing phlogiston to the new air and catching fire.
'Tis your delight, sir, catching fire from one man to the next.
- It's catching fire again, man.
"A few months back, our house caught fire...
"He might have escaped had the stolen vehicle he was driving not caught fire and exploded."
"Just a pity that my bed caught fire and burned my eyes out."
"The sunset caught fire
(Ward) The church caught fire and you ran home.
"...have described the prisoner catching fire...
"It was caused by the gasoline which leaked out from a car..." "...and for some reason, was seen catching fire."
'But because he believed in the idea of phlogiston, he thought the splint 'was introducing phlogiston to the new air and catching fire.
'Tis your delight, sir, catching fire from one man to the next.
- It's catching fire again, man.
"A few months back, our house caught fire...
"He might have escaped had the stolen vehicle he was driving not caught fire and exploded."
"Just a pity that my bed caught fire and burned my eyes out."
"The sunset caught fire
(Ward) The church caught fire and you ran home.

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